Important Nutritional Facts About Banana

Banana is nature's energy-rich fruit that is safe to consume and is a perfect recommendation for a healthy diet. They are creamy, fresh, and delicious dessert. Banana is a good healthy fruit that is the cheapest among all other fruits and is readily available all around the year. Botanically, it comes from the family of […]

Importance of Including Dates in our Daily Diet

Dates are included in our daily diet for the purpose of staying healthy and energetic all through the day. Date palms are grown extensively under hot climates in all continents for their nutritious edible fruits. Dates are oval or cylindrical drupes that are golden yellow, amber, bright-red or deep-brown in color. ‘Amir Hajj,’ ‘Saidy,’ 'Khadrawy' […]

The Magic of Manifestation

Manifestation Seems To Be A Vast Concept Isn’t It, But In Actual It Is Just Making Your Desires To Reality. Manifestation Is Altering The Energy Around You To Bring Into Reality The Thing You Are Manifesting. When Most People Think Of Manifestation, They Automatically Think Of Money Or Wealth. However, Manifestation Can Also Be Used […]

Some Health Benefits of Gaming

Though our knowledge of health and nutrition has come a long way in the last few decades, we are in truth merely scratching the surface, and there is much we still do not understand. This fact is illustrated by the fact that one thing that we previously thought was unhealthy can in fact be good […]

The Hidden Dangers of Fast Foods

Cheesy pizza, loaded scoops of ice-cream, a big box of doughnuts, some pretzels, few sodas - oh! Are you already dreaming about these delicacies? Well, to be honest, everyone who has been on a diet has their bucket-list of cheat meals. In fact, most people wait for their cheat days so that they can hog […]

Essential Nutritional Supplements for Women

A healthy diet is essential to achieve a healthy lifestyle. We should take nutritional supplements on a regular basis to support our body. It is  not only  important for women who are struggling with hormonal changes, but also who are facing job stress. These job stress is common these days, but as a woman we […]

Importance of Anxiety Counseling in Our Life

In today's life, anxiety, tension, worry, agitation, confusions and the like, various emotional and psychological problems are part and parcel of everybody’s life irrespective of age and sex all over the world. The interesting fact is that currently the intensity and the problems of anxiety are increasing in a big way, creating miseries and sufferings […]

Importance Of Sexual Wellbeing In Family Life

A healthy living encompasses a whole range of issues which includes sexual wellbeing. The proper functioning of reproductive organs is integral to overall health. It is also very important that you do not neglect your sexual health due to hesitancy or any other issue. Rather, it is crucial that in case of any problems, you […]

Benefits of Guidance In Counseling

Counseling is a talking therapy which gives people the opportunity to discuss their problems and any feeling they encounter in their environment. It is a process through which people change their life or explore their thoughts and feelings in more depth. It involves trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal […]

How Crisis Helps Us in Our Future Growth

A crisis situation usually leads to long standing dangerous and unstable problem which affects all of us either personally or in a group or in a society. Let us see the famous quote “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of crisis”. Yes, it is true, but […]

Apple- A Super Food For Good Health

Apple is a popular fruit that is known for its great taste and a variety of health benefits. It is a true saying that’ an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. The super food is packed with nutrients and makes for a snack that not only keeps weight in control, but also helps provide […]

Some Facts about Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder(ADHD)

It is a brain disorder marked by inattention and hyperactivity that may interfere with normal growth and development of the person. It is a medical condition. A person with ADHD has differences in brain development and brain activity that affects attention and self control. In this child struggles to pay attention, listen and follow directions. […]

Symptoms of Streptococcal Bacterial Infections

Living an all new healthy lifestyle has become tough these days because of the growing diseases and infections, particularly streptococcus infection that are caused by the streptococcus group of bacteria. There are different types of streptococci bacteria, and infections vary in severity from mild throat infections to life-threatening infections of the blood or organs. Most […]

Everything You Need To Know About Diabetes

Most of us are aware of diabetes, but we know only about one type. We are unaware of other types of diabetes and its consequence on our healthy lifestyle. Recently there has been an increase in the number of people having diabetes. This article will provide a detailed explanation of diabetes. The more you know […]

Do You Know the Benefits Of Online Counseling

Rahman was a farmer living in Gujarat and he was happy because he is getting enough for his hard work. One day a wise man came to his village and he told Rahman about the importance of Diamond, and the power he will get from that. The wise man said if you have a big […]

A few Words About Learning Disability

Learning disability is a cognitive processing problem which can affect a number of areas such as reading, writing, mathematics, etc. It can also affect higher level skills like organization, time planning, attention, etc. Normally learning disability is viewed as a handicapping in one's life, but the reality is really fascinating, many great people who made […]

An Overview About Lyme Disease

The Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria B. Burgoferi. The host of the bacteria is animals and it is transferred to the human body when an affected animal bites or comes in contact with our body. There are about three or four stages of the diseases and it is always best to detect it […]

An Overview About Bone Cancer

Healthy lifestyle can help us to be safe from any kind of diseases. But chances of staying healthy cannot be guaranteed. Cancer is a deadly disease that has affected a lot of people around the world, even with those who have followed a healthy life. The article talks about bone cancer and its symptoms to […]

Simple Tips & Steps for Preventing Diarrhea In Infants & Adults

Diarrhea is a common stomach ailment and one suffers from it when there is an increase in the bowel movements, this leads to loose stool, sometimes accompanies with vomiting. We all must have experienced diarrhea at least and we know the discomfort and pain it brings. Though the disease is not acute or very harmful; […]

Symptoms & Treatment of Acute & Chronic Bronchitis

Bronchitis occurs when there is severe inflammation in the lining of your bronchial tubes. These tubes carry or pass air in our lungs. As a result, the patients who suffer from bronchitis face difficulty in breathings and cough a lot. There are two types of bronchitis, acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is caused when viruses […]

How to Know that You are going to develop Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an acute disease that affects one when they get an infection due to any bacteria or virus. Pneumonia is treated as an acute and life threatening disease as some cases can lead to lung inflammation and cause excessive difficulty in breathing. Therefore, it is important to detect the symptoms in order to opt […]

Do You Know the Early Symptoms of Botulism

Botulism is a rare and acute disease that is caused by the toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulism. The nerves are attacked with the disease and that makes the condition turn serious. Botulisms are of 3 kinds i.e. food borne, wound or infant botulism. When one is affected by the disease, it is a […]

Symptoms of Bronchial Asthma We Should be Aware of

It is very important for all us to stay protected and have a healthy eating schedule in this much polluted environment which can cause harm to our body. Everyone must be aware of asthma. It is a disease that occurs when there is inflammation in the lungs and also due to certain environmental factors. When […]

Do You Know the Signs & Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a cancer that initiates in the colon or rectum in the large intestine. This cancer starts with small polyps and some of these develop to be a cancerous cell. Let us first look at the causes of colon cancer: Causes of colon cancer The main cause of colon cancer is still unknown, […]

Common Signs & Symptoms of Flu & Cold found in Adults

Influenza, which is commonly known as flu, is an infection caused by a virus. It affects the respiratory system that includes the nose, lungs and throat. This is a very common disease that every person gets affected at any point in their lives. Flu is a common disease which is seasonal. Even though it can […]