How do various physical changes cause teenager problems?

Teenage is a very challenging part of a child's and parent's life. While most teenagers would want to feel that they are independent and want to take all decisions on their own, they are also not confident about themselves. This causes a lot of confusion for them. To top it all, physical changes that they […]

Allergies and your Adolescent

Allergies are reactions by the immune system that are abnormal in nature to things that are usually harmless to a majority of the people. When somebody is allergic to something the immune system of that person gets confused and thinks that the substance is detrimental to the body. The substances causing allergic reactions are known […]

Comprehending Adolescent Weight Loss

In today's world physical comeliness matters and increasingly more individuals are placing a great deal of emphasis on physical appearance. It's becoming an obsession where more and more services and weight loss products are being used that may help them improve their physical appearance. These days one of the biggest difficulties of individuals, especially adolescents […]

Smoking Related Health Problems in Adolescents

Smoking is the cause of many diseases and kills about four hundred and forty two thousand people every year in the United States. In spite of anti smoking campaigns and billboard warnings, more and more people are joining the bandwagon of smokers every year. Out of the total number of new smokers, ninety percent are […]

From Infancy to Adolescence

From infancy to adolescence, environmental influences play a major role in the development of our personality. Similar to animals, our social adaptation is stemmed through the process of observational learning. Therefore we can conclude that most children act on how they see their parents act. If a child happens to see their mother or father […]

Teenager problems – key challenges in teenage parenting

Many people believe that the teenage parenting is most challenging due to various teenager problems faced during this crucial period of your teenager's life. It is the time in your child's life when they are trying to forge their own identity, yet they still depend on you for some of the basic aspects of life. […]

How to Cope With Adolescent Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder is a serious problem which can affect an individual's life to a great extent. It influences a person's way to behave, to think and the way he feels making him feel vulnerable in some conditions. A teenage boy can also be affected with anxiety disorder if someone in his family had this problem […]

A Growing Problem: Teen Obesity

Teen obesity has reached nearly epidemic proportions in recent years. The American Heart Association and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that between 15% and 33% of adolescents in the United States alone are overweight. The increase in overweight and obese teenagers has also increased the number of teens being diagnosed with […]

Adolescence: a Big Challenge to Every Caring Parent

There are a lot of challenges facing adolescent children or teenagers. During this period of trying to locate their stable identity, their behaviors change and go wild if not controlled by parents. In the time past, adolescence used to start at the age of 16 or 17, but recent research reveals that children of 11 […]

Adolescence, Boys and Girls

Adolescence is the developmental level between childhood and adulthood; it commonly refers to a period arraying from age twelve or thirteen through age 19 or 21. Although its commencing is a great deal balanced with the beginning of puberty, adolescence is qualified by mental and social stages as well as by biological changes. Adolescence can […]

The ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Adolescent

Being an ADHD adolescent can be difficult both from a social and academic perspective. In this article we will look take a close look at this pivotal time in a young adults life hopefully throwing the parents of these sometimes hard to manage children a much needed lifeline. As you may know ADHD stands for […]

Discovery of Adolescent Mental Mood Disorder

A general determination that distinguishes adolescent depression challenges from mood disorders in older people is the higher level and more often occurring of social and interpersonal difficulties, resulting in the low self-esteem that defines adolescent mood disorders. And also, teenage kids are more susceptible to suicidal temptations accordingly to their depression. Identifying themselves in relationship […]

Adolescent Substance Abuse and Temptations

If you are a parent, there are many things you should know about adolescent substance abuse. Many teens are under enormous strain, between parental expectations, school, and sometimes extracurricular activities. It's always good to know what kind of risk factors there are with regards to drug or alcohol abuse when it comes to teenagers. Availability […]

Get Help to Treat Alcohol Abuse or Addiction in Your Adolescent

Dealing with alcoholism and drug abuse is difficult. Imagine how difficult it would be if your teenager has to deal with it on his/her own. If you find any hint of such a problem in your young adult, it is time to take immediate action. What are the tell-tale signs? Look out for acrid breath, […]

How to deal with adolescent pregnancy issues?

You are reading the newspaper and came across the story of a teenage boy becoming the world's youngest father at fourteen and the girl in question is fifteen and happens to be his neighbor. The news has made you sit up and contemplate talking to your girl about puberty, sex, pregnancy, abortion, AIDS, sexually transmitted […]

Information on Idiopathic Adolescent Scoliosis

Scoliosis is defined as curvature of the spine in the coronal (front view) plane. Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of spinal deformity confronting orthopedic surgeons. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is present in 2 to 4 percent of children between 10 and 16 years of age. This form of scoliosis affects girls more than boys. […]

Parenting adolescents – How to talk to your teenager – teenage parenting is tough!

Parenting adolescents is a huge challenge but with communication, teenage parenting can be made easier for you and your child. One of the hardest things in parenting adolescents is communicating in the right way, and here are some ways that teenage parenting can be made a little less stressful: Firstly, recognize opportunities to talk. Whether […]

Adolescent Alcohol Treatment For Teenage Girls

Teenage drug and alcohol addiction are the two main woes of parents all over the world. Together with adolescent alcohol treatment centers and drug rehabilitation centers, they intend to win back their children's life. With the growing number of teenage girls falling into alcohol addiction, addiction recovery for girl's alcohol abuse is designed to help […]

Adolescent Therapy

Mother looked up at her teenager. When had she shrunk and her child grown so tall? Did their relationship have to change, too? When had they stopped understanding each other? You're late. We agreed your curfew would be 11 pm. That was 20 minutes ago. I forgot. I'm sorry; it won't happen again. That's what […]

The Teenage Brain: Why Your Adolescent is Like a Puppy Dog

You are probably wondering why I chose such a puzzling title. It's not that I truly believe that adolescents and puppy dogs have a lot in common. However, I believe that there is a lot to be learned from a comparison of the two. The puppy dog analogy stems from recent developments in our understanding […]

Alcohol addiction and drug abuse in adolescents

A growing number of teenagers drink alcohol or consume other toxic substances, although this is illegal and dangerous. Some adolescent try alcohol or toxic substances occasionally, but even this behavior can be considered dangerous because it can lead to addiction and its side issues (illegal consequences, poor school performance, loss of friends, social isolation environment […]

Adolescent Pregnancy

Adolescent pregnancy in ninety nine percent of the cases is unwanted and is the major consequence of adolescent sexual activity, other than STDs. This issue has affected youth, families, educators, health care professionals, and government official. A study on the high school adolescents has concluded that forty eight percent of the males and forty five […]

Panic Disorder in Adolescence- What You Need to Know

Anyone can have panic disorder even children and adolescents. Panic disorder in adolescence is not a life threatening illness but it can affect their lives in so many ways. They experience extreme unrealistic fear that can affect their everyday activities. They are excessively worried and tense about so many things in school and their personal […]

Signs and Treatments For Adolescent Depression

Up to 15% of children and adolescents have symptoms of depression at any given time, and 5% meet the criteria for major depressive disorder. Adolescent depression can be caused by hormonal changes or a chemical imbalance in the brain. It may have a genetic component, running in families for generations. It commonly occurs when triggered […]