You probably wonder why a certain Brad fell in love with Angelina and not some Nancy or Britney? Why did your dream girl in your school not like you but someone else whom you think isn't in anyway better than you? Why do beautiful girls in most cases fall for an average guy and vice versa? Well, scientists claim science knows why it is so.
Laws of attraction are a set of laws whose postulates include the nature of bodies that attract each other. But it is derived from scientific laws and attraction between things rather than human beings.
One of the earliest contributors to laws of attraction is Plato, a great Greek philosopher who built on earlier concepts prevalent at his time, that of attractive forces and repulsive forces, and gave a conclusion that likes tend towards likes, meaning things of the same nature attract each other very much.
Later, Albert Magnus, a Dominican priest who is known for his works on the coexistence of religion and science applied the laws of attraction to chemical systems and gave a theory containing four postulates.
Isaac Newton postulated that chemical attraction is due to certain forces which followed certain rules very similar to that followed by the planets, those rules or laws are the three laws of planetary motion. He included these views of his in his 1704 book Opticks, a book about light. So most people believe Isaac Newton was in fact responsible for the discovery of the laws of attraction. But some people do believe that ancient Greek people knew from the fact that, in magnets opposite poles attract and like poles repel, opposites attract and likes repel.
Later Etienne Geoffroy who was involved in translating Newton's works into French, proposed a law stating that 'when two things combine, which have a habit of combining with each other, and a third substance which is has greater attraction towards one of the two substances, then these two will combine to force out the remaining substance from the system'. Etienne Geoffroy also published the very first affinity table based on his law.
After him, J.P. Macquer proposed a law comprising six laws which included two laws proposed by Isaac Newton and Etienne Geoffroy. It also included four new postulates about the laws of attraction. Later, he also published a book in which he mentioned about seven types of affinity.
Coulomb's law framed by French scientist Charles Augustine de Coulomb gives the formula to calculate the electrostatic force of attraction between two electric charges in space.
James Clerk Maxwell suggested that there was an electromagnetic field all over space, which exerted a certain force on particles that are electric in nature. He also said that this electromagnetic space was affected by the nature and movement of these electric particles. He framed Maxwell's field equations which can be compared to laws of attraction and repulsion pertaining to the electromagnetic field.
Sociologists normally apply laws of attraction to human attraction. Some apply the analogy with Plato's laws and say people with the same thoughts attract each other. Some argue, citing Newton's law says opposites attract.