"Things do not change; we change."
Henry David Thoreau
Changing life is not that difficult as we think. We are always puzzled and confused about how to change our life. We try many methods. We follow many books, we get the advice of the Guru's and Guide's, we depend on mentors and at last we reach nowhere. All over the world various persons have done extensive research and study all this important entity and have formulated many simple and effective techniques which are found to be very useful in making change in our personal, family and social life. The first thing is to start changing immediately or suddenly without thinking about the, what and why. If you make a sudden change in your routine habit and if you persist on the same for a minimum of period of time, say 21 days it is found that - That change last longer. Let us have a look at some simple things that you can practise and change your life within a short period of time.
1. Prioritize the most important 5 things that you want to do today.
2. Think about how to utilize your time properly and effectively.
3. Make your daily tasks in to small of parts and work on it.
4. Make your household activities very simple.
5. Don't hesitate to say 'No' whenever needed.
6. Cut shot your unnecessary talks, phone calls and other communications.
7. Reduce your time sitting in front of TV and Internet.
8. Every week spend one hour to sort and discard unwanted things.
9. Don't go after purchasing unwanted things.
10. Every day when you wake up keep your room clean and keep everything in order.
11. Every evening go through today’s mails and postal items sort it and discard unnecessary things.
12. Keep your wardrobe properly.
13. Organize your official data properly.
14. Make it a habit to think about a positive affirmation daily.
15. Reduce your purchasing habits.
16. Find free time for rest and relaxation.
17. Make it a habit to do what you love.
18. Spent some time with interesting people.
19. Don't forget to be with family members.
20. Make it a point to be alone for 15 minutes twice daily.
21. Eat your food slowing and enjoy it.
22. Drive your car slowly and carefully.
23. Always concentrate on the present work.
24. Focus on the main things in life.
25. Simplify your official work.
26. Delegate some work to other persons.
27. Keep your working table clean and neat.
28. Daily check your mails and discard unnecessary mails.
29. Keep a daily routine time table and work accordingly.
30. Opt for a simple and small house than a porch accommodation.
31. Consider using a small and fuel efficient car.
32. Always be content with what you have.
33. Reduce the habit of outdoor dining.
34. Better to work for healthy food.
35. Make regular exercise a part of your life.
36. Always have a positive attitude in life.
37. Have an attitude of equanimity and serenity.
38. Make it a habit to write something in the morning.
39. Make it a habit to read one chapter from a good book.
40. Don't take big financial burdens.
41. Don't be a workaholic.
42. Don't write to become a perfectionist.
43. Be concerned about the quality and not the quantity of the work.
44. Discard the unwanted tasks from your routine.
45. Avoid unnecessary publicity.
46. Do a simple thing at a particular time.
47. Make your goals simple and attainable.
48. Find an outlet for your self-expression.
49. Listen to your elder person's advice.
50. Find time for Prayer and Meditation.
Hope that these simple tips will change our life at the most effective way.