Emotional Avoidance: What Can Happen When We Avoid Our Emotions?

  No matter how old or young someone is, where they have come from on this planet or if they are male or female, one thing is clear, and that is that they will have emotions. For this is part of the human experience, without them life wouldn't be the same. However, one of the […]

Emotions and Energetic Healing

  Emotions play an important role in good health. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective much disease is caused by emotional repression. The repressed emotions get held in the organs of the body and each emotion is associated with a particular organ. The liver stores anger, the kidneys hold fear, the spleen holds worry, the […]

Your Emotions - Regain Control and Live A Richer Life

  Your desire for better health, more time with your children and job satisfaction, are all dependant on you directing change through better control of your emotions, and if you have no direction, how will you experience life and grow? It is a simple fact all achievements take effort, but the effort it takes to […]

A Guide to Emotional Abuse in a very Relationship

One amongst the most tough settings a person has to live and address could be a relationship. It can be sophisticated, as many may have experienced. Here and there, on-line and offline, texts about recommendations on relationships abound, as if it is a mystery having to be deciphered, or a leap into a void of […]

Emotionally Managing Hard Times

  With all the bad economic news most of us have been feeling incredibly stressed out lately. Even if you still have your job, it is likely that your savings have taken a big hit. Our retirement plans have been run through the shredder and for many of us our job security is now hanging […]

Emotions: Do Emotions Have A Purpose?

  In recent years there has been increased awareness around emotions. Before all of this came about, IQ (Intelligence quotient) was seen as the most important factor in deciding how intelligent someone is and in how there life would play out. This was until EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) was introduced. Here, ones level of happiness […]

Emotional Eating Help For Habitual Stress Eaters

  Stress eating, also called emotional eating or comfort eating, is a powerful urge used by a lot of people as a prop to help them get through periods of high stress. But it is an unhealthy stress reflex, which can cause untold damage to your health unless you control it. But it is just […]

An Explanation Of Heroin Addiction

It is a well known fact that the sooner you can catch and treat this type of addiction, the easier it can be to survive. Being able to identify the drug paraphernalia which goes in hand with heroin addiction can be a sure way to be able to confirm whether your accusations are valid or […]

Computer Addiction And How To Be Free

Really, what is computer addiction? Computer has contributed with it a slew of advantages, as it has furthermore become a part and parcel of one's life, but, excessive use of computer can be the source of a negative impact on people. When individuals get obsessive about computer and spend long hours before the computer, it […]

What is Opioid Addiction?

  To first understand opioid addiction, you must first understand what opioids are. The term opioid refers to any drug or chemical that attaches (like a key fits into a lock) to sites in the brain called opioid receptors. The human body makes its own opioids (called endorphins) but the opioids we are concerned with […]

Genetic Predispositions to Addiction and Alcoholism

  Despite hard evidence to the contrary there are still a considerable number of people who believe that addiction and alcoholism are not clinical diseases, and that genetics play no role in a person's propensity to become addicted to a substance. Instead, these people believe that addiction is simply the result of a severe lack […]

Adolescent Drug Addiction

  As endemic as drug addiction is in our society, the foremost upsetting part is teenage drug addiction. Our children are being exposed to dangerous drugs at younger and younger ages. Plus, they're exposed through their members of the family as well. With drugs everywhere, it's onerous to imagine how we have a tendency to […]

About Teenagers Drug Addiction

  As endemic as drug addiction is in our humanity, one of the most troublesome part is teen drug addiction. Our kids are being open to serious drugs at younger and younger ages. And, they're exposed through their members of the family as well. With drugs far and wide, it's onerous to envision how we […]

Gateway Drugs and Addiction

  The idea that the use of one "lesser" drug can lead to abuse of and ultimately addiction to more serious drugs is one that has long been postulated by many in the field of addiction and alcoholism. Some have even gone so far as to theorize that non-dangerous addictions like video game and computer […]

Dealing with Addiction in the Family

  Addiction can be defined as a family disease. It is a fact that the entire family suffers with the addict. This is the reason that professionals consider treatment of the family to be the part of the whole treatment of addiction. First, it is important to understand that the tendency to become addicted is […]

Drug Addiction Treatment for Teenagers

  Teenagers who are hooked on drugs need drug addiction treatment just as badly as adults. In fact, drug addiction treatment can mean the difference between ruined lives and bright futures for young people with substance abuse problems. Although teens' life circumstances are different from those of older people, they develop addictions in exactly the […]

Breaking The Habit

  Many people tend to live a habitual life: always taking the same route to work or to the shops, getting dressed in the same order, having the same circle of friends, dining at the same restaurants or going to the same resort for their holidays year after year. And what about the other habits, […]

How Good Habits Can Turn Into Bad Habits

  It is not uncommon for good habits to morph into bad habits. This often happens when good habits are taken to an extreme. This is why people should be aware of their behavior, even when it might seem positive. People who want things to be the very best can seem to be very upbeat […]

Concentration Can Overcome Bad Habits

  Habits make or break us to a far greater extent than we like to admit. Habit is both a powerful enemy and wonderful ally of concentration. We must learn to overcome habits which are injurious to concentration, and to cultivate those which increase it. Most peopleseldom ever think of concentrating on why they do […]

How To Improve Studying Habits?

Do you have children? If yes then you must spend enough time to think about improvement of skills. During school days, giving importance on study is too much imperative. Maintaining study habits will helpful to learn different study skill and get success. Bad study habits make quite hard to get enough knowledge about your course. […]

Kids Study Habits: Do Your Kids Need Help?

  There are few teachers out there who teach basic study habits. Kids are expected to learn these habits from typical lesson plans and verbal encouragement, but not all kids learn well in a setting where there are 25 to 30 other students all asking questions and demanding the full attention of the teacher. Parents […]

Why Are Habits So Important?

  In a nutshell, a person is nothing more than a culmination of habits. (Habits encompass habits of belief, action, reaction, feeling, etc.) These habits come from culture, subculture, others, experience, and introspection. Many of your habits begin in your childhood, but others are about how you feel about yourself and life and your childhood […]

Changing Bad Habits Assists Weight Loss Efforts

  If you're one of the millions who are overweight or obese, losing at least 5% of your body weight can have a significant impact on longevity while reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke and dementia. As many who have tried and failed can confirm, this can be a daunting accomplishment as […]

Bad Habits

  Bad habits can be very hard to break for several reasons. But with some simple techniques they can be made easier to break. The key thing is to start right now to change the neural pathways in your brain. Most experts agree that it takes at least 21 days for a habit to form. […]