I Pray That You May

Dr. Purushothaman
November 6, 2014

The honor up the nation's into it when God's people walk into that holy city they'll bring the glory of God into that city they will glorify God in their minds in their emotions and their bodies they'll bring the glory and honor and God the nation's into what the Bible says but their shell by no means injured intuit anything that the files are causing an abomination or a lie so the Bible says there are bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit anything that the files that body got invites us to lift the most abundant life invites us to give up those things there to filing to our body only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life those that come to Christ and surrendered to Jesus their mind their body their emotions and their in most spiritual life the Greeks believed in what was known as dualism now Greek dualism says this it says that the body and the mind in the spiritual faculties are all separate it says that whatever you do to your body it's not going to affect your mind your spiritual life we know today that indeed that is not true the way we care for our bodies on earth repeals for example how we would care for them for all eternity. God is interested not only in our physical not only in our spiritual life but also our physical I third John chapter 1 verse 2 be love it .I pray that you may prospering all things God wants you to prosper he wants you to prosper mentally you watching a prospering motion Lee heathen to prosper physically he watching to prosper in health God is interested in your living the abundant life he wants us during the time that we live on earth def. the most abundant the most positive the most joyful the most healthy the happiest like possible its say that introduces elements into our systems in universe that destroy our joy Satan is the one that tears down our health Satan is the one that deceives us into thinking practices that will bring us joy ultimately bring us disease and death Absolute Garcinia so behold I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers so health is an essential ingredient it's essential Bible principle it's essential doctrines scripture in Revelation God is always working to lead us to give glory to Him build up our health.
About the Author

I pray that you may prospering all things God wants you to prosper he wants you to prosper mentally you watching a prospering motion Lee heathen to prosper physically he watching to prosper in health God.

Article Source : http://goarticles.com/article/I-Pray-That-You-May/8741224/

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