Emotional Intelligence: Why It Works So Well

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the study of "the wider range of qualities which enable people to excel - self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, empathy, etc." (Daniel Goleman). It refers to your ability to understand and manage your own feelings and those of others, and to use the information to guide you to relate better, plan more […]

How to Develop a Healthy Eating Habit

Bad Eating Habits Webster's Dictionary defines a habit as "a pattern of behaviour acquired through frequent repetition." In other words, a particular action or practice becomes established as a habit after prolonged repetition. It is a course of action that becomes engrained in the mind, in the way a path in a wood forms when […]

Change Eating Habit (Life Awaits You) to Lose Weight

Change eating habit and change your life. Food has become a habit for millions of Americans. The latest obesity statistics are: * 58 Million Overweight; 40 Million Obese; 3 Million morbidly Obese * Eight out of 10 over 25's Overweight * 78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations * 25% completely Sedentary * […]

Life is a never-ending development of desires

Let's attempt to explain what life is. We are talking here about life as we feel it and not in its protein existence. One way to explain it is as movement. True but we must first determine what we call movement. Take for example, balanced movement - is this considered movement or not? Einstein explained […]

The Best Ways to Determine Exactly What You Desired In Life

Just what do you actually desire in life? Most people don't uncover just what they desire in life until it's time to die-- which's a shame. Most individuals spend the very best years of their lives checking out tv or doing things they dislike. An author explained humanity by pointing out, "A lot of people […]

Overcoming Depression Depression cures

Signs of depression include things like insomnia, reduction of libido, suicidal thoughts, forgetfulness or reduction of focus, lack of stamina, bodyweight reduction, tiredness, lack of power, reduction in appetite, irritability, pressure and anxiety, minimal self esteem, helplessness and guilt, unresponsive to present occasions, tearfulness and reduced mood. Men and women suffering from depression demonstrate very […]

Curiosity and Wisdom Can Boost Happiness

Happy people have key strengths. An important strength is wisdom. Finding out what happy people are really like has led research into Positive Psychology that can help each of us grow happier. One of the keys to happiness is boosting our wisdom through our natural curiosity. Dr Martin Seligman has led research into positive psychology […]

Unschooling Restores Curiosity

When their child is eagerly learning and pursuing knowledge, parents simply shine in delight. "Unschooling" is an educational method that is intended to harness a child's nature, that of excitement for learning and curiosity about the world around them. Tapping into this nature allow the child to continue learning with a sense of wonder and […]

Creativity: Why Bother?

Creativity: Why Bother? 10 Benefits of Expressing Your Creativity By Cynthia Morris, CPCC As a child, you may have yearned to play the piano professionally, to act on Broadway, to write a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Perhaps you mentioned your aspirations to someone and were met with laughter or the assurance that there was no money […]

Creativity in Studying Process

  It was observed that creativity integrated a great successfulness into the process of studying. The teacher is an inspirational teacher who is very interested in developing thinking skills, creative teaching and promoting teaching through multiple intelligences. Currently she teaches numeracy and literacy with years five and six. Additionally one staff meeting each half term […]

Creative Writing Online

  Creative writing is a pleasurable activity and there is no age limit when it comes to indulging in any kind of writing exercise. Both students and professionals can benefit from creative writing exercises and enhance their standards of writing and ignite mind's eye and thoughts. This article mainly focuses on the purpose of creative […]

How to find a creative writing course

  It is a bit of a funny cycle, but there is definitely a seasonal trend when it comes to creative writing. Budding writers appear to become more interested in writing and enrolling onto a creative writing course during the summer months or over the Christmas and New Year period. There is some logic to […]

Creativity: Six Doors to Creative Thinking

You can be more creative when you want. You don't need to be naturally talented at creative thinking. You can learn the techniques and improve your thinking skills. It starts by understanding the key principles of creativity. It's not a contest. Creative thinking is simply a method of thinking that you can enhance. Ready? Use […]

Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking by Roger and Dianne Smalling At a missions conference in Georgia, the Sunday school teachers wanted the younger children to understand what a missionary does. A couple of the teachers felt that five and six year olds might be too young to grasp the concept of missions. The problem turned into an incredibly […]

Creative Thinking

Are you feeling jealous from your friend as he has a creative thinking? Do you also want to have this quality but have a misconception that it is from childhood? Then be cool. Since here are the sure shot ideas to make you a creative thinker much better than your friend. The main thing lies […]

Creative Thinking Activity - Aerobics For The Brain

Creative thinking activity depends on a brain that is energized. This article will show you how to enliven the brain using the five senses. Aerobic exercises get life-sustaining oxygen into parts of the body often starved. Aerobics for your senses have the same effect, enlivening them, waking them up, which in turn leads to a […]

Education System in New Zealand

School education in New Zealand can be divided into primary & secondary education. Tertiary education covers the post school education. Vocational and technical education is provided the institutes of technology, private training establishments and polytechnics. Higher education is offered by the universities and other institutes. Children are allowed to board the schools in New Zealand […]

Education System in India

Education in India has a very long history. Ancient India had the tradition of 'Gurukuls'. Under this system students have to live at the 'Ashram' (abode) of the teacher and get the education. This form of the education is known as 'Guru-Shishya Pramapara'. At that time, education was treated as a personal concern and has […]

7 Reasons Why It's Important to Live from Heart Consciousness

So, what's all the hub bub about Heart Consciousness? Our Heart centered truth always communicates with us. Never is there a time when it does not MOVE, BREATH and THINK with each of us. We already carry "Heart Centered Consciousness or just a Heart center inside each of us". Never is there a time where […]

The Consciousness and Subconsciousness

The mind can be divided into two independent realms: the conscious and subconscious. The conscious and subconscious are two different spheres of activity within one mind. The conscious mind, or rational mind, is related to reasoning, logic, selectivity, comparison, analysis, learning and understanding. Our waking awareness is seated in the conscious mind, which uses the […]

Shifting Conciousness: The Planet and Humanity, Undergoing a Transformational Change

Many who have found this article have or are feeling a change or shift in your consciousness. More and more are starting to realize the need to transform themselves from an individual path, to being one with all other consciousness. Those of us who are undergoing a transformational change, and have been educating, practicing and […]

Social Apathy and Cosmic Conciousness

Over the past few weeks Sky News have been reporting on the binge drinking problem that is affecting the UK. “Cheap booze is fuelling binge drinking in Britain. This is leading to a surge in alcohol-related violence, and police belive it is time for a crackdown.” “Senior doctors are claiming Government measures to tackle binge […]

Quick Conflict Resolution Tricks: What Not To Do During A Quarrel

Quick Conflict Resolution Tricks: What Not To Do During A Quarrel 1. Avoid getting in a power struggle. There is a noteworthy relationship between power and authority. Several times, as power increases, influence decreases and vice versa. Famous sociologist Erik Erikson noted that children turn out to be emotionally bothered when they hold power they […]

Would you like to have more self confidence

Why do we have to foster self confidence? There are people all over the world who require self confidence. They think it difficult to face demanding conditions and take a large amount of stress. They don't even have the confidence of talking to someone whom they are interested in. They find it tough to approach […]