Why Do We Become Violent?

From fights over a parking space to several global conflicts, we humans seem to be a violent species. Studies on the causes of aggression in both children and adolescent state that there is no one single cause in general that triggers aggression.  What are the reasons behind the violence? There are several causes that trigger […]

Why don’t we trust others?

A person whose trust has been broken in the past, and who has been betrayed by someone trusted finds it extremely difficult to have faith in someone again. Such a person question whether someone is worthy of trust or not. When a person finds himself struggling to decide if someone should be trusted or not, […]

How Covid-19 Is Transforming Our Life

The physical impact of Covid-19 has endangered not only the lives of human beings but also adversely hit the economy. Above all, it has taught us some important and eternal aspects of life. It has forced to change the flow of life both in terms of direction and speed and to many of us, it […]

How To Keep Your Teeth Shiny & Healthy

Whenever a person smiles, their teeth are the first thing that comes into view. Teeth are the strongest substance in the human body. White enamel that covers the teeth is stronger than a human bone. Teeth enamel is made up of calcium. An adult human has 32 teeth in their mouth. Different types of teeth […]

Why do people use Internet?

The internet and televisions have become one of the most important technical aspects of our society and it has created a revolution in our information and communication all over the world. It is a fact that now every nook and corner of the world is connected to the entire humanity and data is transmitted in […]

Why don't I feel sympathy?

Whenever your best friend shares his/her feelings about a recent breakup, you cry. When you meet a stranger who tells you about being sad, you feel sad and touched. You are apparently compassionate when it is related to all those who are outside of your inner circle. But when you try to be close with […]

Health and Nutritional Benefits of Red Rooibos Tea

Healthy life is something that anyone loves to have. So as to follow such a life, one needs to follow certain healthy ways of life, such as consumption of good food, regular exercise and good thinking. Rooibos tea consumption is considered good for the health and is gaining popular among most of the people round […]

Why do I feel anxious?

People tend to get nervous or self-conscious while speaking in public or to new people. This be termed as a social anxiety disorder. It involves intense fear in unfamiliar situations. This situation can be so frightening that even the mere thought of it can cause severe anxiety, disrupting daily life. The root of anxieties is […]

Why do we feel fear?

Everyone has fears. Not just humans, but other creatures too! Where does the fear inside us come from and why do we have such fears and anxieties? Can we rid ourselves of all such fears and anxieties and their effects? Important questions for our health, well being and ability to perform well in life. We […]

How The New World After COVID-19 Pandemic?

Never in our life had we had experienced such a heartbreaking time like the COVID-19 disaster, which will remain in the history of mankind forever. Irrespective of the age, sex, creed, caste, religion, belief systems or socioeconomic status, it spread a colossal misery to mankind. The physical, mental, financial and related stress and strain had […]

Simple Tips To Keep Your Breathing Air Clean & Pure

You may perhaps have a bad air day daily and we are talking about indoor air. The inside air quality in your house may be upsetting your health and the health of individuals living with you. There’re possible causes of air pollution in about each room of your home, but be hopeless. The excellent news […]

How To Self-Protect From Novel Corona Virus (Covid-19) Pandemic

Our World is passing through a tough time, when each and everybody is under the threat of the Covid – 19 attack, which is spreading in the community in a big way, causing a lot of suffering both mental, physical and socio -economical. The disease is caused by a new Corona Virus, which has got […]

Health & Nutritional Benefits of Goat Meat

Goat meat or mutton is a popular meat variation in Asia. Even though America and European countries are popular for their consumption of meat, they do not prefer goat meat. Goat meat has got a lot of health benefits compared to beef or chicken. But you should never get mistaken goat meat with the meat […]

Why Marital Counseling is Important in America

Marriage is one of the most beautiful relationships in the world. When a person finds the right partner for marriage, life seems nothing less than a fairy tale. But often, the relationship in marriage becomes stressed and you start falling out of love with your partner. In the United States, about 40 to 50 percent […]

How Exercise Prevents Osteoporosis Naturally

When the density of the bone is lost, it will lead to fragility of the bone. Fragile bones tend to break easily and this can lead to osteoporosis. This situation usually affects a person when he/she starts aging. People with less bone health are prone to be affected by osteoporosis. It is a well known […]

Why am I so scared of Loud Noises?

A persistent and unjustifiable fear of loud noises is recognized as phonophobia. In such cases, loud noises and alarming sounds cause distress and anxiety to a person. This fear is more common in children as they are more sensitive towards the sound. However, adults who fear loud noises and experience a drastic behavior change because […]

Do You Know What is Lasik Eye Surgery

Anyone who's had LASIK eye surgery or researched it knows the procedure is quick and recovery appears to be almost as quick. It takes only a few minutes, then a nap, for most people, and they have clearer sight without glasses for the rest of their lives. While LASIK really is that simple and easy, […]

5 Vitamins That Step up Your Oral Health with Braces

It’s true that you need to re-think your diet when you have braces on. But did you know that eating foods rich in vitamins is a wiser choice? If you already follow a healthy diet, you won’t have to make too many changes to your diet. But if you’re making major changes to your diet, […]

Astrology and Practical Spirituality

Defining astrology is a simple affair. It is the study of planets and other celestial bodies and how they influence the lives of human beings. But when it comes to spirituality, it defies easy definition and the answer might depend more on the person to whom the question is posed. Some people claim that they […]

Health Hazards of Nicotine Gum

Vaping is one of the most flourishing trends and a multibillion-dollar industry in today’s world and it is natural to have branching businesses and products associated with it directly and indirectly. Vaping is such a popular thing because of the control it gives to vapers over the levels of nicotine along with the flavours and […]

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Mental Health

From childhood through to adulthood, mental health is a very important aspect of our lives. Encompassing our emotional, social and psychological wellbeing, it shapes the way we make choices, handle stress and connect with others. However, many of us seem to forget how important good mental health is. Often, we focus solely on improving our […]

What is called Maturity?

Maturity can be defined as an ability of an individual to respond in an appropriate manner. If the person is mature, he will be aware of the correct time and place to behave. There is a saying that “Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasure for long term goals”. Yes, it is the […]

Do You Know About These Eating Disorders?

Everyone is familiar with the term Eating Disorder. As per the National Institute of Mental health, eating disorder can be considered as a very serious illness that can create a lot of disturbance to a person’s eating patterns. With this disorder by your side, living healthy life is not possible, as this can create in […]

What are the Benefits of Couples Counseling?

Arguments and disagreements are healthy for the strength of a relationship as long as they are dealt with in the right way. Whether you are experiencing some communication gap or a lack of understanding, it is always helpful to consult a couple counselor if you can’t simplify the issue by yourself. Attending Couple Counseling Sessions […]

Why Wellbeing is a Necessity in Daily Life?

Life is full of ups and downs. Your attitude and overall wellbeing determine how well you take up the challenges in your life. With a positive mental attitude, you can expect good things to happen. A positive approach in life will transform positive energy into reality. Wellbeing in living enables to overcome difficulties in life […]