Even More Strategies for Effortless Business Success

You may have already my two articles exploring the best strategies for effortless business success. In the second article we explored what success actually means - and in the first, I suggested four specific steps anyone in business - from the "one man band" to the multi-national - can take to achieve the kind of […]

Study Skills for Middle School Students - How to Overcome Overwhelm

Middle school can be challenging for students as they navigate increased academic responsibilities and greater independence. Many middle schoolers find themselves overwhelmed by coursework demands and need help to develop effective study habits. However, with the right study skills and strategies, middle school students can overcome overwhelm and excel in their studies. This article will […]

Why Should We Teach Study Skills?

"We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist, Using technologies that haven't been invented, In order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet." - Karl Fisch, "Did You Know" When we grew up, the employment rate was fairly stable and our greatest concern was being able to perform just […]

The Soft Skills of Running a Home Business

Working from home can be an exciting experience. In fact, it's one of the fastest growing parts of the economy. In my neighborhood alone, I can stand in front of my house and point to three other households, besides my own, that have started a home based business in the past year. There is nothing […]

People Or Soft Skills - The Most Important Skills For Careers

It's always great to see students study hard to get good grades, which in turn will help guarantee a bright future academically and for career. It will enable graduates to get their foot in the door in the fields of their choice. However, after more than twenty years working in the corporate world, I can […]

What is Workplace Bullying?

Bullying in the workplace is a very common occurrence and highly difficult to tackle with also. Groups of people or in certain cases just individuals alone make use of aggressive and unreasonable behavior with their subordinates or co-workers. Very frequently bullying in the workplace can take different forms and it could be physical abuse, verbal […]

After 50 Career Change Ideas for Teachers!

  After 50 career change ideas for teachers or any other professional stuck in a career they want out of. Career change at any age is scary. And after 50 changing careers can feel like walking a tight rope without a net. Teachers, more and more, are looking at changing careers. School budgets are being […]

Career Choice of Today

  Insurance, Gemology and Acting are all different fields which are not connected to each other in any way. However, one similarity that all these career options share is their growing importance in today's time. They are all fields which have increased their business not merely in India but throughout the world. Another similarity in […]

Career and Horoscope: Know More About Them

  Career is something that concerns everyone. There was this poem by Rabindranath Tagore titled Vocation. A child's mind is wonderfully described in this poem in which he narrates how a child thinks about taking up a job after growing up. There should be a proper set of guidelines which will help a child to […]

Importance Of Career Counseling

  Keeping a balance between personal and professional life is quite important for any person. At times we get so much stressed out owing to the work pressure that the momentum is somewhere lost. At such a phase of life it becomes very crucial to understand your work in a better manner become capable of […]

Confused About Career Change

Satisfaction in a job is extremely important as you should enjoy doing what you are doing. Job satisfaction is, in fact, imperative these days as over a period of time jobs tend to become unexciting and monotonous. If your job is not challenging enough for you and you are planning to change your field of […]

Coping With Career Change

  Lost your Job? Experiencing a sudden or unexpected career change? Worried about your future? The emotional response to career change is similar to dealing with loss as characterized by Kubler-Ross. Denial There are typically two stages of denial that occur with sudden or unexpected career transitions. The first stage is typically very brief. There […]

Give Your Career A Definite Direction

  Shaping your career the way you want is no child's play. You would never be able to scale the heights of your career till the moment you have a definite direction in your career. Having a vision, in such a scenario, becomes ever more important. Most of us keep running in our careers without […]

Change in Career (Make Your Move Now)

  Change in Career make your move now tomorrow will not get any better as the world is experiencing a Global Economic Meltdown. The future is today when will you join the team of people who now have a success story. If you are reading this article its probably because you are deciding to make […]

The Influence Of The British On The Indian Education System

The Indian education system has gone through a number of transformations since the beginning of education in the country. It is difficult to trace the beginning of the education system in the country very precisely, but, if we analyze the history of the great land of India, we can see that in ancient India, religion […]

The cost of funding a college education.

The cost of funding a college education continues to rise. The cost of a college education has continued to rise at a rate greater than general inflation or CPI. With these continued spiraling costs, the question is, what is the best way to provide for a college education? Mutual funds, government bonds, qualified retirement plans, […]

Education Administration

Educational administration is a discipline within the study of education that examines the administrative theory and practice of education. The Ministry of Human Resource Development established the National University of Educational Planning and administration which is a leading organization dealing with capacity building and research in planning and management of education not only in India […]

Educational Deals and Products

Education is a sector that is constantly evolving. In India, it is a field that has been under constant criticism and scrutiny for many decades now. The system that is held responsible for educating our children, which is run by the education ministry of the central and state governments and various private institutions, have been […]

Basic Educational Theories for the Classroom Instructor

As a classroom instructor, are you familiar with the basic adult learning theories? It is understood by most educators that the process of adult education involves more than providing students with a textbook and developing learning activities. Adult learning is influenced by classroom conditions created by the instructor and the characteristics of the students, which […]

The Importance of Education in the life of a student;

The Importance of Education in the life of a Student; "A Teacher's Dream" By Ms. Myriam L. Jimenez My name is Ms. Myriam L. Jimenez and I am a life long student, educator and mentor. I am the 4th child of a family of eight 2 older brothers and 5 sisters. My parents migrated from […]

Online Education - Teaching Degree Opportunities

With the availability of the internet, getting suitable educational degree is now very feasible. Gone are the days when you have to travel to a far distant institution to acquire a Masters degree. Anyone who cares can bag a fulfilling Masters Degree in Education while sitting at home. This has really made educational pursuits very […]

Acquiring Masters Of Special Education Online

With the availability of the internet, getting suitable educational degree is now very feasible. Gone are the days when you have to travel to a far distant institution to acquire a Masters degree. Anyone who cares can bag a fulfilling Masters Degree in Education while sitting at home. This has really made educational pursuits very […]

Practice Education Vs. Traditional Education

Education in general is one of the most powerful assets, important and representative for every human being at any level at which they play in society. Humanity now lives an information overload because knowledge is increasingly leveraged by resource technology, including the information superhighway Internet and plays an invaluable role in the spread of education. […]

Character Education Teaching to Sense the Power of your Heart

Character educators or counselors should teach their students to sense the power of one's heart through Character education. This will enable each kid to grow into perfect human being who loves others and also who is being loved by all. The inside of your body is an accurate map of our solar system and the […]