Five Ways to Assert Yourself

A nice lady who sat beside me on a plane narrated her life after learning that I'm a practicing psychiatrist. "I can't say 'no.' That's my problem for years. I'm now 68 years old and I still try to please everyone except myself. I feel guilty if I say 'no.' I should have seen a […]

Assertive: Why Do Some People Find It Hard To Be Assertive?

Although assertiveness is largely described as the ideal, what is often found is either submissive or aggressive behaviour. So if submissive behaviour was at one end of the spectrum; aggressive behaviour would be at the other end of the spectrum. This means that assertive behaviour would be in the middle of the two extremes. By […]

Situations You Need Assertive Communication skills

There are two groups of scenarios where having the skills to say "no" while being respected are much needed. I'm sure you would like to say "no" in both of these common scenarios yet you just cannot bring yourself to say it for several possible reasons. The first group of scenarios involves someone asking for […]

How To Assert Yourself Without Losing Friends

Often, people will have trouble making themselves stand out form the crowd. For some people, they can be a bit nervous about voicing their own opinion; maybe they are worried about being wrong or be laughed at. So, trying to stand up for themselves, and really assert themselves can be a problem for some people. […]

How To Assert Yourself Without Losing Friends

Often, people will have trouble making themselves stand out form the crowd. For some people, they can be a bit nervous about voicing their own opinion; maybe they are worried about being wrong or be laughed at. So, trying to stand up for themselves, and really assert themselves can be a problem for some people. […]

Aggressive and Assertive: You Can't Be Both

During a girl's high school finals basketball game, I heard some spectators talking about the youngest player. "She's so aggressive for a small player." Another said, "She jumps so high when rebounding, and comes down with the ball." One watcher must have been to the previous play-off game. He said, "She was high-scorer in the […]

How You Can Become More Assertive Without Having to Be Aggressive

Assertiveness is all about admiration and also this won't usually designed directions as well as driving people to resign yourself for your ideas. In the original the best way to be a little more assertive in a very partnership, it states we can easily be powerful if we feel like however the useful opportunity for […]


ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING FOR EVERYBODY I have an outpatient psychologist for over twenty years. Assertiveness training is one of the major services I provide every day. It affects each of the other seven or so major areas of psychological dysfunction (self-esteem, anxiety, depression, relationships, addictions, ADHD, children's behavior). When assertiveness ability goes up, the problems in […]

Looking For Assertiveness Courses?

Looking For Assertiveness Courses? Most people think if they take a course on Assertiveness, they will learn the techniques and instantly be more effective in their communication. For a small minority, this is true. For most people, it is more important first to learn the steps of assertiveness, no matter what the format or venue. […]

How You Can Become More Assertive Without Having to Be Intense

Assertiveness is focused on regard and this does not often meant commands or even pushing visitors to surrender for a suggestions. From the initial how you can become more powerful inside a romantic relationship, the idea affirms we are able to become aggressive whenever we think that but the practical possibility of being which is […]

Assertiveness - Personality Trait or Communication Skill?

Many seemingly enlightened companies make substantial invests in people development. They give their employees for technical training, soft skills training, and management training. They feel in equipping their human assets using the skills and competencies required for success on the job, and therefore are willing to spend money for it. If only which was enough. […]

How To Be Assertive In Any Situation

Assertiveness is one the most important leadership qualities. With assertiveness you can stand up for your rights and needs without harming others. When you are assertive the end result is you achieve a 'win-win' outcome for you and the other side. Being aggressive or passive can spoil your chances of being recognized as person to […]

Assertive Communication Skills

It takes as much energy to set a large goal that will stretch you, as it does to set a veWe talk a lot, and those conversations, if we use assertive communication skills, can make a big difference in how our relationships go. If I have anything to add to the assertive communication skills dialogue, […]

Radical Self Love Requires Radical Self Acceptance

Radical self-acceptance means seeing yourself for all that you truly are - neither with rose-colored glasses nor with muddied glasses, but with a clean, clear accurate lens. There are 5 components to radical self-acceptance: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and sexual. Radical self-acceptance of your physical form. This means to see your body from a loving […]

Developing Self-Acceptance

When you accept yourself with all of your flaws and unique talents, the world seems to become a more accommodating place. You'll find that some of the causes of your stress disappear and you can gain more joy on a daily basis. Accepting yourself completely entails courage, wisdom and compassion. If you're plagued by negative […]


This week I’ll be blogging a series on self-discipline. New posts on this topic will appear every day Mon-Fri. I’ve also added a new self-discipline category. I’ve already written about 20 pages on self-discipline for my upcoming book, including what it is and how to develop it. I’ll share some of those ideas in this […]

Finer Details of Aptitude Test Online

An evaluation of a project, policy, or program is a methodical process that involves gathering, analyzing, and making use of data to create answers to fundamental questions regarding the subject matter. The Kirkpatrick model is a popular method for evaluating programs. This model proposes four tiers of training results, which are as follows: Reaction criteria […]

An Interesting Introduction to Psychology: Aptitude Tests and Evaluations

Program evaluation is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using data to develop answers to basic questions about projects, policies, and programs. One common approach to program evaluation is Kirkpatrick's model, which posits 4 levels of training outcomes: 1. Reaction criteria focuses on what participants thought/felt about the program, 2. learning criteria provides a […]

Aptitude Test for Campus Placement - An Overview

After completing graduation or post graduation most aspiring candidates scout for job or other professional alternatives to start a professional career. Especially in IT sector, every year thousands of students pass out from various engineering colleges and professionals institutes across the country. In few colleges IT companies make a visit to recruit professionals and in […]

Benefits of Career Aptitude Tests

If you are pursuing any graduation course or have completed your high school and looking for your first job or even want to change your career path then you need to consider having a career aptitude test. Career aptitude test can help you discover your inherent ability together with your weakness and strength. For a […]

Career Aptitude Test for a Better Career Choice

A career aptitude test, as the name suggests is a test that is taken by students to make the right career choice and is also conducted by numerous employers to find the suitability of a candidate for a particular profile. A large number of career choices are available to each of us and it is […]

Diet, Exercise and Herbs for Anxiety

So many people now a days are struggling with stress and anxiety disorders and things don't look like they are going to get any better. Here we are going to look into ways you can change so that you can not only cope with stress and anxiety, but over come it too. Here is a […]

Dealing with Anxiety Panic Attacks

We all know that anxiety is a condition we cause. It only lingers when we don’t understand it or know how to reverse it. In general, it helps one cope. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it has become a disabling disorder. And when we say panic attacks these are […]

Generalised Anxiety Disorder , what causes it and how can it be stopped?

When a person experiences anxiety levels that are persistently higher than normal, a term called Generalised Anxiety Disorder is used to describe their condition. Adults and children alike can be affected by generalised anxiety disorder, but the question is, what causes it to develop?Essentially the reason that anxiety disorders are so prevalent today is because […]

There Is Effective Help With Social Anxiety Available

A long sought after explanation and help with social anxiety is now available on the Internet. People who have been socially shy and self-conscious since childhood may have accepted that this is just their temperament and as they struggled with dealing with the symptoms and missed social opportunities, they were forced to accept that this […]