Anti-Aging Benefits of L-Carnosine

Do you dream of living a longer life and still looking good and being active and productive? Dream no more. L-carnosine has got you covered. L-carnosine is a dipeptide, which is a molecule made up of two amino acids, the beta alanine and histidine. It is present in the human body, mostly in the brain, […]

Are you scared of aging?

While it is understandable that most people have a natural tendency to feel uncomfortable with their own aging and mortality, there are a few in the crowd who are horrified by the natural process to the point of having a phobia. The phobia where people are terrified of aging is called gerascophobia. Though, to say […]

Aging Tips And Tricks For A Younger You

Ageing can bring many challenges, and along with those challenges, it can bring many questions about how to deal with the change. All it takes is some common sense advice that you can use in a practical way to make your life the best it can be. Take a look at the tips in this […]

Anti-ageing - Slow the Ageing Process

By understanding some of the underlying principles which result in us ageing, we can make interventions to slow this down. The biological clock starts ticking at birth and gives us the potential to live to about 120 years - if we lived the most perfect life we could not expect to live longer than this. […]

The Things Everyone Should Know About Aging

It has sometimes been said that aging is inevitable, but that looking old is optional! Although we all age, we deal with it in different ways, with different results. So what are some of the secrets of those enviable people who manage to look far younger than their years? Determine how much sleep your body […]


Aging, irreversible biological changes that occur in all living things with the passage of time, eventually resulting in death. Although all organisms age, rates of aging vary considerably. Fruit flies, for example, are born, grow old, and die in 30 or 40 days, while field mice have a life span of about three years. Dolphins […]

Boost Your Human Growth Hormone This Safe Way If You Want To Age Well

There is a lot of misinformation going around about anti-aging and human growth hormone. Yes, HGH is essential to your good health - but you already know that. You also know that higher than average levels of HGH are associated with better than average health and appearance for a given age. What I want to […]

Happiness Quotes and How to Become Rich

Although getting rich will not necessarily make you happy, it is often said that it is better to be unhappy in comfort rather than in poverty. Having money can’t buy good health or good friends but being sick and alone without recourse to the help money could bring can be pretty miserable. These are ideas […]

How to Manifest Money

The most important aspect of manifesting money is to approach it from the right heartset. Think of your heartset as the overall vibe of your relationship to the activity of attracting money. How would you describe that relationship? Is it greedy, needy, excited, hopeful, etc? If you approach this process from a place of neediness, […]

Making Money Consciously

How important is money? How much is enough? Is money a distraction from one’s spiritual path? Is it a necessary evil? Is it unfair that some people have more money than others? Is poverty more noble than wealth? Is it possible to become an enlightened millionaire? Even among highly conscious people, the subject of money […]

How To Be Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

What makes people wealthy? How have they attained such mastery of their craft? What makes them exhibit such flawless excellence? Yes, it's their knowledge and experience, but that is the effect. What is the cause that started them thinking powerfully in the first place? Simply, it's the way they think. It's their mindset. Today I […]

How to be rich and financially free

Internet is the Best way to be rich and financially free at a very young age. Well, I am not talking about some “Get Rich Quick” or “Get Rich without Hard work” Schemes here. I am talking about the realistic things. You will have to work extremely hard on the Internet to make money from […]

How to Be Rich Without Money

How often do you define your wealth by the amount of money you have in your bank account? It’s time to liberate yourself from that social myth. Money may be the biggest example of how we are shaped by cultural constructs that are passed down to us, usually without question. (Yes, I’m talking like an […]

Affluence and Teen Substance Abuse

Dominant factors in affluent families have proven to have a direct correlation between economic wealth and substance abuse amongst teens. Family dynamics among affluent families create an environment where teens are more susceptible to substance abuse than some of their less fortunate peers. The teen years can be especially difficult for any young boy or […]

Adolescent and Family Issues

Every family is going to have problems with their teenagers at one time or another. Most times your kids are just being kids. But sometimes, when the issues concerning you continue for longer periods of time, and your parenting methods are not working, there may be more serious issues going on-Issues that may need to […]

Talking to Your Adolescent or Teen About Problems

Although communicating with your adolescent or teen can be challenging, it is important to continually make the effort. This is especially important when your child acts out with problem behaviours or seems troubled in some way. When attempting to talk with your adolescent or teen about problems or concerns, schedule a "date" in a private […]

Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine

The Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine clinic operates under the auspices of the University of Maryland Children's Hospital. The Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine offers continuing comprehensive primary and subspecialty care to young people from adolescence through early adulthood (12-24 years). Division faculty members have expertise in medicine, nursing, psychology, nutrition, statistics, health […]

Problems Of Adolescents A Vicious Cycle

ADOLESCENCE is a challenging crossroad between childhood and the adult world. It is that opportune time in an individual’s life when he or she learns to make choices based on experience, skills and values gathered in this period. Many kids announce the onset of adolescence with a dramatic change in behavior. Adolescence is also the […]

Abstract Ideas & Thinking in Adolescent Development Stages

As a young person’s body develops during the adolescent years, so does his brain. The forebrain, which is the most advanced part of the brain, is responsible for “higher-order” activities like reasoning and thinking, according to Clea McNeely and Jayne Blanchard in the Johns Hopkins University publication “The Teen Years Explained: A Guide to Healthy […]

The adolescent mind

As their brains approach maturity, teens are poised for tremendous cognitive development. Experts speculate that as the myelinization of neural connections increases and strengthens, the learning processes of teens mature and their ability to think abstractly improves. There is as yet little research linking myelinization with the development of abstract thought, but parents and teachers […]

General Characteristics of the Adolescent

We now turn to an examination of some general characteristics of the period of adolescence, again referring to needs in the three areas of social, intellectual, and personality development. We shall later attempt to relate these three types of needs to the forms of play that are often observed during the adolescent years. In terms […]

Your teenager’s developing brain

Children’s brains have a massive growth spurt when they’re very young. By the time they’re six, their brains are already about 90-95% of adult size. But the brain still needs a lot of remodelling before it can function as an adult brain. This brain remodelling happens intensively during adolescence, continuing into your child’s mid-20s. Some […]

Adolescent Brains Biologically Wired to Engage in Risky Behavior

Previous studies have found that teenagers tend to be more sensitive to rewards than either children or adults. Now, Russell Poldrack and fellow researchers have taken the first major step in identifying which brain systems cause adolescents to have these urges and what implications these biological differences may hold for rash adolescent behaviour. "Our results […]

Adolescent Brain Coping Changes

It is important that pre-teens, their parents and teachers understand three factors that are responsible for many brain function and behaviour difficulties during adolescence: Hormonal changes affect brain functions. Our human brain makes mistakes. It can be easily confused. These three issues can make everyday upsets bigger problems for adolescents since at this time of […]

Learning and the Adolescent Mind

The adolescent brain is extra sensitive to reward signals when pay-off for risk is higher than expected. The chemistry of the adolescent brain might explain why teenagers take so many risks. Teenagers are extra sensitive to the rewarding feelings they get when something happens that's better than expected. Understanding why teens act crazy might help […]