The Spiritual Awakening of Society

What was the defining thought that set the wheels in motion for Society's Spiritual Developmental path, we currently are involved in? In my opinion the timeframe was in the early 1960's when a large chunk of society decided to move out of the mainstream way of thinking and behaviour. As word spread the numbers increased […]

A Path To Spiritual Awakening

It seems that everyone's goal, in this day and age, is how to achieve spiritual enlightenment. As far back as the Paleolithic period, mankind seem to be on a mission for godly unification and awakening. Different primeval ceremonies achieved by diverse groups of people universally. Native people, who are still in existence today, show us […]

Signs of Spiritual Awakening - Receiving Secret Messages From the Universe

Recently I wrote about the signs and symptoms of being on the "fast track" to spiritual awakening. One of the signs of awakening is receiving "secret" messages from the universe (from spirit) that help point you in the right direction. Secret messages from the universe can be anything from an announcement on the radio that […]


What is happiness? Most, even I could say that none of us has found a right answer for it. Some of us think happiness can not survive for long, just for seconds and days. Some of us think there is not any happiness totally, it is just an abstract word. But I think there is […]

Importance Of Inspirational Quotes For Leading A Happy Life

Inspiration is an abstract concept or idea having spiritual and practical connotations. It can be some person or events which inspires our mind, emotions and body language. Inspiration means a motive to do something. It can be a sudden intuition for solving a problem. Many great personalities have inspired us. Albert Einstein and Aristotle are […]

Learn How to Manage Time and Lead a Happy Life

The importance of time is not unknown but still we fail to maintain a proper balance between work and family. As we grow our responsibilities also grows and we cannot be dependent on our parents throughout our life. Many times, we find the 24 hours in a day is not enough for us to accomplish […]

Tips For Aging And Living A Healthy, Happy Life

If you worry about aging skin and wrinkles, stay away from the sun! Of course, we all like a little sun, but too much exposure can cause premature aging of the skin as well as increasing the risk of skin cancer. Tanning beds also pose the same risks, maybe even to a greater extent, as […]

How to Fight Stress and Live a Happy Life

Stress is a common problem for everyone. It can be caused by the people around you, too much thinking, work and many others. Fortunately, there are ways to relive stress without taking medication. Here are 7 stress reducers that will not cost you a dime: 1.Meditation Allowing your mind to rest during times when you’re […]

Ideas for How to live a happy Life

The only way you can live a happy and satisfied life, is when you start doing things that make you happy and satisfied. Sure, it sounds easy, and can be easy if you just remember to make yourself one of your top priorities. Too many people neglect themselves, feeling that it would be selfish if […]

Ideas for How to live a happy Life

The only way you can live a happy and satisfied life, is when you start doing things that make you happy and satisfied. Sure, it sounds easy, and can be easy if you just remember to make yourself one of your top priorities. Too many people neglect themselves, feeling that it would be selfish if […]

A Happy Life- 7 Small Steps To A Happier Life

A happier life is what everybody craves, and who can blame them? In such rough times, with layoffs, crime and suicides on the rise we need to remember the small things that make us smile. Here are a few small steps to take every day to make you smile, make you happier and in the […]

Positive Self-Talk - It's vital for a healthy and happy life

One major thought process that affects the way we feel about ourselves is called self-talk, or the dialogue we have inside our minds. It can be positive, negative or neutral. The quality of our self-talk directly impacts our happiness level, and can make life more stressful or less stressful depending upon how we are commenting […]

9 Details Indicate Women Having Happy Life

There are some indicates to show if a woman is happy or not: 1, Like laugh when taking pictures The latest study of U.S. Diebold University find that people, who like laughing when taking pictures from their childhood, their divorce rate will 5 times less than the others. The reason is feather flock together. The […]

A Purpose Driven Life Leads to a Happy Life

Never has there been a better time to lead a purpose driven life based on your heart's desire and true passion in life. For those of you who haven't found that true passion and are perhaps unconsciously using that as an excuse to stay in your present circumstances then this article is for you. For […]

Happiness, darn it...Where are you?

There is a huge misconception about the real meaning of love and happiness and due to the lack of knowing the meaning people have accepted what they see on film and in print. Throughout the ages linguistic scientists have searched for a formula for happiness and love without success and to this day there still […]

Get that inner happiness

Get that inner happiness What does happiness means to you? Getting a 2 bhk flat, a car,lots of money,and all the comforts and luxury .but does that makes us happy,you must be thinking yes. No i am asking about the real one it does not come with these luxuries and let me tell you people […]

A Mind Of Peace Guaranteed: How To Live A Happy Life And Forgive Others

Happiness is a choice. This is what I challenged you to see in the companion article to this one, "Make Your Life Happy - How to Prosper and Choose Your Life Pursuit of Happiness." As John Lubbock asserts, "Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like a violin." And if you've ever played violin (Believe […]

Living A Healthy and Happy life

Since childhood we have been brought up listening to our elders that health is wealth and therefore we should take care of our health as well as be conscious about even a minor change which may have major repercussions on our health if not treated at the right time. 21st century is the age of […]

Learn To Lead A Happy Life

It is a tragedy with us that none here tries to give us instructions on art of living. We are just living and if we know the art of living, we can lead a happy life. We must be having proper education with us, we must be having proper training and then first of all […]

How Happy Are You?

It's never too late to have a happy childhood. It doesn't matter how old you happen to be. One of the main issues presented by people who seek therapy or counseling is how to deal with various issues that happened during their youth. They feel stuck because of an incident or the memory of an […]

12 Steps to a Happier Life

Can You Really Think Yourself Happy? Believe it or not, it is within your power to create positive thoughts allowing you to accomplish anything you set out to do. Can you really think yourself happy? The answer is a qualified yes. But first you must choose happiness. Positive thoughts can help you transform the good […]

Happiness – Accept These 2 Facts & be Happy Forever

There are two facts that if you accept them you can achieve happiness. In fact anyone can be happy – Happiness is a choice - you are not born happy, just as you are not born sad. You have to decide which you want to be and accepting thee two facts below will help you. […]

Creating Happiness Through Small Gifts

September 2005-It was mid-afternoon on an excruciatingly hot day in the Valley of The Kings, Egypt. I was spending a few days on a Nile cruise, and each day the boat would stop for an excursion of some type. On this particular day our group boarded a shuttle van to view some pyramids and tour […]

The Powers of a Positive Mental Attitude

If you were to write down you thoughts for the next hour would most of them be positive or negative? How do you know if your thoughts are positive or negative? Do you have motivational thoughts, thoughts full of gratitude for what you have and what is coming your way, or are your thoughts full […]

Having a Positive Attitude

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with developing a positive attitude. I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label […]