Anxiety at any point can make it difficult to go about the day and hamper your ability to function normally. Anxiety during night time is especially worse as it does not let you end the day on a good note, thereby affecting your efficiency for the next day. However, any problem can be solved if the cause is identified.
The intensity and cause of anxiety vary from person to person. If your anxiety aggravates during the night, it might be due to several reasons. Very often, the stress at work is carried home where you get a chance to be alone with your thoughts. The over thinking and stress can bring about great levels of anxiety in the night. It is common to be occupied with errands and work throughout the course of the day, which might keep you distracted and keep the negative thoughts at bay. However, the number of distractions reduces as the darkness of the night takes over making ample space for anxiety.
Anxiety might also surface if you associate your bed with stress or disturbing arguments. Night is the ideal time to relax and close the day properly. However, if you indulge in unhealthy arguments during bedtime, it might affect your anxiety levels. It could also be caused by a sleep disorder like insomnia. In such cases, the mind is idle to come up with bad insignificant thoughts and obstruct a smooth night routine.
When we are analyzing the various causes and reasons, which produce anxiety and associated mental and emotional signs and symptoms, we can find that in the majority of the cases the severity of anxiety is more prominent during the night. The stimulus which causes anxiety may be the same but the intensity varies. We know that during night time there are a lot of phenomena, which causes a state of sensory deprivation, which is a major reason. In day time, due to the presence of daylight and the active presence of other people and the other events that happen in our life gives us a sense of confidence. During night we have a feeling that we are alone. This is a major cause of increased anxiety during the night. Whatever may be the cause, appropriate advice, help and support are highly essential to deal with this problem. Appropriate medical, psychological and spiritual guidance is always necessary.
Living in Wellbeing is aware of the discomfort caused by anxiety. If you are looking for any help to suppress your anxiety, we would be delighted to guide you in the right way.
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