Reality based addiction treatment philosophies seek to mirror the real world that the recovering addict or alcoholic will eventually return to after completing a drug rehab or an alcohol recovery program. While this is the primary focus of reality based treatment, there is also a psychological process involved that will continue to serve as a tool long after the patient has left treatment or even stopped attending therapy. RBAT are intense and comprehensive programs that make the transition back to clean and sober live much easier . If you or someone you know has a problem with addiction and needs help, RBAT could be exactly what you need.
Reality based addiction treatment works on two levels:
By creating an environment that mirrors "reality"
By addressing issues in a realistic format that generates realistic conclusions
One of the best examples of RBAT at work is Recovery First's Florida drug rehab center. They use reality based philosophies to help their clients build the skills necessary to live productive and fulfilling lives free from addiction and alcoholism. They have accomplished this by creating one of the country's most successful residential inpatient substance abuse centers. Their clients live in comfortable and pleasant surroundings in the same facility where they receive treatment. They cook for themselves, clean and keep their apartments organized and do their own shopping. Clients also participate in group outings and recreational activities. All of these functions serve to teach clients how to live a satisfying life without using drugs or alcohol.
People who participate in reality based addiction treatment are more likely to be successful because they are held accountable for their own recovery. By empowering clients but still giving them the education, tools and supervision necessary to break the cycles of addiction, newly recovering addicts and alcoholics will stand the best chance of success.
The second level of RBAT involves the therapies that a client will receive while undergoing an inpatient substance abuse treatment program or similar program. These therapies consist of group and individual counseling sessions that employ the use of reality based therapy. This type of therapy allows a client to reach their own conclusions and answers with gentle guidance from a professional trained in these philosophies. By posing questions that have only realistic answers, a patient will be able to uncover for themselves the true nature of their drug and alcohol use. These questions seek to obtain a complete picture of what is happening in the client's life by guiding the client away from the problem and looking instead at potential resolutions to the problem.
People who receive this type of therapy are encouraged to make positive changes in their lives by doing things that are under their control. This includes changing behaviors, thoughts and actions and recognizing that anything else is beyond their control. This creates a solid and realistic foundation for lasting recovery to be built upon.
To learn more about reality based drug treatment therapies and philosophies, use the links below to get more information for you or someone you love suffering from addiction. The sooner you act, the sooner your loved one can be restored to reality.