What is the law of attraction and how does the law of attraction work? The law of attraction is the principle by which you attract into your life that which is in vibrational alignment with your consciousness; your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes.
As quantum physics now proves, reality is comprised of wavelengths of energy that respond directly to your thoughts. You are the creator of your experience whether you are conscious of it or not.
If you've watched 'The Secret' movie, then you'll already know a little about the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the power of like attracts like, and the means by which you materialize into your life that which you focus upon and are in energetic alignment with. It is how feeling and thought vibrations are manifest into form.
The most effective way to use the law of attraction is to experience the outcome you desire mentally and emotionally NOW, using your imagination to put yourself in the picture of this goal fullfilled. Experience what it's like to have already achieved your heart's desire with belief and certainty and you will manifest it in your life.
The law of attraction is an absolute. It does not discriminate, it simply is. This means it can work both for and against you. To attract what you want into your life you need to align our heart and mind to the outcome of your desire, the juicy positive thoughts and feelings of your dream come true which palpably resonate and act as a magnet to your goals.
In addition to visualizing and imagining the outcome of your goal in the present, below are some additional tips for engaging the law of attraction fully in your favour.
Align your Thoughts and Feelings
You want to mentally and emotionally become the future you that has already achieved your goal. This will align your vibration to that goal and engage the law of attraction for manifestation. For this you want your beliefs to support and be congruent with your goals. You also want to release and resolve any resistances around your goal, such as fears or feelings of undeserving.
Gratitude and Appreciation
Being grateful for what you already have attracts more of it into your life. Gratitude opens your heart and creates space for more. Gratitude is the sweet song of appreciation and is synonymous with abundance. When you appreciate something you focus on it lovingly which makes it grow and expand.
Desire versus Need
There is a difference between desire and need or desperation. Need and desperation are synonymous with feelings of lack and the absence of what you want hence will repel your desired goal and perpetuate your not having it. Desire, however, is a positive generating emotion. It fuels your imagination, expectation and all the positive feelings associated with your goal so integral to successfully attracting it. Be passionate about your outcome yet remain light-hearted and unattached to ensure you don't become needy or dependent on it.
Outcomes Versus Hows
Focus on the outcome you desire and not how you're going to get there. Asking yourself 'how' breeds doubt and limits your imagination and the vistas of your horizons. Let the universe work out the hows for you. From its vantage point of boundless possibilities this is a fun and easy task.
Open to Receive
You are a co-creator with the source of life, whatever name you hold for such, that ever conspires in your favour and will perform any amount of miracles and magic for the attainment of your desires. Trust in the gifts and offerings that will come your way when you begin to work with the law of attraction. Seed your intentions with your desire and imagination and be open and willing to receive their fruits in your world. The more you recognise that you are eternally connected to an all-loving infinitely abundant source, the more you will allow in the gifts and synchronicities.
Know you Deserve
You deserve simply by being alive! You deserve all your heart's desire and there is nothing the universe wants more than for you to attain them. If you lack feelings of deserving you will repel or sabotage your success. Recognize your inherent innocence and worth and forgive yourself for failings or mistakes. Release any negative beliefs or self-concepts that suggest anything other than your innocence.
Take Inspired Action
It is important to act on synchronicities and opportunities that will show up when you engage the law of attraction.. These serve as stepping stones to take you to your visions, dreams and goals and play an important part in the overall 'bigger picture' of your manifesting process. Even seemingly unrelated incidences and encounters can end up having great significance further down the line so be open to new possibilities and act on what comes your way.
Be Persistent
Engaging in the law of attraction involves harnessing the power of your mind and emotions and creating a new approach to your life and the way you think and feel for the attainment of your desires. This may take practice. If you don't manifest immediate results and your goal does not materialize instantly before your eyes, don't give up. Work at refining your tools of attraction, your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes, your imagination, desire, and connection to the future you desire. What first shows up may be the stepping stones that will take you to your goal, so have humility and faith and keep visualizing your outcome. Where there's vision, there's a way.
Love Love Love
The more you love and value yourself and others, the brighter realities you will attract, the more effortless your success will become, and the more elegantly you will manifest your desires. Love is the highest vibration. It heals and purifies, elevates, and expands. It is your number one ally for harnessing the law of attraction in your favor.