Workplace Violence Training - 5 Ways to Get Life-Saving Self Defense Training to Your Employees!

Dr. Purushothaman
December 5, 2013


Are you looking to add self defense training to your company's workplace violence training? Well, you're not alone.

Many company's are realizing that the standard workplace violence "shell" policy that has become the norm in the business world has a huge hole in it! The problem that most companies are facing though, is how to introduce self defense training to their overall workplace violence training program in a way that is both cost-effective and liability conscious.

As for the liability aspect of the equation, it's important to know that there are experts available who do not gravitate to the extremes of:

1) The tough-guy, Karate Fighter - who is only concerned with winning at all costs. This person, while having a lot of knowledge and experience, often lacks the sensitivities about liability and "use-of-force" considerations that must be a part of your corporate training. And the... 2) "Informational" Consultant with no real-world experience at handling actual danger - who collects tips and tricks from the internet or other source and simply recites the information in their workplace violence presentations.

Cost-effectiveness is a relative term and is not always associated with bottom-line pricing. You must weigh, not only the cost of the training medium itself, but also the cost associated with delivering workplace violence training to your workforce and management team.

You may even want to consider several different avenues - each tailored toward a specific group.

Here are 5 ways that you can get critical, life-saving self defense tactics training so that you and your employees will be able to escape from, deal with, and survive an act of violence in the workplace.

1) Company-wide Training Event. This could be a stand-alone event or even a breakout session at a company meeting. One medical organization wanted me to do both at the same event. I delivered hands-on training as the keynote presenter and then did a special breakout session for a team of employees with special needs and concerns that, within the scope of the entire organization, only they had to worry about.
2. Department-based Training. This is a smaller training program organized and delivered to individual departments within a company. Hospitals, government agencies, and even utility companies might choose this option as each department has unique needs, a different workplace layout, or in the case of utility disconnection and in-home health personnel - a workplace that is outside of the protection and security of the company walls!
3. Trainer Development Initiative. It's often more beneficial and cost-effective for a company to send key personnel to an event, such as a train-the-trainer program. This way, the company can schedule their training at its leisure. This option also works well with organizations that have a higher level of turnover, where the new employees cannot wait for several months before the workplace violence self defense training is offered again.
4. Company-owned Video Training Course. This is a great option and can cover many different realms within a company's benefits package! On the surface, your company has its own workplace violence training video that can be shown to employees or, better yet, given to each employee as a part of their benefit package. AND... These branded workplace violence videos could also be given to clients, prospects, and even smaller companies as a part of your company's marketing and public relations campaign!
5. Company Sponsored Training. This is a very unique and often overlooked method for getting non-standard training that your company needs. Why not be the community leader and host a training event or conference and invite smaller companies who might not be able to afford to hire a defensive tactics trainer on their own? With this option, you will get the training your company needs, increase your PR by being recognized as a leader, and because you're inviting others from outside your organization and splitting the cost through the collection of registration fees, the direct cost to your organization will be much less than if you kept everything in-house! Some consultant trainers even offer host companies free seats for a number of employees, depending on the total participants for each event - thus saving you even more money!

As you can see - just as you're not limited to offering the same, empty workplace violence training that will not save lives or protect people from injury should you experience actual violence on the job, you are also not limited to the format by which you offer workplace violence training to your employees!

The question is: are you serious about getting this type of training into your company? I know that training budgets have taken a drastic nose-dive in these hard times but, the sad fact is that...

Violence hasn't! In fact, it's on the rise due to the stress and insecurity that people are facing every day. This is evidenced by the higher-than-normal percentage of catastrophic events that have occurred this year alone!

And, remember: Sometimes... "Prevention is NOT Enough!"

Does your company have a solid and complete workplace violence training program? Do you and your workers know what to do should the unthinkable happen and you come face-to-face with violence in the workplace? Or are you betting the lives and safety of everyone involved that there isn't someone right now, inside or outside your company, planning an attack? Get the facts and stop making safety decisions based on denial, apathy, or ignorance.

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