Healthy Family Fitness Activities

Healthy family fitness activities While we're all leading busy lives, it can be hard to fit in family time, let alone time to exercise. Instead of trying to juggle the two, why not merge them together? We've put together some family fitness activities that will help you to bond as well as keeping everyone fit […]

The Stylish Way of Happy Living Discovered

  "A house is much more than a mere shelter, it should lift us emotionally and spiritually." - John Saladino This quote by John Saladino embellishes the need for emotional and spiritual touch for our homes. A home means security, peace, orderliness, and a place of love. Today in this hectic life schedule one needs […]

Vacations Add Value To One's Active Life

  Annual break from the routine for a businessman or an executive is as important as it is with the children who stain their time and energy throughout the year in their studies. They must take a vacation to rejuvenate themselves for which vacation packages, which help them visit new places, relaxation and value addition […]

Orthopedic Treatment: Promote an Active Life Style

  Orthopedics deals with problems of the knee, hip, shoulder, spine, ankle and other parts of the body. This branch of medical science aims at helping patients reduce the pain affecting the musculoskeletal system including bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, spine and joints. Whether you suffer chronic arthritis, athletic trauma or mobility disorders, orthopedic treatment can […]

Stay active this summer

  The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines, developed by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), recommend that Canadians of all ages spend significant amounts of time engaged in moderate-to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity: 60 minutes daily for children aged five to 17 years including vigorous-intensity activities at least three days each week) 150 minutes weekly […]

How To Get Your Kids To Be More Physically Active

  Children nowadays have become less and less physically active. Many children rather sit in front of a television or computer screen than go outside and ride a bike. Due to all this inactivity, childhood obesity is on the rise. No parent wants to see their child unhealthy and overweight, but some parents just don't […]

Retiree Activities

Just because we choose to get our gold watches and plaques, does not mean the end of an active life. Retiring opens many new opportunities for what some call, retiree activities. Some retiree activities may actually include volunteer work. Doing what you did prior to retiring can offer benefits to the organization you are volunteering […]

Having active life with good vision

Researches show that parents who take part in their children's activities more usually have good relationships with their children. When their children grow up, they can think about these happy pictures with their parents easily, and this is also a good memory for parents. And among these activities, outdoor activities are more impressive. But it […]

The Importance of Attitude: 10 Easy Steps to Make Yours Sensational!

It has been said that, "Attitude is everything." Although I haven't confirmed it yet, I can assure you it is at the top of my list. Any successes or miss-steps I have had in my life were driven by my attitude. Over time, I learned our attitudes are a direct reflection of our actions. So, […]

Positive Attitude For Self-Improvement

One of the first things to do when you begin self-improvement is to check your attitude. As you go through your day take some time and listen to your thoughts. What do you think about when you go shopping? Would you label your thoughts as positive or negative? While shopping are you always worried about […]

Attitude Problem, Or Not?

All people have attitudes. Did you ever hear someone make a statement concerning someone else's attitude? Some of these statements are, you have an attitude problem or I don't like your attitude. What exactly do these people mean when they make these abrupt statements? Well, sometimes the attitude that you may have is in disagreement […]

Orchestrating Attitude: Getting the Best from Yourself and Others

How do you measure success? Is it by financial security, career growth, community involvement, quality of relationships, spiritual centeredness or the legacy you leave? Whichever measure you choose, your attitude is the single most important factor in achieving success. The topic of attitude can be conceptual and confusing. In fact, as we go through life […]

The Powers of a Positive Mental Attitude

If you were to write down you thoughts for the next hour would most of them be positive or negative? How do you know if your thoughts are positive or negative? Do you have motivational thoughts, thoughts full of gratitude for what you have and what is coming your way, or are your thoughts full […]

Having a Positive Attitude

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with developing a positive attitude. I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label […]

How A Positive Attitude Affects Your Self Confidence And The World Around You

Did you know that having a positive attitude not only affects you but also the world around you? How are they connected? How does having a positive attitude affect the world around you? As you know, having a positive attitude makes you feel good about yourself. Your self esteem and self confidence is also affected […]

How To Become A Better You With A Positive Attitude On Life

Everyday fun, happiness, enjoyment needs to be incorporated into your daily life. Watching the sunrise from the top of a mountain after an early morning walk on a weekend tramp might not be everyone’s idea of an adrenalin rush, but if it’s what you enjoy, you need to ensure you’re doing it in your life. […]

How a Positive Attitude Affects Your Self Confidence and the World Around You

Did you know that having a positive attitude not only affects you but also the world around you? How are they connected? How does having a positive attitude affect the world around you? As you know, having a positive attitude makes you feel good about yourself. Your self esteem and self confidence is also affected […]


There will always come a point in your life where you will all of a sudden feel a dose of emptiness within. Your enthusiasm will just depart from you and leave you with nothing but emptiness. I have a friend who works in a routinely 8 hour job who obviously was bored of what he […]

Check your attitude at the door!

What makes an excellent conversationalist? What is the most significant quality of a great communicator? Do you make an effort to connect? How do your employer and your co-workers perceive you? Does your company recognize your value? Let's look at a major area that will help all of us reach our full potential: Our Attitude. […]

Advance your Attitude to Positive for your awesome life!

Your attitude will determine your future. It sounds simple, but it's harder to do. When you turn on the television, read the newspaper there's negativity being broadcast, so it's easy to 'tune in' to that type of thinking. BUT you have a choice. Advance and aim for an awesome life...or not. The Choice is yours. […]

Attitude is Everything!

Is Your Life A Runaway Train? Does it seem like something or someone else is in charge of your life? If you think so, you might be right! Early in my insurance career I recruited some incredibly gifted and talented people, but as I used to say, "He looks good in uniform, but he can't […]

Grief Counseling For Help

Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt, psychologist, is helping people who agonized from the death of loved ones, break-up of marriage, loss of a job, diagnosis of a decisive illness, or a countless of other reasons. His emphasis is to relieve survivors heal after someone they love dies. The theme embraces people's needs in mourning, how to […]

Anticipating grief

Anticipating grief is never an easy thing. The thought that our loved one is going to die is not a consoling fact. Anticipatory grief is period during which a patient or family member expects to die. Anticipatory grief is quite similar to the after effects of losing a loved one. The emotions are no less […]

Finding the Light Through Grief

We will all experience grief at some time in our lives. Grief is a natural process of sadness, realisation and recuperation that is a necessary part of human life. When experiencing the first tumultuous waves of grief, you may find yourself questioning why human beings should have to go through such a painful emotional state. […]

Healing Grief

Loss, grief and death are universal occurrences. From one country to another, all over the world, every human being will experience, or has experienced loss, grief and death. It is not a question of if, but rather a question of when. We do not and should not live our daily lives wondering when it will […]