Man of God Prayed

Dr. Purushothaman
November 6, 2014


Well, in the midst of the opposition's mission, you have Nehemiah and the Jews modeling a leader's commission. Let's see what a leader is supposed to do. A leader, right up front, is someone who relies on God during times of opposition. Nehemiah is going to pray a weird prayer, a strange prayer. Nehemiah is a book about prayer. Over and over Nehemiah prays. Throughout the Bible you can find prayers like this. "Lord, forgive us of our sins." "Lord, take away our transgressions." "Lord, forgive me and forgive my family." Well look what the man of God prayed. Nehemiah 4:4, "Hear us, O our God, for we are despised.

Turn their insults back on their own heads. Give them over as plunder in a land of captivity." You see, Nehemiah is fighting his battle on his knees. He is not name calling. Sanballat was saying, oh those dirty Jews. Nehemiah was not saying, oh those despicable Samaritans and those horrible Arabs. He just asked God to turn their insults back on their heads. The human side of Nehemiah, the human side of you or me would have us find Sanballat, Tobiah and the rest of the forces and punch their lights out, to name call, to curse right back at them. He didn't do it. Remember when David was getting ready to rumble with Goliath, the behemoth? What did David say? Did David get in a shouting match with him? No, no, no. David said this. "God, this is your battle. I am giving myself to you. You take charge. You'll give me victory." David said that. When Daniel was forced to pray to King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel did not start crying or freak out. He went to his house and began to pray to the one true God.

Ed Young Ministries tells us that Nehemiah did the prayerful thing but he also did the practical thing. For example, if you are lying in your bed tonight and you pray, "Dear Lord, protect my family from burglars." is a great prayer. The Bible says that God will put a hedge of protection around your family, but also God has given you a brain. He wants you to get up and lock the doors, engage the security system. Do the prayerful thing and the practical thing. That is why in the Bible, over and over, you will hear this recurring phrase, watch and pray. Watch is the practical part. Pray is the divine part.
About the Author

Ed Young says that is why in the Bible, over and over, you will hear this recurring phrase, watch and pray. Watch is the practical part. Pray is the divine part.


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