Stay Happy, Stay Fit

Happiness and fitness, a strange mix: St. Therese of the Child Jesus died at a very young age of tuberculosis. She suffered from the disease all her short life but her writings exuded happiness from her relationship with Jesus. Mother Theresa groaned under the task she took upon herself. She was sick, she didn't like […]

Examining Happiness

Do you know what makes you happy? This knowledge could be the most important discovery in your life. "What is happiness?" a young child asked. For a moment I was a bit taken aback. Then I thought, 'Happiness' is a really complicated sensory thing - a bit like an onion. As you peel away the […]

How to Be Happy Alone

  Making friends with your inner self Happiness is the one thing that is sought by every single person in the world. When asked to choose between happiness and money, happiness and success and happiness and love we all choose happiness. It's the number one desire parents have for their children. We look for happiness […]

The Source of the Secret of Happiness

  What could possibly be the secret of happiness? The pursuit for happiness is inherent to every human being. All the efforts and achievements are focused to one goal, and that is how to find happiness. In order to answer this query, it is necessary to know the perspective of the person that is looking […]

A New Baby Brings Happiness in the Family

  Giving birth to a child is the biggest gift for a woman. The news of a new member in the family brings joy and happiness in the family. Special care and attention should be paid to a pregnant woman. She would give birth to new member of the family. The voice of a new […]

Discovering Happiness Where You Can Find It.

  Finding happiness is not always as straight forward as it appears. I'm sure you realise that. If you haven't been happy for a while now it could simply be as a result of you not knowing where to look to find that happiness and how to appreciate what good things you do have in […]

What Makes You Happy?

  It is often the smallest things in a persons life that engender a feeling of well being and contentment. How long this feeling exists is variable but the fact that it exits every now and then, even for a fleeting period of time, makes us happy. Sometimes we acknowledge this feeling within our selves […]

Finding Happiness After A Diagnosis

  You think I'm joking right? Find happiness after diagnosis.Ive just been told Ill be shooting myself up every day.Ive been told this isn't curable.There is no happiness in that, so stop pulling my leg.How is happiness even possible? Let me start with the fact that happiness is absolutely essential to LIVING with any condition. […]

The Inner Happiness

  "Happiness does not depend on the circumstances of our lives, but in us. You do not see it like a rainbow, no one feels it like the heat of the fire. Happiness is what we are. "(Marcus Aurelius) Who among us does not want to be happy? When I will buy a new car, […]

Happiness Is a Capability

  Happiness is a capability requires wisdom, at all times maintain a happy mood. Western one philosopher said, the nature of people to pursue happiness and avoid suffering. In real life, everyone pursuit of happiness, but the result is large relative to the diameter differences. Why? Because happiness is an ability. People live happy or […]

Jane's Five Portions Of Happiness

  Once upon a time Jane took a walk into heaven in search of happiness. There she met God who gave her five portions of happiness. Before Jane left back for earth God told her, "You must always keep these portions in a safe place preferably your heart where no one can steal them because […]

Is Moral Behavior a Requirement to Happiness?

  Introduction Morality has been a term of debate for several years by intellectuals who have not come to the final conclusion of its definition. According to Damon (5), morality is an existing, multifaceted construct that may not be pinned down by any single definitional criteria which is flexible. The moral character has long been […]

How to Feel Happy When You're Sad

  The world can be a gloomy place at times. Dark nights, cold days, depressing news, less than perfect relationships. There are times when it all seems to be conspiring against us. But you can be happy if you want to! Check out these easy to implement ideas the next time you're feeling a bit […]

Happiness Despite Poverty

  This season isn't exactly the best time to have empty pockets. There are all sorts of sales everywhere, and people are lapping up the goodies as though tomorrow the world ends. Everybody seems to be jolly and extremely cheerful, and the general feeling of happiness fills the air. When you see, smell and see […]

Practicing Happiness

  Like many people I grew up thinking that happiness was a quantity that I could acquire and keep - something I either had or I didn't. I was taught various strategies to acquire what I wanted, but the basic concept was generally that whatever I wanted, including happiness, was an external item that was […]

They Are Happy Nappers

  Of several pillow toys available for our youngsters today, the Happy Nappers is a wonderful choice since it not just serves as a pet toy but a comfy fluffy pillow as well. It provides an easy friend on for them to be accompanied with. It's becoming pretty common nowdays to buy things online. Unfortunately, […]

How to Be a Happiness Millionaire

  "There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself." - Og Mandino I love fragrances of all kinds but especially those erotic, woodsy, scents like the ones I have worn for years. These include […]

The Meaning Of Life - Happiness?

  Some say that the purpose of life is to seek happiness. Is happiness the purpose, or is happiness the result of another purpose? Is happiness the meaning of life, or is happiness the result of discovering what has heart and meaning for you? There is not one right answer to this question. The answer […]

Simple Ways to Beat Stress

Stress is undeniably a part of life. No one is immune to stress; stress doesn,t discriminate against age, ethnic group, sex, or socio-economic background. Whether you âre a baby waiting in frustration to be fed, or an executive anxiously anticipating an important business meeting, everyone experiences stress. Stress is the emotional and physical response your […]

How To Manage Stress

  Everyone faces some degree of stress in their lives due to challenges and problems people experience. We can feel inundated and pressurised when demands are made of us which can have severe consequences. Although some degree of stress is good for you as it can motivate you and push you to your potential, too […]

Are Your Kids Stressed?

  It's common to hear adults talking about how stressed or overwhelmed they are, but do we hear from our children how they feel? Research finds that between 8 and 10% of North American children are seriously troubled by stress. I'll never forget a class meeting I shared with my students some 6 years ago. […]

The Benefits of Employing A Stress Baseball

  Per concerns ball, additionally known as stress reliever, without a doubt is created to help somebody relax. Squeezing the best concerns baseball offers work out towards fingers, wrist, furthermore forearm, therefore was helpful for people out of joint disease to people at risk of developing carpal tunnel problem. Information technology in addition helps individuals […]

Stress Symptoms: Be Informed

Stress is the most common mental and physical situation that everyone faces! It is not just restricted to adults. It has now become visible even in children. Because stress can manifest in a number of ways, it is better to know the stress symptoms so that proper management steps can be introduced before it is […]

You Can Cure Stress and Anxiety Naturally!

  People every where in this world have some type of stress, anxiety or depression for various reasons which could be due to over work, break in the relationship, and financial difficulties etc. One would need to find the ways to cure it in the early stages failing which the effects could be devastating. If […]

What Causes Stress?

  If you live in our modern society, you may not know what causes stress but you will certainly be aware of the existence of stress in your life. Stress and anxiety can be a killer for modern people, so it is important that we not only try to find a stress remedy but that […]