Promoting The Benefits Of Being Creative Little

How to Teach Reality but Keep Imagination Alive It is imperative that we allow our children to use their imagination as they also learn to live in the real world. Teaching our children about "the real world" should not interfere with letting them use their imagination. As we grow we find solutions to problems using […]

Ease Your Mind Out With Online Puzzle Games

Puzzle games are a great way of mind relaxation along with loads of thrill. This game unlike many of its counterparts is very educative and would help you utilize your leisure time in a very constructive way. Hence this game is increasingly gaining popularity and not just adults and grown up but children too are […]

Dangers Of A Negative Mind – 3 Steps On How To Free Yourself From It

What kind of mind do you have? Many of us find ourselves in one negative situation after another, and wonder why this is so, without realizing that our circumstances are only results of the quality of our minds. If you walk around with a mind full of negative programming, this comes out in the form […]

Controlling Your Mind: How To Overcome Fear

Some fears are reasonable and helpful. Other fears are unreasonable and harmful. First, one must understand the difference and, second, one must learn how to banish those that are irrational. Here are seven guidelines. How To Overcome Fear, Guideline One: It is reasonable and helpful to have a healthy fear of things like fire, tornadoes, […]

Your Subconscious Mind and Its Hidden Secrets

You may be wondering why you have broken relationships, business failures, financial failures, etc but could not figure out what has gone wrong. Are all these failures purely bad luck? The culprit of your failures could be what is hidden in your subconscious mind. The hidden secrets of your subconscious mind are disclosed by Sigmund […]

Mind Power Over Involuntary Body Functions

Much has been written about the mind-body connection. Studies have shown that people can learn to control involuntary body functions consciously, using the power of their minds. But so much of the research has been challenged on the one side, and exaggerated on the other, that many of us are justifiably skeptical of claims for […]

Mind Training Begins With Understanding Your Subconscious Mind

Since the subconscious mind is always in control of our behavior (in the long run) it seems crucial that we understand how it operates. Successful mind training requires that knowledge. Creating a happy, successful, fear free life also requires it. Here are some basic concepts that should be helpful. Most basically, the mind is the […]

How To Teach Your Kids Mind Mapping

Many of the adults who took my mind mapping training, or participated in one of my other training courses where I explained mind mapping, go home and explain mind mapping to their children. Often, their children love to create mind maps. Still the process of learning children to mindmap is something most parents don't really […]

5 Easy Ways To Enhance Your Creative And Genius Potentials

Most of us have yearned to be more creative. Perhaps like many, after seeing a new invention or concept come out...You have said to yourself "I thought about making that same thing!" or you said, "I was wondering about that same thing!" Most of us have also experienced those special moments when we have been […]

Mind Movies Help Reprogram Your Mind For A Better Life

1. Decide What You Want to Have, Do, and Be You must switch off the autopilot controlling your life, and deliberately reprogram your subconscious mind so you consciously create what you want to have, do and be. First, you need to decide exactly what you want, in all areas of your life, and then write […]

Who Controls Your Mind?

Few people are aware of the thoughts that pass through their minds. Thinking is performed like a habit, in an automatic manner. If the thoughts are positive, then it is all right, but if they are negative, they may cause trouble. The mind is like small child, who accepts and takes for granted whatever it […]

How To Choose The Right Program For Your Struggling Teen

One of the most difficult decisions a parent will ever make is to place an acting out child in a residential school or program. This decision becomes necessary when a parent realizes that local resources are not working, that the child has become his/her own worst enemy by a consistent series of poor decisions, and […]

Thoughtful Life Quotes Mind Programing

The Steps below will work wonders in anyone's life if followed continuously for 21 days. Rule of 21 states that if anything is done continuously for 21 days, then a neural path is formed for that activity and this information is transformed from conscious mind to sub-conscious mind. The magic of life lies in sub-conscious […]

Astrology In Relations

Astrology and relationship, many a time go together just like any other discipline combined with astrology would! Astrology can help a lot in improving relationships and can create wakefulness on how to deal with relationship problems and improvise them. Astrology provides solution to many relationship problems and many people resort to astrology to improve their […]

Nameology, Numerology, Astrology, Baby Names, Name Numerology, Business Numerology,

First Woman Nameology, Numerology & Astrology Genius from South India Nameology Scientific Consultancy employs the power of numbers to remove problems from the lives of people. Dr. J.Lakshmi Jeya Swaruoopa, who hails as the First Woman Nameology Genius from South India. She is also known as the Lucky Number scientist. With Namealogy she corrects all […]

Online Astrology

Astrology, a word that creates instant desire in a person to know what his future is! Literally saying, astrology is a system of beliefs and traditions so to say, which many people have faith in. Astrology can be defined as a science or art of studying the position of celestial bodies. The study of these […]


What is Pitra Dosha? Pitra refers to ancestors or forefathers and any wrong done by ancestors themselves or to ancestors either by others or their own progenies creates Paitrik or Pitra Dosh. There is a mention of 14 kinds of Pitra-Dosh based on placement and aspect of malefic planets. Rahu is considered the major cause […]


Hamm…. This is what is troubling you for quite a while now. You are in an extra marital web and fully entangled and there seems no way out. You are also wary of the fact that entering into this kind of relationship will devastate your family but the extra bond is becoming stronger day by […]

What are Astrology and the best Indian Astrologer?

Astrology is the study of celestial bodies. Celestial bodies are those which are related to sky, universe beyond the earth. Astrology is the study of positions of celestial bodies. Astrology is prediction of future which can calculate from the position of celestial bodies. Most of the people think these predictions are accurate and they believe […]

Medical astrology and sleep disorders

To diagnose various diseases medical astrology studies the influence of signs of the zodiac, stars, and planets. Experts affirm that the Sun and the Moon play particularly important parts in constructing horoscopes. The Sun is particularly important in creating horoscopes for men. The Moon bears the feminine component of horoscope. The Sun and the Moon […]

Astrology Effects For Pisces Sign

If you are born between February 19 to March 20 then your Zodiac sign will be Pisces which is ruled by the planet Neptune, in other words the lord of the this Zodiac sign is Neptune. People with this Zodiac sign are known to be popular with all kinds of people because of their easygoing […]

Indian astrology: the best source for knowing your future

Mainly the zodiac sign, astrological reports and birth charts are analyzed by the astrologer. Prediction can be done on the basis of this study. Vedas are the thing which is helpful for prediction elaborately. In this modern era, millions of people use to see their horoscope by lying on bed. It is so because nowadays […]

The Best Results Of Practicing Astrology Predictions With The Zodiac Signs

Regarding the zodiac signs Zodiac signs are quite significant part of human life. The signs are directly related to astrology. Astrology is a type of occult science and has no such scientific proof or logic. But a large number of people round the Earth firmly believe in astrology. According to astrology there are twelve signs […]

Husband Wife Dispute Solution In Astrology

Husband wife dispute are common problem these days in all our world we can see that and read in news paper that divorce cases are increasing people marry earlier and they also break up their relationship without try to finding a solution. It’s not good that we can leave any relationship earlier because there are […]