1. Take time to think about making a better change in your life
2. Jot down your dreams
3. Never restrict your dreams
4. Dream bigger
5. Take challenges in life
6. Accept that you need change in your life
7. List out all the things you want to change
8. Do not limit yourself from dreaming thinking that you will be made fun of
9. If you want to change, then you will have to work on it. Take short steps each day to achieve your goal
10. Begin each day with an energy that will help you to make necessary steps in the achievement of your goal
11. Never let other people tell you how to live your life. It is your life. So the decision should be yours
12. Be true to yourself
13. Love yourself. If you love yourself, then you will find others loving you too.
14. Always be positive in thoughts and in actions
15. Sweep off negativity and learn to live life in a positive manner
16. Never hesitate. Hesitation leads to confusion and a confused state of mind makes mistakes
17. Hesitation often leads to failure
18. Be proud of yourself. You are unique and there is nothing in you that make you unsuccessful
19. Smile and the world will smile back. Be pleasant
20. Never give up in life. Failures are common
21. Throw out your past and boldly move towards future
22. Never think of other people while taking a new step in your life
23. Even if you change your life, always be the ‘you’
24. If you want to solve a problem, be active and involve in changing your habits and thought process
25. If you want to achieve a big change, then it is better to cut it short into sub goals
26. Boast up your motivation whenever necessary
27. Working with an action plan can help in changing yourself. Never set outside this track. You just have to live it
28. Plan your actions for the major change. Always think about the final result and move on, even while facing stumbling blocks in your path
29. Revise your action plan if necessary. But it is necessary that you move on step by step. Never halt
30. Throw away the bad habits in you
31. Always raise in you a ‘can do’ attitude
32. Always expect difficulties in life whenever we want to move forward and work for a goal
33. When we are not able to change a particular situation, we must change ourselves.