How to Resist Temptation Successfully?

Dr. Purushothaman
September 8, 2024

The world is full of temptations and desires that will always get your attraction and pull you towards it. When this happens it is very important to differentiate between right and wrong correctly. Differentiating is important because the temptation can be unhealthy or anything that is against moral values. Therefore, distracting yourself from such temptation and desire becomes important. To develop a healthy lifestyle you must try to strengthen your willpower and not fall for any temptation.

There are many kinds of temptations that people fall to. What is more difficult at that time is controlling your emotions and distracting yourself from the temptation. Therefore to help you resist temptation successfully, we list some measures that you may follow in your routine life.

Measures to Resist Temptation

  • Distracting Yourself

One of the best ways to resist temptation is by distracting yourself. When you engage yourself in other activities, the thoughts also shift. With the distraction, the temptation will lose its appeal. Like for example, if you want to eat anything excessive sweet and unhealthy, you can distract yourself by taking up some work and diverting your attention there.

  • Delay

Delaying is one of the effective ways to calm down your temptation. When you crave something, do not suppress your feeling of having it, just delay it by a few minutes. This technique helps to trick your brain and calm down your emotions. Like for example, if you are trying to lose weight and you are craving sweets then delaying the time to eat sweets will calm down your craving. You will notice that after some time you do not want to eat it anymore.

  • Think About Consequences

Before falling for any temptation, think about the consequences. Think about what will happen if you give in to the temptation. If the consequences have a severe negative impact on your life, your temptation will automatically lower down. For example, you are tempted to use drugs or other illegal products. Imagine what will happen if you are caught by the police or your parents. With such thoughts, your temptation will come down and you will no longer want that thing anymore.

  • Reward Yourself

Whenever temptation for anything hits you, you need a break. Do something that will make you relaxed and calm down your feelings. The best way is to think about how you will reward yourself for giving in to the temptation. Rewarding yourself is important because it is not easy to show resistance to temptation. And when you do so you deserve appreciation.

  • Use Your Willpower

Exercise your willpower when you are tempted by anything. Give a long thought and understand how you will resist it. Practising willpower might be tough in the beginning but when you do it regularly, it will be easier. Practising makes things easier and the same is the case with your willpower.

The above mentioned are some of the ways you may follow to resist temptation successfully. There are many other ways through which you can control your emotions towards your cravings. If you want to learn more about resisting temptation successfully or giving up on any other unhealthy activity, you may get in touch with Living In Wellbeing’s expert counsellors. They will understand your problem and suggest the best ways to overcome them.


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