How to deal with problems affecting adolescents

Adolescence, according to Erik Erikson’s stages of human development, is the stage marked between puberty and adulthood, usually during ages thirteen to nineteen, though the age bracket may varydepending on different cultures, for example, in the United States; an adolescent is understood to beany person between ages thirteen to twenty-four. The World Health Organization (WHO) […]

Issues in Adolescence

The problem of adolescence is by no means an easy topic to discuss notwithstanding that it is so to speak an every day thing. It is often said that the teenage years are the “best years of ones life”, In fact Art Linkletter a Canadian born US broadcaster in his book A Childs garden of […]

Adolescent Behavior Problems

Many adolescents today have problems and are getting into trouble. After all, there are a lot of pressures for kids to deal with among friends and family. For some youth, pressures include poverty, violence, parental problems, and gangs. Kids may also be concerned about significant issues such as religion, gender roles, values, or ethnicity. Some […]

Bipolar Depression - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is characterized by cycling mood changes, with episodes of depression alternating with episodes of mania. Typically, the switch from one mood extreme to the other is gradual, with each manic or depressive episode lasting for at least several weeks. When depressed, a person with bipolar disorder exhibits the […]

Building a Drug-Free Environment for Teenagers

Teenagers fall prey to using illicit drugs because they are tempted to try these drugs. They believe that taking such drugs will help them attain pleasure and stay active. Unfortunately, they are unaware of the negative effects of using drugs on health and are putting their lives at risk. Drug abuse is harmful for teenagers: […]

Create a Meaningful Life

Most people want their life to be meaningful. Sometimes they are successful; things just seem to fall into place. Other times they may struggle finding what will give them that special feeling of meaning. Adolescence is a time of life when you first begin to ponder where you are going and why. Times of transition […]

The Relation between Troubled Teens and Parents

"Many parents know they have a troubled teen on there hands, as these warning signs will help tell. The question many parents have is "What do I do!" or "what are my options?" In this article we will briefly discuss what a parent can do, both at home, and outside treatment to help a troubled […]

Risk Factors That Can Increase Chances of Teen Substance Abuse

Teens are more likely to develop a substance abusing habit with higher exposure to risk factors. Teenagers are those who just got transformed from children to adolescents. Therefore, they are not capable enough to cope up with risk factors and become victims of substance abuse. Below is the information on various risk factors faced by […]

Daily Health Tips for Healthy Living

It is necessary that every person live a healthy life on a daily basis as this is the primary purpose of this content. I have taken out the perfect time to write down this information because I do believe in wellness. As it is often stated that â health is wealth. It does'nt matter the […]

Socializing to Healthy Living For Seniors

Everyone would agree that life is an adventure that we take on everyday of our lives. When the day we first opened our eyes into this world all of us start a new adventure to getting older. In just a little time now begin our first step in action. Our own muscles, body parts and […]

Easy Healthy Meals For Your Busy Life

Snacks and lunches provide the biggest temptation to revert to convenience food. However, it is quite easy to take a little more time in the morning to prepare something nutritious. If you have children, and they are attending a party or other social event where commercial food will be served, it is also easy to […]

Live healthy-healthy snack for adults

Healthy snacking for the adults should become part of our lives. Knowing how busy we seem to be, we can't lack some few minutes to have a snack the problem with us is that we are too busy for everything, too busy to drink water, too busy to go for some exercise, too busy for […]

Natural Health

Having lived with backache and neck ache for many years, my aunt sat down and explained how she had her Atlas (first cervical vertebra) corrected by a practitioner even though she had no issues. I then read up on the internet about our Atlas, what function it plays in our body. Within minutes of reading […]

Energy Drinks May Not be Healthy at All

Energy drinks may not be as healthy as we think it is. Energy drinks are just everywhere. You can get some in corner stores, gas stations, and bars. Because these drinks are supposed to provide mental and physical stimulation, people are taking it. But does this drink provide what is best for our health? There […]

Universal Health Care

Universal Health Care has been in the news lately and every political campaign usually talks about it somewhere down the line. Universal health care is getting health care for every living American no matter how poor, how rich or ethnic backgrounds. Universal Health Care is one of the few services that haven't reached across the […]

Ten Steps To A Healthy Lifestyle

It is easier than you think to live a healthy lifestyle. As a matter of fact, it is very natural. So if you want to live or maintain a healthy lifestyle or make healthy lifestyle changes, follow the tips below: 1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Protect the good health you already have. Know what the […]

Good Health Habits to stay Healthy

Healthy Habits is a important parts of growing up. Many good habits increasing your growth. There are an infinite number of positive acts you can take for your well-being. One can get good health by setting basic rules in life. Eating is an essential and important part of life. One can get good health by […]

Achieving Optimum Health

"Optimum health is not just the absence of disease but the presence of wellness in mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social areas. Some would also include financial health." Introduction Optimum health is essential at all levels, from the individual to the society we live in to the environment around us. We have to start thinking […]

Alcohol Addiction Treatment – A Program for Individual or Family

Why alcoholism is called a family disease? This is because, when you become an alcohol addict, you cut off from your family, neglect your spouse and children, forget important anniversary and birthday dates, stop enjoying family gatherings, disappoint people in your life, start lying to your parents and do not make any effort to make […]

Tips For Happy Views

1. Accept what you have got 2. Envision your final life in some different manner 3. Set long-run goals 4. Review goals 5. Plan your huge tasks for week and day 6. Maintain focus in all manners 7. Enjoy the journey to all places 8. Create a morning and evening routine daily 9. Develop intimate […]

Tips For Reducing Sadness

1. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, problems with the past, negative thoughts or belongings you cannot manage. Instead invest your energy within the positive present. 2. Understand that life may be a faculty and you're here to find out. Issues are merely a part of the information that seem and change […]

Tips For Better Smiling

1. Always smile in life 2. Smile to strangers 3. Start the day with a smile 4. Imitate a child smile 5. Smile for small jokes 6. Smile of small happiness 7. Always keep a smile on the face 8. Smile often without any reason 9. Try to make smile for others 10. Use smile […]

Tips For Better Laughing

1. Smile more. 2. Laugh often. It is a sensitive issue. 3. Hear somebody you trouble. 4. Amendment a habit. Then amendment another. 5. Get outside and smell the day. 6. Continuously leave an enormous tip. Teach that the globe could be a generous place. 7. Stop blaming others for your misery. 8. Specialize in […]

Tips For Enjoying

1. Pay time paying attention to a child’s laugh. 2. Resolve what brings you joy. Then do it. 3. Study art and music style. 4. Produce your own health program. 5. Take responsible jobs for your own happiness. 6. Hear your gut. It will not cheat you 7. Keep your surroundings neat and clean. 8. […]

Tips For Planning Great Happiness

1. Share to create ideas Happen 2. Use area underneath Stairs for a lot of Storage 3. Know what is future If you have got a child 4. Work in Multiple Positives 5. Use an excellent Slim billfold 6. Advertise Action to Yourself 7. Gain Muscle in token Time 8. Choose Living Over Sleeping typically […]