Creative writing is not every one's cup of tea. Having said that does not mean that you are in any way incapable of trying your hand at it. A challenging yet rewarding facet of writing, creative scripting can be fun to learn and interesting to incorporate in your daily life. Your reason to wear the creative hat could be anything. It's possible that you just end up scribbling a few cleverly spun words to impress a crush; or, it could be that your assignment demands an unmatched perspective.
By definition, creative writing is a way of writing deployed to express feelings, thoughts or experiences. It can be therefore said that creative writing has little to do with facts and is completely intended at pure opinions. However, since it is the masses who will be finally recognizing your work, what you opine and the basis on which you opine matters. Listed below are a few aspects of creative writing that you should always pay attention to.
1.While writing creatively you have to make use of metaphors and imagery
2.The focus should be on spinning out something original
3.Creative expression should make use of an interactive and intriguing language
4.Creative writing can make use of humour, satire, sadism, philosophy and poetry as a medium of expression
5.Learning to write creatively is not impossible
Writing Creatively: 5 Steps
Before we begin pin-pointing the 'How To' about writing creatively, here is a fact - there are a very few who realise their maximum potential. Coming back to creative writing, here are the steps:
1.Begin with A Rough Draft: Yes, the first step of writing creatively is 'to write'. Only when you write a few lines will you be able to know your potential. The first draft need not be heavy with vocabulary. Loopholes are apparent. Do not worry - this is not the final face of your copy.
2.Revising: Having written the first copy of your creativity, it's now time to reflect on the thought process. Is everything in order? Does everything follow sequence? These are a few things you need to check.
3.Finalizing: To reach closer to your final copy, you have to make it look more professional. It shouldn't be naive. Try finding metaphors that will make your copy seem more appealing.
4. Read Through: The final step that you have to take before calling your work complete is to give it a read. Read it from the perspective of your audience. Will they find your work appealing? Or, will they end up picking errors? Reading your work thoroughly will ensure that the latter doesn't happen.
Since creative writing is a process, the fallacy that only a selected few who are gifted with a good vocabulary can contribute to creative writing proves to be a fallacy. In the present times, those who understand the creative aspect of writing, take the opportunity to teach it to those who wish to learn. It takes some time to get the grasp of it, but then the effort is always rewarding.