The Power of Gratitude

If I could offer you a magic potion that would make you happier, healthier, more optimistic and more productive, and tell you that potion would cost nothing and will require very little effort to use, would you be interested? Let me ask the question differently. If this potion existed would you want some? Of course […]

Tips For Setting Goals for Success

  Setting goals and achieving success is not  easy. There are many obstacles to overcome and personal habits that can hold you back. Self-awareness is crucial for you to move forward and create the life of your dreams. Here are some ideas to help you do that. Life-Changing Goal Setting Tips Tip: Start the habit […]

Goals Setting For Success

  Imagine living a life of all night parties, and cocktails, and twenty four hour fun. Next picture yourself as a business manager or the owner of a doctorate degree. What sounds better to you? Ultimately, you decide what you want out of life. Happiness is something that you need to pursue. In order to […]

What Causes Stress?

When we find ourselves overwhelmed with a lot of things, find ourselves on the brink of, we call ourselves stressed out. Stress is a household term for most of us. With the high life we are all living, and most of us want to be living, we do not get away from stress. Stress is […]

Stress management - addressing the source

Stress management skills can be developed over time wherein one learns to live with the fact that there will be stressful situations. Stresses induced by modern day living habits takes a serious toll on the well being of families everywhere. Deadlines to meet at the workplace, financial obligations to be met at the home front, […]

How Do We Know We Have Forgiven?

What is forgiveness? How does forgiveness work in one's life? How do we know we have forgiven someone? Is it possible to believe we have forgiven someone and find out we did not forgive? How does this forgiveness thing work for us? Recently, I had an opportunity to experience real forgiveness. My husband and I […]

How Flexible Working Can Improve Business Productivity

Introducing flexible working policies at work can benefit both a business and its workforce. Research by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation and the Professional Contractors Group revealed that the majority of people, including the general public and politicians, believe in the benefits of flexible working. Businesses with a flexible workforce are best placed to recover […]

Creating Flexible Workplaces

Organizations fortunate enough to be considered employers of choice know that one of the reasons they can attract and retain skilled staff is that they have established a workplace culture that supports flexible work practices. Current skills shortages, combined with globalization, technological advances, an ageing workforce, new workplace values of Gen X and Y's and […]

Financial Freedom Is Necessary...Especially For Moms

Financial Freedom is high on everyone's New Year's Resolution List without fail, but how does this relate to individuals versus families or even Moms? As a mother of five, I've gleaned some wisdom about survival! The majority of issues I've experienced, either personally or through my friends, has been centered on two major issues...Money and […]

Financial freedom/ Rescue mission

Financial freedom is everyone's dream but only few achieve that's why first of all you have to ask yourself honestly, "Why I never become financially free even I work so hard and long hours in my job everyday for many years and yet still struggle financially. To understand even better let's realize this... Your grand […]

Are You Totally Clueless on How You Can Achieve Financial Freedom Ideas?

Do you want a lifestyle that will let you achieve financial freedom ideas? Many people dream of achieving financial freedom. Some seek financial freedom. However, very few people actually achieve financial freedom. By reading this article, "Achieve Financial Freedom Ideas', you will be on your way to achieving total financial freedom. There are millions who […]

Family Relationship Advice

A happy home may be the world for its members. But a question comes to our mind that what is the meaning of a happy family or how to keep people of the house cheerful? All these quires may be getting answered after some best relationship advice from professionals in this field. A family starts […]

Family Relationships Problems: Step one to fix them up

Face it, relationships are TOUGH! Family relationships are even tougher, though. Think about it, you are close to the person, probably live in the same house together. They know you, your quirks, your moods - and how to push your buttons. The key to surviving relationship problems, however, is to take control of the situation. […]

Family Life In A Fast-Paced World

Sometimes work schedules stretch mothers and fathers to the breaking point with little time left for the people who matter most: children. Thankfully, spending time with family is more than ticking away the hours of a dull day; it is about quality interaction between parents and children. Even though it may seem like the twenty-four […]

Simplify Your Family Life and Take a Step in the Right Direction

Cut back on multitasking. This is a talent of most mothers and what most fathers strive for but struggle with. It also may be directly connected with heart attacks in women and stress levels. We can do it but as a constant I have my doubts as to how healthy it is at the extreme […]

Quick Tips To Family Life Assurance

From the term itself, life cover insurance is a tool that can offer protection for those family members who will be left behind upon a loved one's passing. And for you to do that, you are required to pay premiums on a regular basis as this will be claimed once you pass away. Time is […]

What Does It Take To Succeed In A World Of Faith?

Success is a word on everyone's mind today. What with major companies gone bust, foreclosures on every block, millions unemployed and the economy in the toilet, it is little wonder that people are looking for a bright spot. What does it take to achieve success in anything? What is standing in the way of success […]

School Exchange Programs: Promoting Academic Excellence and Cultural Understanding

School exchange programs give participants from many different countries around the world an all-access pass to study in another country and to discover and explore the wonders of a new culture. The programs became very popular after World War II, and since that time millions of students have had the opportunity to embark on the […]

The Quest For Excellence

How would you like to be able to use all of your mind's capacity to learn, and to expand in your personal and in your professional life? Did you know that you are only using a fraction of your conscious mind? You can learn how to implement techniques that can allow you to use the […]

Emotional Dependency vs. Emotional Freedom

Emotional Dependency vs. Emotional Freedom What is Emotional Dependency? Lydia consulted with me because her relationship with her husband, Andrew, was falling apart. Andrew had moved out, stating that he could no longer tolerate Lydia's neediness and constant pull on him to make her feel loved and secure. Now that they were separated, Lydia's emotional […]

The Ethics of Business

Profits or prophets? Chris Drake looks over his shoulder at the latest perceptions of moral and ethical values in commerce. In the past two years several major scandals have rocked the world of business. These have affected high-profile names in the City of London such as centuries-old Barings Bank, which collapsed under US$1.3bn in debt, […]


It is widely acknowledged that the All India Services [] and other higher Central Services have collectively contributed positively to the stability and predictability to the system of governance in the country. These civil services have networked well within themselves and have strengthened the fabric of our country's unity and integrity. In the first few […]

Course of Action - How Ethics Affects Business

All the principles and the values which govern the action and the decision-making process in a company are termed as business ethics. The business ethics can be in both written and unwritten form. In business, the organization sets the standards for determining the differences between the good and bad decision. In common word we can […]

The Truth about the Emotional Freedom Technique

Human beings live in an ocean of emotion; you may have read a book or seen a film that has brought up tears of sadness or feelings of joy! In most cases these emotions will slowly dissipate and even the film may be forgotten in time, but what of those emotions that linger and cast […]