A Guide To Spiritual Healing

  "Discover How To Enjoy a Life Of Peace And Harmony In A World Full Of Chaos... And Instantly Improve The Quality Of Your Life Today Through Spiritual Healing!" What is Spiritual Healing? In practical terms, it is a term given to various types of alternative practices related to restoring wholeness of body, mind and […]

What Is a Spiritual Awakening?

  A spiritual awakening or a spiritual experience are terms that are often used by people to try and describe experiences that are in many ways so deeply personal that they are extremely difficult if not impossible to put into words. This might seem a slight contradiction in terms, but is part of the difficulty […]

How Natural Is Your Spirituality?

  There is lots of talk about individuality in today's world but, ironically enough, that individuality is all centered on the ego and self-gratification how one looks, presents him/herself, finds a career, etc. These are important. We need to live comfortably and must be able to support our families. But all of these endeavors direct […]

Spiritual Wellness - Why Do We Strive to Find Spiritual Wellness?

  But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to remembrance, whatsoever, I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. […]

What is Spiritual Health & How to Obtain It

  Spiritual health can refer to a lot of things, some people consider that to be spiritually healthy has to do with a person's values, their beliefs, and their purpose in life. What exactly is needed to learn how to obtain spiritual health, will vary from person to person and can encompass a lot of […]

Everyday Spirituality

Everyday spirituality is found within all of us. From your first day on this earth you have been influenced by the ideas of society telling you what kind of person you should be. These ideas and life events molded and shaped you into who you are today. Your inner spirit has taken a back seat […]

Ways To Grow Spiritually

  Ways to grow spiritually are several. First you have to find some other higher power than ourselves. You may call it God, Allah, Buddha, or anything else. The thing is we have to believe in something that we cannot see. It should be a source of energy that you can relate to. When we […]

Commencement of Brahmavarchas (Divine Aura) Spiritual Practices

  Gayatri Meditation encompasses 3 legs: 1) Nityakarma i.e. Sandhya Vandan 2) Anushthan Purascharan with Sankalpa 3) Yog Sadhana of high stature. Nityakarma is a daily worship rite which is compulsory. Daily our psyche is clouded by taints, sins etc. In order to overcome these taints, one must carry out ones Nityakarma in the form […]

Best Relationship Advice

  A healthy and strong relationship is one of the best support in everyone's life. Good relationships are like an investment. The more you give in any relationship, the more you can get back. Every relationship is unique and people unite for so many reasons. Establish a meaningful and healthy relationship with others at all […]

Tension Management in a Relationship

  Handling Relationship Strain Stress management is an element of maturing in a relationship. That is an necessary element of any relationship such that you'll want to discover ways to effectively overcome them and enjoy the companionship of your partner. There are several causes of tension in a relationship, no matter what type of relationship […]

How to Avoid Unhealthy Relationships

  A foundational key to avoiding unhealthy relationships is being able to describe what a healthy relationship is, so when unhealthy ones appear, they will be much easier to spot and therefore avoid. There is a serious problem though. Most people have very few references for what a healthy relationship looks and feels like. Few […]

Relationships Can Be a Strong, Complex Attachment Between Two People

  A relationship between two people can exist on many levels. A deeply interpersonal relationship can be portrayed within a passionate attachment, emotional intimacy, a sexual relationship, or any combination thereof. Humans have an innate desire to belong and to be loved by another human. That need is usually met and satisfied in an intimate […]

5 Hot Keys to a Sizzling Romantic Lasting Relationship

  A crucial element of any successful relationship is true and lasting romance. The sad truth however is that not very many people truly enjoy a romantic lasting relationship. So in this article I'll sharing with you 5 proven keys you might not know or might have taken for granted before now; keys that'll help […]

Relationship Rescue: How to Save a Marriage

  Relationship Rescue Love and Passion Coach Relationship Rescue Program You are in a committed relationship, and you don't want to end it, but with the way things are, you are not sure you want to stay in it either. Your primary focus needs to be to repair the relationship with your partner and heal […]

Pain From a Failed Relationship

The loss of a relationship is a painful experience. The pain you experience can seriously diminish your own well being and sense of self-worth. You can, however, use this failed relationship to your own benefit and learn from it. You will eventually decide to date again and seek a new love. There are lessons to […]

Are You In An Addictive Relationship?

  A bad relationship is not the one that is going through a rough patch of disagreement and bitterness that are inevitable when two different people come together. In fact, the attachment in such relationships is with someone who is 'unattainable' in the sense that he or she is committed to somebody else, and doesn't […]

Are Your Really Ready For A Relationship

  As we get older, we start hearing the little pit patter of feet in our minds. We start having dreams of having a husband, two-door garage complete with two point five kids. You may say that you are ready for a relationship. You are not getting any younger and after all you are a […]

Relationship Expert

  Can your relationships be enhanced by a relationship expert? What can a relationship expert teach you that you do not already know? Believe it or not, there are some discreet skills that a relationship expert can teach you that will make your connections to other human beings more effective, whether those are professional or […]

Relationships: Why Do Some Breakups Hurt So Much?

One may experience the end of a relationship without experiencing too much pain or they could experience immense pain and suffering when a relationship comes to an end. It could then be hard to comprehend what is taking place and why this person is having this affect. And it doesn't even need to be one […]

9 Ways To Revive The Magic Touch Into Your Relationship

  You are frustrated that your relationship doesn't have the magic touch and romance that it once had? You're not alone out there. Living with the same partner for a long time can become stable and comfortable, and, as a result, can also reduce the sparkle that once made your relationship so special in the […]

Marriage Relationships

  One of the greatest joys and challenges of conscious, intimate relationships is that when we answer the call to love, we are invited to expand upon who we think we are, who we have been and what we feel and think we are capable of. All healthy marriage relationships require consistent, ongoing, conscious attention […]

Mirror on the Wall: The Secret and Most Effective Relationship Tool

  I'm sure you know the beloved fairytale "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs." Remember the part of the fairytale when the witch looks in the mirror and says, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" And the response the witch hears back is: "Snow White." This unexpected response from the […]

Participation in a Relationship is a Must

  A Deeper Look at The Passive/Active Concept in Relationships. Waiting isn't Participating Yesterday I talked with Frank and Nicole about their very different life postures: passive or active. Frank and Nicole have been together for a little over two years. They truly love each other. And, one important positive is that they have many […]

An Affordable Alternative to Getting Relationship Help

  Are you struggling in a hurtful relationship and unable make decisions yourself? Is your girlfriend, boyfriend, or significant other doing things that you just don't understand? Are you having trouble connecting with your teenager? Would you like to get relationship help and seek out the advice of professionals and see what an outside perspective […]

Common Relationship Problems That Couples Usually Encounter

  The ups and downs in a relationship is common especially to new couples, but this is not a reason that the y will end it because of no reconciliation chances. There are still very good chances that they can still make it and the following paragraphs will be good reasons why couples have these […]