Living In Well Being - All General Blogs & Articles
Benefits of Aromatherapy for Curing Mental Problems
What Is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of plant compounds and their aromas, usually in the form of essential oils, to help improve one's physical and …
Why Should We Ban Social Media?
Social Media is dangerous! A lot of teenage suicides, cases of depression, hacking, stalking, reputation damages, cyber bullying, etc., are associated with …
Natural & Quick Cure of Anemia by Alternative Methods & Correct Food
Anemia is a disease that happens when the body has a lower level of red blood cells than the normal level. There are different types of anemia. The normal …
How to Cure High Blood Pressure without Medications
High blood pressure is a condition that is chronic in nature and can lead to really serious medical conditions in the future. The first thing you need to do is …
Do You Know the Health Hazards of Obesity & Over Weight
Excess body weight, which limits your mobility can be termed as Obesity. Obesity can affect your day to day activities. It happens when you are consuming more …
Do You Know Signs & Symptoms of Dementia & Loss of Memory
Dementia is not considered as a disease. It is caused due to the damage of the brain. Hence it is caused due to the damage of the nerve cells of the brain. …
Common Signs & Symptoms of Flu & Cold found in Adults
Influenza, which is commonly known as flu, is an infection caused by a virus. It affects the respiratory system that includes the nose, lungs and throat. This …
How to Get Freedom from Alzheimer Disease and Dementia
Researches do not show that there are certain kinds of prevention for dementia and Alzheimer. But it is a fact that if you change your lifestyle, you will be …
Do You Know the Problems of Low Blood Pressure
Low blood pressure is commonly known as hypotension. When a person has low blood pressure, the pressure of the blood in the arteries goes down in an abnormal …
Health Hazards of Dairy Products
When the body is not able to break down the natural sugar called lactose, he/she is said to have dairy intolerance or lactose intolerance. Lactose is found …
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