Teenage plus: The new adolescence

They should be the healthiest people on the planet, the "almost grown ups" still in the bloom of youth and full of dreams for the future. But today's adolescents are instead a troubled generation, marooned in a no man's land between childhood and adulthood, prey to forces beyond their control. Far from being the healthiest […]

Parenting Tips

Parents of struggling teens often find it challenging to find the best way to respond. It may help to keep the following tips in mind. Remember, virtually every child wants to have a good relationship with his or her parents, to succeed in life, to have friends, and to do well in school. Inborn challenges […]

Distress in Teens

What, exactly, is a struggling teen? The term struggling teen describes youths who show signs of distress, some subtle and some obvious. Common warning signs include the following behaviours: Isolation and withdrawal: Most teens withdraw from parents, but some sink into themselves too far. They may feel profoundly alone and alienated, unable to connect with […]

How to assess struggling teens’ special

To find the right services, schools, or programs for struggling teens, it is important to have a good understanding of his or her unique challenges and needs. This information not only may help parents and professionals choose the right program or school, but also may be useful to staff at the program or school in […]

Adolescent Development and Values

“Adolescence may be defined as a period within the life span when most of the person’s physical, psychological and social characteristics are in a state of transition from what they were in childhood to what they will be in adulthood. Simply stated, adolescence is a period of life characterised by several major changes that bring […]

Health problems in adolescence

Adolescence is the time period between 11 and 18 years of life (WHO definition), characterized by critical physical and psychological changes leading to adulthood. Adolescents are generally considered to be a very healthy group, with limited health needs. They remain medically underserved and their problems are seriously underestimated because of the following: The traditionally used […]

Social and Emotional Challenges in Adolescence

Most teenagers have concerns about being accepted by their peers, but many teens with ADHD have come to expect some social rejection due to their difficulties with controlling their behavior and understanding others’ social signals. Social issues encountered in childhood can become worse in adolescence, with the intensity of any rejection or bullying increasing during […]

The Parenting of Adolescents and Adolescents as Parents

Adolescence has been described as a phase of life beginning in biology and ending in society (Petersen, 1988). Indeed, adolescence may be defined as the period within the life span when most of a person's biological, cognitive, psychological, and social characteristics are changing from what is typically considered child-like to what is considered adult-like (Lerner […]

Stopping adolescent problems

The burden of disease in adolescents worldwide is now much more centred on injuries and non-communicable disease, since infectious disease rates fell long ago in developed countries and are falling in most low-income and middle-income countries (LMIC). Problem behaviours implicated in most of this burden (alcohol, tobacco, drug misuse, mental health problems, unsafe sex, unsafe […]

Substance Abuse/Chemical Dependence in Adolescents

There are three different terms used to define substance-related disorders, including the following: Substance abuse. Substance abuse describes a pattern of substance (drug) use leading to significant problems or distress such as failure to attend school, substance use in dangerous situations (driving a car), substance-related legal problems, or continued substance use that interferes with friendships […]

Obesity in Adolescents

Overweight and obesity together represent the second leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Obesity is a serious, chronic disease that can inflict substantial harm to a person's health. Overweight and obesity are not the same; rather, they are different points on a continuum of weight ranging from being underweight to being morbidly […]

Bulimia Nervosa in Adolescents

Bulimia nervosa, usually referred to as bulimia, is defined as uncontrolled episodes of overeating (bingeing), usually followed by purging (self-induced vomiting), misuse of laxatives, enemas, or medications that cause increased production of urine, fasting, or excessive exercise to control weight. Bingeing, in this situation, is defined as eating much larger amounts of food than would […]

Understanding Teenage Depression

The medical community once thought depression affected only adults. The risk for the condition can begin in childhood or the early teens, however, and increases steadily through the mid-20s. Around 11 percent of young people will have experienced an episode of depression by the end of his or her teenage years. Depression in children, teens, […]

Teenagers and Their Problems

According to Hurlock (1981), adolescents are those who are at the age of 12-18 years. Monks, et al (2000) give an age limit is 12-21 years old adolescents. According to Stanley Hall (in Santrock, 2003) adolescents aged 12-23 years were in the range. Under the restrictions given by experts, can be seen that the onset […]


There is little question concerning the multiple pressures facing adolescents today. On almost every front adolescents are being challenged to meet the various demands of development, as well as ever present psychological changes which occur on a daily basis. For any adolescent to successfully negotiate through the often complicated stages of maturation, both parent and […]

What are the emotional problems of adolescence?

Following are the emotional problems of Adolescence: 1. Sexual Problems: Ideally, the adolescent is supposed to wait until a certain age when economic independence has been achieved and marriage and subsequent monogamous, heterosexual activities are condoned. However, throughout adolescence models for non- conventional behaviour are many and stimulation for sexual activity is generally strong. The […]

General Characteristics of the Adolescent

We now turn to an examination of some general characteristics of the period of adolescence, again referring to needs in the three areas of social, intellectual, and personality development. We shall later attempt to relate these three types of needs to the forms of play that are often observed during the adolescent years. In terms […]

Anxiety disorders in adolescence

Normal anxiety and anxiety problems: how to tell the difference Most normal anxiety is short-lived – the feelings might last a few hours or a day. An anxiety problem or disorder is when anxious feelings: are consistently very intense and severe go on for weeks, months or even longer are so distressing that they get […]


An individual’s needs and problems influence his development to a great extent. Adolescence is a crucial period in the life of an individual with its characteristic needs and problems of adjustment. Every adolescent has certain needs, the satisfaction of which is essential to his continued physical and others aspects of development. A need is a […]

ADHD in Adolescence

Most adolescents act impulsively now and then, and teenagers are known for favoring short-term pleasures over long-term benefits. Teenagers with hyperactive-impulsive– or combined-type ADHD, however, can have much more difficulty than others in regulating their impulses, even when they know their behavior is self-destructive. As when he was younger, your child may still act first […]

Health problems in adolescence

Adolescence is the time period between 11 and 18 years of life (WHO definition), characterized by critical physical and psychological changes leading to adulthood. Adolescents are generally considered to be a very healthy group, with limited health needs. They remain medically underserved and their problems are seriously underestimated because of the following: The traditionally used […]

Problems of Adolescence

Most problems of adolescence are due to failure in understanding the anatomical, morphological and psychological changes expected during adolescence. Psychologically, adolescence is such a vulnerable stage that boys/girls of this age are easily carried away by perceptions generated by Misleading and misguiding parents, teachers, friends, brother/sisters. Ignorance of elders. Half - informed or ill-informed friends, […]

Problem Behaviors in Adolescents

A fifth or more of a nationally representative sample of school-attending adolescents report engaging in problem behaviors such as skipping school, using alcohol, fighting, shoplifting, and stealing. A smaller but significant number of adolescents report engaging in risky sexual behaviors. All of these behaviors have potentially serious consequences for adolescents, their family and friends, their […]

Adolescence Problems

The period of rapid physical and mental growth between the childhood and adulthood is called adolescence. For girls it is in the period between 8-18 years and for boys it is 7-19 years. Adoloscence extends from puberty to complete sexual maturity (puberty is the time of appearance of first external signs of sexual maturation). Characteristics […]


Adolescents due to the developmental crisis that they are prone to face a myriad of psychosocial challenges. Among the major challenges are: • Juvenile delinquency • Drug and alcohol abuse • Early pregnancy • Sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS These are considered in this unit. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Juvenile delinquency refers to the predisposition to and […]