How to Prevent Epilepsy?

Preventing epilepsy is a really hard thing. The only way that we can prevent it is to prevent any kind of brain damage. We still are not sure how to prevent it. But following the below steps can help in preventing brain damage on the whole. Moreover, following a healthy lifestyle too can give you […]

Social Media and Teenagers – Parent’s Role

Your kid is pissed off by someone or is angry. She wants to express herself, but keeping her identity hidden. She goes to Yik Yak app on her mobile and posts,” Do you know Christina (probably her classmate), she is a slut” and the post goes to everyone around in the location. All the classmates […]

Health Benefits of Yoga for Everyone

Yoga and its benefits for the body are known to everyone. Researches show that yoga is good for our physical and mental health. Moreover, it is best for solving a lot of problems of the body faced with an adult or a child. Since the benefits of yoga are popular these days, we do find […]

Health Benefits of Ice Skating

Ice Skating is a popular sport which is played on ice. The players put on ice skating shoes to play the sport. The shoes have steel blades in the bottom for friction. Due to the friction on the blade and the ice, a slippery surface is created on the ice. This is a game that […]

Health Benefits of Basketball Playing

While thinking of the name of a popular sport after football, we always think of basketball. Two teams play in basketball. Each player will be aiming to put the ball into the basket of the opponent team. It is one of the popular sport activities among kids as well as among the adults. Apart from […]

Health and Mental Benefits of Playing Rugby

Rugby is a sport with an extremely high level of physical activity. It not only makes the players physically fit, but also mentally too. This is a British sport. Rugby is played on a 100 meter long field. The goal area has a length of 22 meters. There are 15 core players and a substitute […]

Health Benefits of Jumping, Skipping Rope Exercise

Jumping rope or skipping rope is loved by children as well as adults. All you need to play with the jumping rope is a lot of space and a bit of stamina. There are a variety of methods to jump with the rope such as plain jumping, speed step, side swing, leg over, criss-cross jumping, […]

Do You Know the Health Benefits of Trampolining

Trampoline is loved by kids as well as adults. Jumping on a trampoline can be not only enjoyable, but healthy too. When we jump on a trampoline the right way, we can become healthy. Health benefits of trampolining are many. They are: Detoxifying- Detoxification is possible when you trampoline often. It helps in the disposal […]

Do You Know the Health Benefits of Squatting

Exercising on a regular basis surely helps our body and our mind. For better toned body, choosing the right exercise is mandatory. There are a lot of exercises meant for each part of the body. But only a few are actually meant for the complete body and Squat is one such. The squat is usually […]

Do You Know the Special Health Benefits of Indoor Cycling

Cycling is an outdoor sport. Cycling is pursuing these days for making commutation a little more environmentally friendly. Exercise freaks prefer to choose cycling as it is a complete workout for the body without spending much bucks. Even though it is not a means of transportation these days, most of us use it as a […]

Health Benefits of Regular Exercise

“Work-out” to Work your way out of a mundane life! “Exercising is healthy” is a commonly known fact but would you believe if I say exercising can actually help you to achieve extraordinary things in life? Yes, regular exercise can help control the aging process, increase your IQ, protect you from incurable mental and physical […]

Health Benefits of Ginger-Honey Mixture

Health Benefits of Ginger-Honey Mixture As children, we all were familiar with our grandmothers’ home remedies for curing cough and cold. These were actually harmless and perfectly safe for the body. Ginger and honey rated in the top list among the ingredients that were used for such natural treatments. Right from time immemorial, humans have […]

What I understand about Life

TO ME LIFE MEANS … Life is a journey from birth to death. Its a deep ocean, as we go deeper it deepens more and more. It has several ups and downs. It goes like ECG waves sometimes peak of happiness or sorrow. It can also be compared with sea waves hitting the shore; sometimes […]

Daily habits you should practice

Habit is the key program in our mind and in our life. Our routine habits have a major role in our day to day life. Habits are really programmed in our mind from our early childhood. To become more successful or to become a better person or to change our life we should setup ideal […]

30 Self Help Tips

Self Improvement or Self Growth is the most important thing in our life. Our every act and thinking is to achieve the goal in life. Knowingly or unknowingly we are trying to improve ourselves by our own effort. But today we are lucky to have a number of Self Improvement Tips which will enhance our […]

100 Why We do Questions to Answer

Let us have an interesting question in our life! Have a look at our life retrospectively! Did you ever think about what you thought and said? Do we think about our previous thoughts and deeds? Do you feel that you had insulted somebody? Do you feel that you had made miseries and sufferings to others […]

Some bad habits of Young Professionals

We all know that, habits and behaviors form the fundamental basis of our daily lifestyle and routine. When we do something repeatedly it becomes our habit. Habits have got great implications in the quality and quantity of our life. Refined and good habits definitely lead to better outcomes in life. The interesting facts are that […]

Some Things Rich and Poor do daily

Rich and Poor people are present in this world from the beginning of the day. Even though we try to reduce the difference between Rich and Poor it still continues and will continue. Here some questions come to our mind. Is Richness a blessing from God? Are people born lucky? Why some people are lucky […]

Good Habits to Practise Daily

The real problem we face in our life is how to change our habits? As you all know, majority of our habits and behaviors are developed from our childhood and we also occur many habits when we are growing. Really, we measure a person by the habit and behavior, the way he talks, the way […]

141 Habits to change your Life

All of us live every day knowingly and unknowingly by the particular choice that we adopt our thoughts greatly influence our actions. Do you know that, if we persistently follow one thought and act accordingly that becomes a daily routine and that becomes a part of our habits. Our habits and behavior reflects on our […]

Few healthy habits for youngsters

Each and every body knows that health is the most precious thing in our life. Without good health, we cannot live. A healthy body is the foundation of a healthy living. Health is a thing that we should care from our early childhood. As for us and Adult is concerned the prime importance should be […]

Some simple habits that will change your life

It is worth to go through the following quote by Keri Russell, “Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever”. Do you know that our habits constitute about 40 to 50 percent of our total behavior pattern? When habits are repeated, it becomes a behaviour. There are lots of psychological techniques which […]

Some simple tips to save money

Irrespective of the personal, familial and social status, we are all bound to have a sound financial background in our life. Whether rich or poor, young or old, financial stability is very important to lead a comfortable life. Most of the time, most of us don't give much importance and attention to save money for […]

Habits affecting our Health and Wealth Adversily

Each and everybody has got various habits from early childhood. Some of the habits we acquire later in our life by our contacts, Associations, Family circumstances, Personal choice and the like many things. Whether a habit is good or bad, it has got definite influence on our life. Especially with regard to our health and […]

100 Ways for Freedom from Stress

Stress is part and parcel of our day to day life. Every day from morning till we are asleep and also from birth to death each and everybody has to face one or other problem in life, which will create a lot of stress and strain. In fact, at one end we are trying to […]