Your business depends on it. Without knowing what your client wants you cannot ensure client satisfaction. One of way of getting to know is by way of conducting a client survey for satisfaction. The customer’s response to the query whether they would buy something from you or not supplies the key to how satisfied or otherwise s/he is. You can always ask leading questions on which features s/he would like to see as well as which features make them choose your product/service/sales outlet over the competitors’. The survey should include questions on how the customer rates the product or service vis-à-vis other similar products and services on different parameters such as quality, price, ease of procurement, after sales service.
This kind of survey is very crucial in business to business relations, since you need to know how you are faring with your clients. The response which gives you a positive feedback is a morale booster and tells what you are doing is right. However, it is negative feedback which enables you to tighten the noose on poor service and processes. The happy client will share the experience with a few loved ones. However, the dissatisfied customer will share the unhappy experience with even strangers. So don’t just conduct the survey but act on it. This is even more critical after you have a customer survey for service conducted.
Once a customer has told you what s/he find disappointing about the service, they expect to see the grievance addressed. Otherwise you might actually end up losing customers. Remember, most of your customer service team might be excellent but just one or two rotten eggs can undo all the fine work done by the rest of the personnel involved in various processes. If you run a service oriented business like car rental or a hotel, then you can’t do without periodic customer service surveys. If you so desire, you can have an ongoing survey in the sense that you can use text tommy to find out whether or not a customer who is signing out will return for another spell. If not, then why not and adapt your services accordingly.