Magnetic Attraction Messages To Draw Attention

Since the dawn of time, early man used cave drawings to communicate messages to others. Thus, the idea of using visual imagery to communicate an idea is not new. While modern-day communications have evolved beyond writing on the wall, colorful, visual displays in unexpected locations can still be immensely powerful. Delivering a message in a […]

Your Guide to Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Options

Deciding on an effective attention deficit disorder treatment is important for your child's health and your peace of mind. Doctors are quick to prescribe drugs and parents need to know that medications are not always the best choice. In this article, you'll learn more about the treatment options available, so you can make the best […]

The Attention Deficit Epidemic

The Attention Deficit Epidemic Human beings are master learners - one of our definitive traits. The brain is made of specialised nerve cells, called neurones, that communicate with each other to form the process of thought itself. The brain is constantly restructuring itself and learning by forming new nerve pathways. A healthy new-born baby will […]

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder

Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder Lots of controversy surrounds ADD and ADHD in children. Strong and differing opinions exist on how schools and doctors should handle ADD and ADHD. A little known fact is that several adults also struggle with these disorders. Symptoms of ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) […]

Attention Disorder Or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Affects Millions Of Kids

Attention disorder is really a subtype of ADHD but the confusion arises over the hyperactive/impulsive behavior. Not all kids who are diagnosed with ADHD will be either hyperactive or impulsive because this is just one category of the disorder. However there is also a combined type. Children diagnosed with combined inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive disorder will […]

Treatment for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder

Adult attention deficit disorder, or adult ADD, can be a very frustrating condition to have. Almost all of the initial research and focus for the attention deficit disorders was focused on children and adolescents, but adults are just as likely to have the condition as youths. The disorder normally makes itself apparent during childhood, with […]

Adult Attention Deficit Symptoms

Adult Attention Deficit symptoms are classifed into three groups: Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. One can suffer from one group or a combination of all of them. Symptoms usually manifest early in life, particularly when one enters the school system, and usually continue into adulthood. Attention […]

Attention Deficit Disorder In Adults

Attention Deficit Disorder in adults is largely under-diagnosed because many people assume that the condition only affects children. Gradually this misconception is beginning to change as more adults are seeking treatment. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a nervous system condition characterized by difficulties in concentration, focus, time-management, and the ability to make thoughtful decisions. Attention […]

How To Identify Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Studies have shown that Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are increasing at an alarming rate. Some think that it is because it is not really rising but that it is gaining more visibility with better tools and methods to detect it, but doctors disagree, saying that the number of identified […]

Defining Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention deficit disorder (abbreviated as ADD) is a syndrome exhibited usually by children aged seven years and below. The disorder is characterized by the child's persistent impulsiveness, hyperactivity and very short attention span. The name attention deficit disorder has been widely used to refer to the disorder, but in 1994, researchers, experts and psychologists reached […]

Attention: Why Do Some People Avoid Attention?

There is wide spread exposure when it comes to people who are attention seekers and these people can be labelled as having certain unhealthy narcissistic traits. One can come into contact with people who are like this in their local area and as well as in the mainstream media. It is only human to want […]

Attention Seeking Behaviour

To be acknowledged, mirrored and validated are psychological needs that we all have. This is a perfectly normal and natural part of being human and something that is vital for mental and emotionally stability. And like most things in life, there can be extremes and when this healthy requirement is taken to the extreme; it […]

Attention Seeking Behaviour: What Causes It?

To be acknowledged, mirrored and validated are psychological needs that we all have. This is a perfectly normal and natural part of being human and something that is vital for mental and emotionally stability. And like most things in life, there can be extremes and when this healthy requirement is taken to the extreme; it […]

Learn How To Detect Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder In Kids

ADHD, described as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is typical in little children. This disorder involves behaviours whereby little children do not pay attention and are considered progressively impulsive and lively as compared to an average youngster in the same age bracket. Behaviour problems with regard to learning and also socialising are major in youngsters with […]

Combat Short Attention Spans With Yoga

Submitted by urlreader Sun, 21 Sep 2008 Did you know that you can use yoga for children who have short attention spans, are hyperactive, or have been diagnosed with ADD? Research and personal accounts have shown that yoga can help calm and focus the hyperactive and/or attention-deficit child. There is no question that children love […]

ADHD symptoms - Lack of attention and concentration

Before known what is the ADHD symptoms one should know what exactly the full form ADHD is. It is called as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. There are many types of ADHD if you check on internet or just refer a doctor. These ADHD symptoms are mostly found in common children's and teenagers. But there are […]

Attention Deficit Disorder - Nutritionional Treatments

Submitted by DarcyRabon528 Thu, 12 Jul 2012 In former articles we went over what ADD is and how to recognize it. In this third part we are going to create a course on how to treat ADD. ADD can in fact be fought from many directions. There are drugs, behavior modification, nutrition, exercise, and a […]

The Top 3 Preschool Attention Getters

Top 3 Preschool Attention Getters (You can use some of these on children of any age) Have you ever tried to get the attention of a room full of preschool children? How about just getting the attention of one toddler? There are simple ways to get kids to notice you, and you don’t have to […]

Drawing The Attention To Adult Attention Disorder

Forgetting your appointments is a common ordeal many of us face, but if this is combined with a regular display of procrastination, irritability and trouble in concentrating then perhaps you need to understand adult attention disorder. Though you might think that this disorder is just the result from a lack of willpower to do a […]

Giving Your Full Attention To Who You Are

In order to seriously realize who you are, you will need to learn the difference of the feeling of when you are stopping as you; your heart, and when you are being distracted by what you are not; your chattering mind. To feel this, you will need to learn to give your full attention in […]

Different Ways To Overcome Attention Deficits

Attention deficit hyper­activity disorder (ADHD) affects millions of children and adults (up to 5% of children in the US). Growing evidence suggests that innovative brain training and neurofeedback options may become part of the overall treatment to help these individuals. In order to help you navigate the growing range of options, we summarize below some […]

How to Train Yourself to Be Assertive

Few of us are naturally assertive; we lean either towards aggression or passivity. To build our self esteem not only creates balance in our personal lives, but also in the World around us. Tolerance is something which is becoming a relatively scarce commodity in today's world. In fact, it might be said that a state […]


ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING FOR EVERYBODY I have an outpatient psychologist for over twenty years. Assertiveness training is one of the major services I provide every day. It affects each of the other seven or so major areas of psychological dysfunction (self-esteem, anxiety, depression, relationships, addictions, ADHD, children's behavior). When assertiveness ability goes up, the problems in […]

How To Be LESS Assertive

How To Be LESS Assertive In my capacity as an outpatient psychologist for twenty-five years, I deal with the same eight conditions over and over. The most common is anxiety but the other seven are sometimes equally problematic. (The other seven are mood problems, children's behaviors, ADHD and/or learning disorders, relationships issues, low self-esteem, poor […]