Anger Management Activities To Stop Anger

Addressing anger and its outcomes can be extremely difficult . Oblivious of the means to deal with frustrating and nerve-racking circumstances may be a contributing factor for several fits of anger and rage. A good number of individuals, except young children perhaps, recognize their trouble with uncontrollable anger. Although there are quite a few anger […]

Ease Away Your Tension with Stress & Anger Management Strategies

Ease Away Your Tension with Stress & Anger Management Strategies Stress is defined as anything that poses a threat to your psychological, physical and emotional well-being, while anger is defined as strong feelings of hostility, rage, frustration and/or annoyance that occur when you feel threatened or challenged. Everyone experiences anger and stress from time to […]

How to deal with teen anger?

You were never under the illusion that teenage years of your children would go by in a smooth manner and were mentally prepared for it but when it hit you, the force of the impact took your breath away. You never expected it to be so bad and needed all your mental strength and self-belief […]

Breaking the Anger/Abuse Cycle

The anger/abuse cycle is a common pattern of interaction between family members. Although it is traditionally used to describe domestic violence it can take place in everyday parenting routines, through verbal and emotional abuse. For example, a parent may explode in frustration at his child for his irresponsible behavior. Words and actions are said by […]

Good Anger, Bad Anger. Telling The Difference

Check any listing of self-help groups, books or websites, and Anger management is likely to be given top billing. It has a bad smell, and it is frowned upon indiscriminately. Yet anger is one of our fundamental emotions, and it has a purpose and value. The survival and utility value of anger has been buried […]

Anger Can Be Beneficial

Although uncontrolled anger can be quite costly, when channeled properly anger can also be very beneficial. Among other things, anger can motivate us to work harder to accomplish our goals. This could mean playing harder on the defensive end in a basketball game, studying longer for an exam, or putting in more time when learning […]

A Worksheet To Help Kids With Anger Management

Dealing with children who have anger problems may be challenging and require thought and imagination. A child's mind is normally not developed enough to deal with intense feelings of anger. They cope with these emotions in their own childlike manner which usually involves acting out or throwing a tantrum. Unaware of the specifics which cause […]

Anger Management and your pregnancy

Even anger management teachers loose it sometimes. I snapped at my wife the other day. She is two months pregnant with our second child and has been experiencing a great deal of morning sickness. Consequently I have had to take on the majority of the responsibilities for our 4- year- old son. I feed him, […]

Adolescent Anger Management Strategies

Anger management is becoming more prominent in our society. Traditionally, children who enter this last acute phase of bodily and mental development can go through some rough times. As kids enter their preteen and then their teenage years, chaos can ensue at times for everyone involved. A child or young adult may feel that his […]

How Laughter Can Reduce Anger And Increase Health

Laughter is the best medicine. How many times have we heard that from any number of sources? Robin Williams starred in the movie Patch Adams about a doctor that strongly believed in that concept. Strange this is that the concept was not all Hollywood; there is something to it. If you think about it, laughter […]

Anger Addiction And Cortisol Hormone

Cortisol is one of the hormones secreted by the Adrenals (also known as the "Stress Glands") when the body goes into "Fight or Flight". It is a life saving hormone that helps us survive as we go through life. It gives us the ability to act fast in life threatening situations. People with addictions of […]

Take These Peaceful Pills For Anger Management

Peaceful Life And Anger Management Generally, every person has experienced anger from time to time. It might have been some time ago for some people. Maybe some folks only felt anger for very good cause even though some folks feel anger at the slightest problem. Some folks might feel that everybody needs to get annoyed […]

Fast Anger Management

Anger is a normal human emotion, or a defense technique to react in unpleasant situations. It becomes destructive and problematic when it turns to rage. A lot of research is put in to learn the psychology of such people. It has been inferred that child abuse, family conflicts and divorce to a great extent hampers […]

Free Anger Management Tips For Teens

Do you know that keeping your anger inside of you changes who you are, eventually? You become a meaner person when you bottle up anger. Most people who hide their emotions tend to become cynical as their form of expression is wrong. Don't be like such people. Avail yourself to anger management help today and […]

How Can Anger Management Books Help You

Martial Arts can help develop anger management skills that are extremely important to the happiness and success of children and teenagers. Here are some ideas and a glimpse into how the process works. Hopefully, this information will help you whether you use a Martial Arts School or not to help with your child's anger management […]

Martial Arts Can Help With Anger Management Issues

Martial Arts can help develop anger management skills that are extremely important to the happiness and success of children and teenagers. Here are some ideas and a glimpse into how the process works. Hopefully, this information will help you whether you use a Martial Arts School or not to help with your child's anger management […]

Why You Should Read Good Anger Management Books

Do you feel you are in torment and suffering? If YES, then these are signs of frustration and resentment that will lead to development of anger. Now, there are many anger management books available these days that explore reasons why people get angry. Many factors are actually related to this cause of rage or irritation. […]

Anger Management Class: Goals And Objectives

An anger management class is very effective for those who experience difficulty in controlling negative emotions. Parents, executives, teenagers and even elementary age children can benefit from learning how to deal with aggression and hostility in an effective manner. These classes can be taken voluntarily but are sometimes a part of a court order or […]

Impove Your Life With Anger Management

Just like poorly managed stress, anger that is not dealt with in a healthy manner cannot only be a major cause of discomfort, but it also has repercussions on your health. Anger management is a topic that many individuals study because they feel that their personal life is slipping out of their hands because of […]


Getting Beyond Positive Thinking And being able to see the truth of a situation can be challenging. Having studied Metaphysics for 25yrs and being a Science of Mind Minister I tend to see things differently than some others might. Because I am a meta-physician and I write about metaphysics I work at seeing beyond what […]

Practical Tips For Positive Thinking - Positivity Can Be Learned

Why Positivity Can Be Learned Wouldn't it be nice to always - or mostly - have positive thoughts? We have to live inside our heads a large part of our waking life. Granted, when we are working, playing, exercising, or socializing in any way -- relating to family, friends, co-workers, etc...we are taken outside of […]

How to Develop Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is one of the most popular topics nowadays. I guess it should be in such difficult times when people lose their jobs, fail in business, have problems in their relationships or simply have too low self esteem. Lots of books on the topic in bookstores only show an increasing need for the topic […]

Optimal Thinking

Optimal Thinking by Rosalene Glickman is a book I read about a year ago. I don’t recommend that anyone here read it because it’s one of those books that reads like an article padded out to the length of the book. You need only read the first chapter to absorb 80% of the book’s value. […]

Conditioning Yourself to Succeed

Sometimes you may encounter situations where you know what you should be doing, but you’re having a tough time getting yourself to do it. Or perhaps you’re able to get started on a task, but you just can’t seem to maintain the momentum to see it through to the end. If such a problem continues […]

Positive Thinking and Wisdom for Relocation

The idea of moving to another city, state or even country can be both exciting and scary. Relocation can also create stress on the entire family. There are so many things to do and plan for, and positive thinking techniques can help make your move easier and less stressful. Making the Decision When a person’s […]