Social Skills Training for Asperger Adolescents

One of the biggest problems for asperger adolescents is their difficulties with social interactions. This problem is heightened by their difficulties with speech and language. As with autism, the asperger child / adolescent also seems to lack the ability to mind read, or have the ability of being able to tell or guess at what […]

ADHD Adolescents - What Does It All Mean In The Classroom?

I recently was told a story about a 14 year old student with ADHD who when given a less than compelling written homework assignment proceeded to march to the front of the class and tear it up right in front of the teacher, and then march back to his seat as if nothing had happened. […]

Four Affecting Factors of Adolescent Self Esteem

Self esteem is important factor for everyone, especially for an adolescent, in their social life and personal life. Here you will know the four affecting factors of self esteem and how to improve self esteem by deal with those affecting things. As In their adolescent period, they grow the base of self- esteem for full […]

Adolescent Obesity

Do we have reason to be concerned about adolescent obesity? Over the past three decades the number of overweight and obese children has nearly tripled. Statistically adolescent obesity accounts for over 17% of those numbers. Overweight children have a higher risk of developing lifelong health problems more than their adult counterparts because obesity during childhood […]

Treatment for Eating Disorders in Adolescents

Eating disorders, unfortunately, are all too common in adolescents. Puberty is a time of massive change for kids. Not only are their hormones turning on, but their bodies are also starting to change too. A beginning awareness of their interest in the opposite sex, as well as the stern judgment of their peers, can lead […]

Depression in Adolescents

Depression in adolescents is a disorder which occurs due to persistent sadness, loss of interest, loss of self worth and discouragement. Depression is normally a temporary reaction towards situations of stress. Depression is a normal part of the maturation process of adolescents. It is even induced due to production of sex hormones. Adolescent females are […]

Adolescents in the Juvenile Prison System

Over the years, the issue of adolescents in juvenile criminal justice systems has become a major concern. There has been a dramatic increased in the number of adolescents who are incarcerated in juvenile system in the United States compared to other countries. This has begged the question whether adolescents in the United States are more […]

Obesity in Adolescents

Obesity and overweight are the second most major reasons of preventable deaths in America. Stagnant lifestyle and junk food is to be blamed for more than three hundred thousand deaths per annum. The sad thing is that this problem is on the rise. Obesity is a chronic disease which poses serious health risk to the […]

Depression in adolescents and young people

One in five children and adolescents is affected by mental health problems and disorders. Those aged 18-24 have the highest prevalence of mental disorders of any age group. Depression in this age group should be taken seriously. Youth suicide is the third most common cause of death in this age group. The Lawson Clinic, a […]

The Challenges Facing ADHD Adolescents

The story of ADHD adolescents is one that is filled with great challenges. As a preadolescent child extreme hyperactivity as well as the other primary symptoms of inattention/distractibility and impulsive behavior may be at the forefront. But as the child grows into adolescence the primary symptoms of ADHD are quite often overshadowed by the secondary […]

Adolescence: a Sine Quo'on of One's Life

Adolescence is an important period of one's life. Adolescence is in fact the sine quo'on of life. Adolescence is like a bridge between the stage of infancy and adulthood. It is during this stage of adolescence that varied changes takes place in one's body both physical and psychological. Adolescence is the transitional period of human […]

Impact Of Mass Media On Adolescent Health: ''the Dark Side''

The period of transition from childhood to adulthood is called Adolescent with accelerated physical, biochemical and emotional development. It is a unique period of dynamic change which may be referred to as "Growing up". Adolescence is the time period that begins with the onset of puberty and lasts nearly a decade i.e., from the age […]

Physical problems of adolescents

Adolescence, the most important period of human life, has been defined in a number of ways, from different points of views as a period of physical development, a chronological age span or a sociological phenomenon. The term adolescence comes from the Latin verb "Adolescence", meaning "to grow into maturity". In this sense, adolescence is a […]

Adolescence and Its Problems

The period of rapid physical and mental growth between the childhood and adulthood is called adolescence.For girls it is in the period between 8-18 years and for boys it is 7-19 years.Adoloscence extends from puberty to complete sexual maturity(puberty is the time of appearance of first external signs of sexual maturation). Characteristics of Adoloscence 1) […]

Adolescent Correction

Once in the evening, suddenly I got an opportunity to meet one of my old students. By seeing his unstable talk I scared. He was seemed to be totally insecure. May be his last straw is myself who can guide very carefully him for his life as he thought. He told me it's very urgent. […]

The Adolescent's Physical and Mental Transition, and Adolescent Problems

This work examines adolescence as a time of transition, both physical and mental as well as a time of unique problems. It is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. These are the formative years when the maximum physical, psychological and behavioral changes take place. These years are also a time of preparation for […]

Alcohol Addiction and Drug Abuse in Adolescents

A growing number of teenagers drink alcohol or consume other toxic substances, although this is illegal and dangerous. Some adolescent try alcohol or toxic substances occasionally, but even this behavior can be considered dangerous because it can lead to addiction and its side issues (illegal consequences, poor school performance, loss of friends, social isolation environment […]

How to Help a Teenaged Kid With Problem

Kids are vulnerable to stress and tension. They can easily sense if something is not right around them. But due to the inability to express this feeling, children cannot explain even if it is bothering them. Teen-aged kids face many things, in school, in house, in society and among friends. Teenage is the most vulnerable […]

Understanding Your Adolescent With Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder is a common mental illness affecting millions of people including children and teens. Anxiety is a common human response when faced with real danger but people with anxiety disorder are ruled by fears even without the presence of real fearful situations. An anxiety attack is accompanied by symptoms like sweating, pounding heartbeat and […]

Help For Parents With Troubled Teens By Encouraging Them To Learn From Their Problems

Youth Care is like a residential treatment center which offer exhaustive therapeutic treatment in an intimate, home-like setting to adolescents. Our academic programs allow every child to stay on track with school while participating in intensive one-on-one therapy. Educational therapy programs is designed to develop skills in working with children, adolescents or adults that includes […]

Mental Health Problems

Mental health problems can strike anyone at anytime. The onset of a range of mental disorders and mental health related problems will often occur during adolescence. Troubled teenagers can be affected by a number of mental disorders. Adolescence is a time of change and these changes can bring about issues that may lead to full-blown […]

Dieting in Adolescence

Concern with weight and shape is extremely common during the adolescent years. In addition to being exposed to the real health risks of obesity and improper nutrition, teenagers are being exposed to the unrealistically thin beauty ideal that is portrayed in the media. Images and words in the media tell teenagers that being thin means […]


Your Adolescents Allergies. Causes and Cures. Allergies are reactions by the immune system that are abnormal in nature to things that are usually harmless to a majority of the people. When somebody is allergic to something the immune system of that person gets confused and thinks that the substance is detrimental to the body. The […]

Adolescent Depression & Avenues to Treatment

Depression is a disease that afflicts the human psyche in such a way that the afflicted tends to act and react abnormally toward others and themselves. Therefore it comes to no surprise to discover that adolescent depression is strongly linked to teen suicide. Adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged 15 […]