A few days back, an incident in Ahmedabad created sensation among the policy makers and educationists; two boys in their mid-teens studying in a reputed school, belonging to wealthy and affluent families were caught by the police; No not for under-aged driving, but for kidnapping and “murdering†a junior. Shocked to hear this, right, well, then this is just the teaser.
The reason these boys gave for committing such a heinous crime was even more disturbing; they wanted to become “rich faster†and according to them this was the only way to get “easy moneyâ€.And the most disgusting part of all this is the people[ironically the ones who are suppose to teach the child morals] who playblame games and passes all the fault onanything and everything right from western culture to television and from internet to mobiles, but they generally miss out one thing “Lack of proper value education,â€. It is primarily the duty of parents and teachers [read school management] to inculcate ethics conducive in shaping student’s personality, and International schools in India have designed their curriculum and pedagogy that concentrates on the overall education [which includes “making the child a good human beingâ€].
The rate at which the juvenile crimes are going up in the nation [well this problem concerns almost every nation; however, for now, let us focus on India] is alarming as well as an indication of the rapid collapse of society and the social structure. There is a common notion that it is the right time to revive ancient Indian culture of “Gurukulsâ€, this is not practically possible for now [maybe later on it can be revived], but the academic institutes should design and plan their course on the lines of the Gurukul culture. I can’t say that IB schools in India have on a whole done it; still it has made an effort to teach ethics oriented education that in process would help the students to imbibe by the basic human values [which actually differentiate us from rest of the living organisms].
Blaming others is not the solution to curb the problem of juvenile delinquencies â€" the best way to help young children to avert the path of crimes or substance abuse is to bring together all the available resources to indoctrinate innovative and appealing education that also covers the fundamental virtues like tolerance, love, mutual trust and cooperation, cleanliness and above all patience. We would see number of instances like disrespecting the teachers, parents and elders, bullying, kidnapping and other such rowdy behavior which shows how they have forgotten the virtue of patience and tolerance. Sensing the need for an excellent curriculum for bringing a positive change in a child’s life with ethic-centric education, IB schools in India have made it a point to adopt and implementsyllabus that teaches the child human virtues which is the base of a healthy social life.
You will find many young children, especially the ones in their teenage being disoriented, rebellious and kind of violent. Sometimes, it seems that they will turn into sociopaths, who will have not regards for the society, its norms and human life in general. Therefore, at present, it has become essential to bring about changes in the overall educational system and divert our resources on finding and adopting innovative teaching methods which along with basic education also inculcate fundamental human values in the children. International School in India with their curriculum and other co-curricular activities like visit to an orphanage or an old age homes or helping the destituteassures that the children realize the significance of virtues and how it helps us not turn into “animalsâ€.