How to Develop a Sense of Purpose

  Having a sense of purpose in life goes a long way to boost confidence. You were born to fulfill God's purpose for your life. You were not created to live in a vacuum. Everything and everyone has a purpose and leads to an expected end. A purposeful life needs to be developed. You have […]

Allows Your Life Purpose to Give Others a Life of Purpose

  Quitting Smoking - Allows Your Life Purpose to Give Others a Life of Purpose Smokers who do not want to kick the habit for their own well being may want to consider the damage second hand smoke can inflict on their children, pets and other people around them. Studies show that environmental tobacco smoke […]

Identifying Your Lifes Purpose

  Some people go through their entire lives just trying to find their true purpose in life. They are always searching for an answer or believing that they are suppose to be doing something greater then what they are. Some people just live an every day existence thinking that they will never amount to anything […]

Are You In Sync With Your Life Purpose?

  Wouldn't it be great if there were a foolproof way to know if you're lined up with your life purpose, the whole reason you're here? Actually, there is a way to figure out whether your life is headed in a good direction that's going to be pleasing to you and in sync with your […]

Nine Ways to Explore Your Life Purpose

  Do you ever feel stuck or confused about what your next step is in your career, relationship or life? If you're like many of us, this confusion and indecision can drain your energy and motivation. One way to gain focus and clarity is to explore your life purpose. According to Buckminster Fuller, a well-known […]

Medical Miracles & Mysteries

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern medicine, countless stories leave us awestruck. From miraculous recoveries to baffling mysteries, the world of healthcare continues to push the boundaries of what we thought was possible. In this edition of "Medical Miracles & Mysteries," we delve into six remarkable cases that showcase the incredible capabilities of medical science. […]

Life Purpose Statements – Write Your Stance Now For The World To See

  Life purpose statements are truly all about what you have to say for your existence. Think of it as phrases you would use to help someone who did not know anything about you. This will be an opportunity for others to get to know you better through some choice words and descriptions. People always […]


  Realizing your life's purpose is like climbing up the shaft of a giant catapult, getting inside, slashing the ropes that are holding you back and launching yourself towards the shining castle of your dreams. We actually have two levels of purpose in our journey through life. One is on the worldly plain and can […]

Creativity and the Excitement of Life

  Are you allowing yourself to express your creativity? When you were growing up, were your creative expressions discouraged? Would you like to express that part of you and experience more of the excitement of life? As a Marriage, Family Therapist for many years, I was able to assist many men, women and children to […]


  Some people can look up to the sky and see a story in the clouds while coasting. And some people can write the words of their insides with nothing more than a notion. Some people can close their eyes and feel the rhythm without motion, and some people figured out how on earth to […]

Creatively Speaking

  Recently a friend was talking to me about her first experience in a store where you can paint your own pottery. She was excited and animated while talking about this experience, and explained how she wanted to be there everyday during lunch to paint. That she could just live in that store and paint […]

Creativity Is Key to Good Job

  Don't you wish to find your dream job and establish yourself as the best employee? It is a common wish for all. Everyone wants to be the best whether it is in school, college or office. Many of us manage to find the right job for ourselves but that is not the end of […]

Creativity: Six Doors to Creative Thinking

  You can be more creative when you want. You don't need to be naturally talented at creative thinking. You can learn the techniques and improve your thinking skills. It starts by understanding the key principles of creativity. It's not a contest. Creative thinking is simply a method of thinking that you can enhance. Ready? […]


Everything we see in the world today was first a thought before it became reality. The cars, airplane, boats, rockets, submarines were all first thought about before coming to be. This tells us how important creative thinking is. If creative thinking is so important and powerful, why is that most people don't practice? I feel […]

Imagine: How Creativity Works

  Some years ago, there was a work entitled "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Repair" and you have to wonder what one has to do with the other and the real answer is nothing, other than the fact that one unlocks the other - Zen unlocks the creative mind while the creative mind needs […]

The Importance of Creativity in Learning

  We have all heard the old adage that children are our future, and we all know that making a good investment in our future is important. Since kids are the future it is important to invest in them not only for their benefit, but to improve the future of our society. It can be […]

Creativity and the Excitement of Life

  Are you allowing yourself to express your creativity? When you were growing up, were your creative expressions discouraged? Would you like to express that part of you and experience more of the excitement of life? As a Marriage, Family Therapist for many years, I was able to assist many men, women and children to […]

Find The Creative Ways

  Creative Ways to earn money - Release the cash Machine inside your Heart! Creative ways to earn money: You've got a money machine inside your mind. You're ready to use it. The web will be your primary tool, although not always. Pablo Picasso once remarked, "The main enemy of creativeness is "good" sense." If […]

Creativity: Why Bother?

  As a child, you may have yearned to play the piano professionally, to act on Broadway, to write a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Perhaps you mentioned your aspirations to someone and were met with laughter or the assurance that there was no money in it. You swallowed your creative dreams and satisfied yourself with listening […]

What do you do to encourage creativity in your classroom?

  When we think of "creativity" we think of the obvious art and music.But in reality. "creativity" can be found in all areas of the curriculum. Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being. Creativity is the ability to produce something novel, something with the stamp of uniqueness upon it. Some teachers still […]

How to Follow Your Heart to Find Happiness

  There are times in our lives when we have choices to make - choices that might seem perplexing and difficult. We may have to make a choice between what will bring us wealth, fame or admiration and a choice that will bring us inner satisfaction and heartfelt happiness. How do we make these decisions? […]

As feeding, a healthy weight, and stay active for a Lifetime

  1-As a food, a healthy weight and stay active throughout life * * Taken in part or in whole from an article published by Weight Control Information Network Eat a variety of foods and being physically active are keys to good health. When you eat a variety of foods and exercise regularly, you can […]

Employees Get More Help To Quit Smoking And Get Active

  The Parliamentary Information Office of the Parliamentary Yearbook is currently gathering news items for major features on responsible drinking, smoking cessation and drug misuse in the next edition New Responsibility Deal pledges on health at work and physical activity Typhoo, McCain and Centrica who between them employ more than 35,000 people  have today signed […]

Chasing Happiness

  The thing I have heard the most during the years I have been counseling clients is, "I want to be happy." I have heard that refrain even more than I have heard, "I want to find my soul mate." Even when people are tired of living alone, they want to be happy more than […]

10 Ways to Find Happiness In Retirement

  Retirement isn't the finish but is merely the beginning of a brand new life, a brand new you. As such, it is absolutely nothing that ought to be dreaded or some thing that ought to cause you unnecessary stress. Rather it ought to make you happy and can bring you a new sense of […]