What is Spiritual Healing?

Dr. Purushothaman
January 22, 2014


Spiritual healing combines all elements in promotion of individual health. The mind, the body, and the spirit are considered one unit and all work together and affect each other. If the spirit is not right, the mind and body will also be askew. Maintaining spiritual health means paying attention to the balance of the three for your overall health.

When one hears the term "spiritual healing", might bring to mind crystals and incense burning with mantras playing in the background. While some healers choose these tools, the general term for spiritual healing is much broader than that. Most believe in a higher power or have a sense that there is something greater than us in the universe. The Dali Lama has said that the need to believe in a higher power is essential to the human psyche in providing reason to being. He is a wise man, and most individuals do follow that philosophy to some degree.

It is important to recognize the spirit within. When one recognizes the spirit within, the connection to the physical body and emotional mind is evident. A spiritual healer promotes balance and health beyond the belief in the physical. Some healers will use crystals or their hands to transfer positive energy. Healers believe positive energy is all around us and only needs to be acknowledged and channeled to be utilized. But it's important to note that not all spiritual healing has to involve a healer, positive energy is for all to channel. It could be a simple task to renew your own spirit. Some ideas are to attend a poetry reading, take an art class, or make some weekend alone time to just focus on your inner spirit. Remembering to give ourselves a break and do the things that bring us joy is also spiritual healing.

Spiritual healing is not a religion, although religious undertones can be common. It is widely becoming an accepted alternative health medical option, as people become more aware of the importance of the mind, body, and spirit connection to maintain health. It does not take money or a higher education degree to grasp the benefits of spiritual healing. The common connection is the belief in a higher power whether one calls it "God" or "The Creator" does not matter. Belief and nurturing the spirit is practicing spiritual healing.
Spiritual healing combines all elements in promotion of individual health. The mind, the body, and the spirit are considered one unit and all work together and affect each other.
About the Author
Want to find out more about Spiritual Healing, then visit www.trivedimasterwellness.com to find spiritual healing.

Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/What-is-Spiritual-Healing/5503416/

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