Protect Your Children With Amber Alert Gps

A parent's greatest fear is losing their child. Now there is a way to help calm that fear. Amber Alert Gps has created a product using the latest in GPS and cellular technology. The heart of the company, which is run by parents for parents, revolves around the President's initiative to protect children and give […]

Child & Adolescent Disorders

Children are not just small versions of adults. Even adolescents are very different from adults. If we try to understand their problems from an adult perspective, we will often feel no matter what we try, we just can't get the best result. Children and adolescents often have fear, emotions, stress and all sorts of problems […]

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Our Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologists are actively involved in professional training and education, the provision of clinical services, programmatic research, and public education/awareness activities. We have four Clinical Psychologists who specialize in the child/adolescent area: Cheryl King, Ph.D. ABPP, Michelle Kees, Ph.D., Cynthia Ewell-Foster, Ph.D., and Julie Kaplow, Ph.D. The contributions of these individuals […]

Child and Adolescent Psychology

Children and adolescents are known to experience a wide range of psychological and educational difficulties. The aim of this specialisation is to acquire in-depth knowledge about: Theoretical models of social and cognitive development and the interplay of risk and protective factors in atypical development Ways to differentiate atypical from typical development and the use of […]

Depression in Children and Adolescents

Childhood and adolescent depression increased dramatically in the past forty to fifty years. The average age of onset has fallen. During childhood the number of boys and girls affected are almost equal. In adolescence, twice as many girls as boys are diagnosed. (Similar to adult rate) Repeated episodes of depression can take a great toll […]

"Loser!" How Labels Stick to Your Child-and Affect Behavior

“Freak. Loser. Idiot. Geek.” These are just some of the ugly labels kids throw around every day at school. Chances are, your child has been called names even worse than these. The sad fact is that the more times your kid is called a hateful name, the more he’ll start to believe it’s true. This […]

Child and Adolescent Mental Illness and Drug Abuse Statistics

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that becomes apparent in some children in the preschool and early school years. It is hard for these children to control their behaviour and/or pay attention. It is estimated that between 3 and 5 percent of children have ADHD, or approximately 2 million children in the United […]


Young people can have mental, emotional, and behaviour problems that are real, painful, and costly. These problems, often called “disorders”, are a source of stress for the child as well as the family, school, community, and larger society. The number of families who are affected by mental, emotional, and behavior disorders in young people is […]

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Many children and adolescents have mental health problems that interfere with their normal development and daily life activities. Some mental health problems are mild, while others are more severe. Some mental health problems last for only short periods of time, while others, potentially, last a lifetime. A picture of a female physician at work The […]

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Target population Specialist child and adolescent mental health services are provided for children and adolescents up to the age of 18 years with serious emotional disturbance. This includes young people with a diagnosable psychiatric disorder whose condition is considered seriously detrimental to their growth or development and/or where there are substantial difficulties in the person’s […]

Defining Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Children

Studies show that biological factors, such as genetics and brain chemistry, and environmental factors, such as stress and parenting styles, together play a role in mood and behaviour. Some emerging research on gene-environment interactions, for example, is helping us understand why some children go on to develop emotional and behavioral disturbances when exposed to difficult […]

Mental Illness in Children

Nearly 5 million children in the U.S. have some type of serious mental illness (one that significantly interferes with daily life). In any given year, 20% of American children will be diagnosed with a mental illness. The term "mental illness" is not entirely accurate, because there are many "physical" factors -- including heredity and brain […]

Strengthening the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Workforce

Child and adolescent mental health problems are at a point of crisis for our nation. One out of every ten children or adolescents has a serious mental health problem, and another 10% have mild to moderate problems. Mental health problems in young people can lead to tragic consequences, including suicide, substance abuse, inability to live […]

Mental Health Disorders in Children and Teens

Many children and adolescents have mental health problems that interfere with their normal development and daily life activities. Some mental health problems are mild, while others are more severe. Some mental health problems last for only short periods of time, while others, potentially, last a lifetime. The National Institute of Mental Health Disorders (NIMH), part […]

Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Anxiety can be a normal reaction to stress. It can help us deal with a tense situation, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important speech. In general, it can help us cope. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it has become a disabling condition. Examples of anxiety […]

Childhood Adolescent Issues

Child abuse is widespread. Because the problem is so extensive and the emotional damage so long-lasting, it is essential that it be recognized and treated as early as possible. Any act that harms the physical or emotional well-being of any child is abuse. This includes: striking, hitting, slapping, pushing, shoving, throwing, whipping, kicking, shaking, choking, […]

Child Self-Esteem For Parents

Self-esteem is ones complex of beliefs about himself, which influences the feelings and actions of that person. To illustrate this statement – here is the image of a child with high and low self-esteem. High self-esteem: child is more optimistic and courageous, tends to have a lot of friends and communications, has a positive self […]

The Hidden Effects of Divorce On Children

These days, it is hard to come by an individual who does not know someone who has been divorced, or who has not been divorced themselves. In Hollywood, divorce is seemingly becoming a common occurrence, while paving the way for a society where we're not only getting married later in life, but also searching for […]

Some Tips To Get Children Eating Healthy

Getting children eating healthy is an important step in preventing and treating obesity and overweight epidemic affecting much of the western world and now spreading to other developing countries such as China. Getting kids to eat healthy can be a difficult task should the kids already be involved heavily with unhealthy eating habits. However over […]

Healthy Parents Impart Healthy Habits in Children

The quality of life of children is dependent on the lifestyle of the parents, since their presence is directly felt in their children's life. Healthy attitudes of parents positively influence every aspect of a child's life, right from physical development to mental health and social wellbeing. Hence, parents should adopt healthy lifestyle which will generally […]

Tips For Getting Happiness From Children

1. Let the sons and daughters ride bicycles or tricycles whereas you jog behind 2. Get into some extraordinary sweeping or mopping, or vacuuming 3. Do yoga or Pilates whereas you, or the children, unwind before of a picture 4. Dance or do aerobic exercise reception 5. Practice stretching or lightweight yoga moves whereas talking […]

Tips To Make Your Child Active

Sixty minutes — that's how much physical activity kids should get each day. But as kids get older, increasing demands on their time can make getting a full hour of exercise a challenge. And some kids get caught up in sedentary pursuits like watching TV and surfing the Internet. Even doing a lot of studying […]

Summer Camps: Perfect Summer Activities for Children

Summer holidays are the time when children finally get a break from school and can engage in their favourite activities for the next two months. A major issue working parents face is to find the right kind of activities their children can engage in while they attend to their professional commitments. Parents are usually sceptically […]

Accepting your children

Accepting children is a necessary in all manners. Every children needs acceptance and it will encourage them in all manners. Emotional abandonment means one tends to run from fulfilling emotional desires rather than grip the actual fact that they have self-love and self-acceptance. This is the key to living a life full of Love. To […]

Leukemia In Children

To know about the Symptoms, Signs & Management of LEUKEMIA IN CHILDREN,You can go through the following Links&Pages given below.You will be provided with the Relevant Data, Information & Current Trends in the Management of LEUKEMIA IN CHILDREN     KNOW THE CAUSES SYMPTOMS & SIGNS TREATMENT OPTIONS FURTHER INFORMATION 1 FURTHER INFORMATION 2