Powers of a Positive Attitude

The Powers of a Positive Attitude I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative? Now let's say you are walking down the street with […]

Positive Attitude Is it the Hardest Job in the World?

What do you think is the hardest job in the world? Is it being a surgeon... lawyer... priest... professor... musician... writer... policeman...? Personally, I think that the hardest job in the world is forming the habit of thinking about the particular kind of reality that we wish to experience. By that I do not mean […]

The Powers of an Positive Attitude

Firstly, I want you to listen to your thinking. Now tell me, exactly what thoughts fill your brain? Would you label these folks as positive, or perhaps negative? Now suppose you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you reckon anyone who would setup a meeting would be able to tell you what's […]

Positive Thinking Can Change Your Life

Sometimes people can feel depressed. Often when people feel this way, their friends tell them they need to think in a positive way. That sounds like a simple answer, but it isn’t always easy to do. If you are in debt, have a sick family member, or need to relocate, you can feel lost. The […]

Developing A More Positive Attitude: A Guide Meditation On Loving Kindness

One of the most important teachings of the Buddha was one called metta, a Pali word for loving kindness. Like most people, I find myself often getting snappish and impatient with other people, and wish that I could just be kinder, more tolerant and more constructive when dealing with others. But it is not always […]

Maintaining a Positive Attitude While Trying To Sell Your Home

We all have "those" days.. you know the days when nothing seems to go as they should? When the toilet paper sticks to your shoe.. You can't find your keys.. The kids won't stop needing something every time you take one foot out the door. When these days arrive it can be a sure bet […]

How A Positive Attitude Affects Your Self Confidence And The World Around You

Did you know that having a positive attitude not only affects you but also the world around you? How are they connected? How does having a positive attitude affect the world around you? As you know, having a positive attitude makes you feel good about yourself. Your self esteem and self confidence is also affected […]

Skills That Pills Cannot Give To You: Attitude

Here is our first article from our new series on the ABCs of Things that Pills for ADHD Cannot Do for You. Pills used in the treatment of ADHD can be very helpful, and we have seen hundreds of lives improved by using stimulant medications such as Adderall, or alternative treatments such as Attend. But […]

Amp Up Your Power Of Attraction With A Positive Mental Attitude

"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit." - Helen Keller According to the Law of Attraction, we are all creators, attracting into our lives whatever we focus on - whether we want it or not. In order to […]

Developing Coping Skills For Positive Attitude

One reason for writing about his death is to make one aware of some of the potential signs that a person is contemplating suicide. I can honestly say we are not aware of, nor did we see, any signs in our son's death. I say that from a somewhat unique perspective and let me share […]

Accepting And Embracing Change Requires A Changed Attitude

As human beings we are all creatures of habit. Unless you work the night shift, you regularly get up about the same time every day, go to work the same way you usually do (either walk, bike, drive, car pool or take mass transit -metro). You probably arrive home approximately the same time in the […]

Do You Have The Attitude To Create Win-win Situations?

With a win-win attitude, we hold to a belief that everyone can win, and all can succeed through the decisions and actions in which we all participate. We care about others and have their interests at heart so they can succeed. But we also care about ourselves so that we succeed at the same time. […]

How To Get More Attention To Your Web Business?

A good web-design is regarded as an essential factor for the success of your online business. To grab the attention of users it is necessary that your website should look attractive at first look. Today, every organization has its own website, but the proportion of visitors visiting these websites depends upon the content, visual appearance, […]

Revealing Facts About Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

Perhaps you have a child, friend, or coworker who just can't quite seem to achieve their potential. They score high on their aptitude test and seem to try as hard as or harder than anybody but in the end tasks and projects are left unfinished producing academic underachievement in school or creating extra work for […]

Brain Training for Improving Attention in ADHD

A new study published in the Psychopharmacology Bulletin concludes that 10 weeks of a Brain Computer Attention program helps the symptoms of inattention seen in children with ADHD. The children in this study received 20 sessions of brain training over a 10-week period and were tested before and after the training for levels of inattentiveness. […]

The Best Parenting Strategy to use when dealing with Attention Seeking Behaviour

Attention seeking behaviour in children is common and usually nothing to worry about, but many parents worry about what parenting strategy they should use. From always giving in to your child to always standing firm, there is a wide spectrum of approaches. Most people would say they have no pre-determined parenting strategy; that it comes […]

Tricks to Sustain Attention-Span in Classes

Children often have low attention span as they are easily distracted. Sustaining their attention is a challenge for them as well as for their teachers. One needs to understand the dynamics of communication which takes place between the sender and the recipient of the message. The essence of what the teacher is explaining has to […]

Adult Attention Disorder and Finding Its Most Appropriate Cure

A more complete and proper term for adult attention disorder is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or more widely known as ADHD. It is a very common case of learning impairment that has increasingly become a disturbing issue among college students. Records of patients who were once diagnosed with attention deficit disorder greatly emphasized that a […]

All About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD

Parents have a common complaint these days - the child is distracted very easily. His attention span is limited to a few minutes and he cannot concentrate on a given task by himself. He finds it difficult to complete his homework, but he is very happy to watch TV or play video games for hours. […]

Dealing With Attention Deficit Disorders

Attention deficit disorders are associated with neurotic hyperactivity, the acronym for the disorder name is "ADHD." As the name suggests, the person with this kind of affection has episodes characterized by mental haziness, fidgeting and impulsiveness. Because these behavioral patterns are normal but infrequent manifestations in human beings, it becomes difficult to diagnose a patient […]

Attention Deficit Disorder and Treatment Techniques

The neurological attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is characterized by hyperactivity and inattentiveness in those who suffer from it. Manifesting in early childhood, ADHD symptoms include forgetfulness, distractibility, and an inability to control impulses. Without hyperactivity or spurts of often uncontrollable energy, the disorder can be referred to as ADD, or attention deficit disorder. Both […]

May I Have Your Attention Please?

The other day, as I waited for the elevator in my office building, I noticed a young mother sitting on the bench in the lobby. Her tiny baby was snuggled in a baby carrier on the floor and her two year old girl was busy trying to get on the elevator with me. The mom […]

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults

Do you always feel restless? Are you unusually outgoing and prefers ardent physical activities? Do you find it hard to concentrate on work or on other activities that need to be done? If your answer is affirmative to all of these questions, there is a great possibility that you have attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. Attention […]

Various Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Approximately 5% of the population suffers from ADD, with the majority of them being children. However, it is possible for ADD to carry on into adulthood due to a lack of treatment. Whilst there is insufficient research to support the causes of ADD, it can be due to genetics, prenatal conditions, or neurological damage. ADD […]

What is Attention Deficit Disorder - ADD?

A colleague of mine at work has a grandson diagnosed with child attention deficit disorder. When I talked to her about it, I wondered how you could tell whether it was ADD or 'just difficult or slow'. It is particularly difficult to tell with boys up to the age of about 16. Where do you […]