Self Help For Motivation

Motivation is what keeps the world going. If there was no motivation we would still be in the Stone Age. In fact those people in the Stone Age had enough motivation to cut stones and make weapons out of it. They kept on exploring and tried getting better and better every day. All his wouldn’t […]

Motivation By Pleasure

What exactly is motivation? Everyone uses it a lot and talks about it very often but let us just clear the air about motivation once so everyone knows what motivation actually is. Motivation is a fire that one feels inside which makes one do something. It makes us strive to achieve something and not falter […]

7 Essential Student Motivation Techniques That You Must Use

As a teacher, one of your most important functions is to motivate your students to explore and learn. Teachers should try to instill in their students, the concept that learning is a lifelong adventure, but it can be a fun, satisfying and productive experience. Teachers must keep the motivation for learning alive and growing in […]

Philosophy And Ethics For Philosophy Students

Any student of philosophy will have to tackle moral theory and ethics. These covers one the most fundamental areas of philosophy, that is, how are we supposed to live. Many philosophy students are initially confused about the difference between Moral Theory and Ethics. The latter, ethics, simply refers to a code of rules governing behaviour. […]

A Comparison of Ethics

Policies of human rights have been on the minds of American workers, since the end of WWII. Working conditions, safety, health, labor, benefit packages, and the environment have become bargaining chips for employment negotiated from the personal level to organized Unions. Additionally, since the scope of globalization has become a stronghold for developing market strategies, […]

Importance of value oriented education in schools

A few days back, an incident in Ahmedabad created sensation among the policy makers and educationists; two boys in their mid-teens studying in a reputed school, belonging to wealthy and affluent families were caught by the police; No not for under-aged driving, but for kidnapping and “murdering” a junior. Shocked to hear this, right, well, […]

A Comparison of Ethics

Policies of human rights have been on the minds of American workers, since the end of WWII. Working conditions, safety, health, labor, benefit packages, and the environment have become bargaining chips for employment negotiated from the personal level to organized Unions. Additionally, since the scope of globalization has become a stronghold for developing market strategies, […]

Values of Life

Values of life What are your values of life and family for you - love or money - family or career What are your values of life, is it your family, freedom, your culture of personal values that you have achieved and preserved that deserve your protection and a high ranking priority in life? Are […]

American Ideals And Values

  Freedom American’s understanding of freedom is that all people are equal and that the role of government is to protect each person’s basic rights. Yet this ideal has not always corresponded to reality. Reality demonstrates that some social groups and individuals are not as others. Because of religious, racial, sex, or age discrimination some […]

Ethical Behavior

Abstract: Are ethics gone from our culture, from our business practices, from how we treat one another? Well some would say that may be the case. This article touches on the questions of ethics and what role they play in our lives. Ethical Behavior Ethics play a quiet, yet large part of our lives. Ethics […]

Ethical policies - what should one look like?

These days, with all the press, attention and political focus on fair trade, all businesses no matter how small should have an ethical policy. This is not a complex or particularly academic document but a statement of commitment to ethical practices in all areas of the business, something which highlights to the competition, to staff […]

The business ethics

The business ethics is the behavior that a company has adopted in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular company can be very different. Not only apply to how the company interacts with the world in general, but also their moral ethics for dealing one on one with the client. Many […]

How to Determine Your Core Values

Our core values are beliefs that are the basis for our ethical framework regarding our thoughts, behaviors, and comfort levels. These values affect us at work, at home and in daily life. Core values affect our: personal relationships business decisions self-esteem self-concept parenting work life family life essential tenets life choices These values are the […]

5 Values Parents Should Look For When Finding A Preschool

When infants grow to become toddlers, they start to learn from everything they see and hear. They learn to utter words, walk and to develop tastes. These are the days when they need preschool education so that a strong foundation is laid for them. It is a general misconception that preschool is just an option […]

What Is Business Ethics

Business ethics is the application of ethical values to business behaviour. It applies to any and all aspects of business conduct, from boardroom strategies and how companies treat their suppliers to sales techniques and accounting practices. Ethics goes beyond the legal requirements for a company and is, therefore, discretionary. Business are an almost daily topic […]

Character Education Teaching Kids to be Moral and Ethical

All Character Education activities need to be planned to build a comprehensive program in the school environment. Several ideas need to be infused to help bring the lessons to life, and ensure that all aspects of the school environment support such programs. Let's take a few ideas. Infusing Character education A very effective way of […]

The Ethics of Business

Profits or prophets? Chris Drake looks over his shoulder at the latest perceptions of moral and ethical values in commerce. In the past two years several major scandals have rocked the world of business. These have affected high-profile names in the City of London such as centuries-old Barings Bank, which collapsed under US$1.3bn in debt, […]


It is widely acknowledged that the All India Services [] and other higher Central Services have collectively contributed positively to the stability and predictability to the system of governance in the country. These civil services have networked well within themselves and have strengthened the fabric of our country's unity and integrity. In the first few […]

Loving the All Ethical Market

Once you start living and shopping the ethical way, and purchasing from the all ethical market, you will wonder why you didn't do it long ago. It makes such a massive difference to the planet upon which we live and just takes a little extra planning and effort to make a big difference. When you […]

Charles Holmes writes The Little Book About Big Success

The Little Book About Big Success is a brilliant handbook designed to help individuals reach success. By analyzing ourselves, which includes a thoughtful look at our past, present, and future, author Charles Holmes challenges readers with the thought provoking question, "Are you really happy?" The reader is taken on a journey of self exploration. Along […]

How Do You Define Success?

Do you know that the more successful you feel now, the more success you will experience later? What is something you always wanted to do but never took the time to do? For example, surfing, attending cooking classes, taking a photography class. Think of something fun and childlike and not something work related. I suspect […]

Why you are so successful

SUCCESS means a change of state for the kind of issue one faces. Success is usually declared with a sense of completion, of accomplishment in the realization of a goal. Most success has been defined in regard to a goal achievement that was perceived as a good challenge. Common things we all assume about it […]

Inspirational Article About Success: Reach Your Goals Today!

As a child you have probably had a favorite hero that you idolized and looked up to. It might have been a famous singer, an adventurous traveler, a courageous army general or a brilliant scientist. One can't help but wonder what can these different role models possibly have in common? Some might say it's their […]

5 Simple Steps to Success with Subliminal Messaging

The one road to success is like a giant sparse highway that is most of the time empty though well kept. Not many of us are able to get to this road to excellence, mostly because the vehicle that we drive is beat up and filled with bad oil. Not a brilliant analogy but what […]

SUCCESS..What Does It Mean To You?

What is Success? Being able to do what you want...when you want? Living a "dream life" with mansions, luxury cars, exotic vacations, high dollar this success?? Serving others and assisting them in achieving their goals and dreams? I truly believe success is different for every person. Though I do know success can be achieved […]