How to Live A Healthy Life

Dr. Purushothaman
January 20, 2014


We are what we eat. A person who fills up on junk food each day is probably going to age faster and get sick more often than the person who eats a balanced diet and exercises daily. In order to live a healthy lifestyle, you should keep the following concepts in mind.
Importance of Protein in Our Diets
Protein is not just important for building up mass and muscle. A lack of protein can cause obesity and other health problems. A diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates and sugar will leave you feeling full for a longer amount of time and actually aid in losing weight.
A lack of protein in your diet can cause other problems such as the white bands across the nails and hang nails. And for shiny, healthy hair, you need to consume a diet high in nutrients, mainly protein, beta-carotene, and iodine.
Fruits Are Important Too
New studies suggest once again that citrus fruits including oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits help fight cancer, high cholesterol, and obesity. Multiple studies show that the compounds in citrus fruits can help reduce the risk of colon cancer.
One of the best ways to ensure good health is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Once you get in the habit, it is easy to add more of these items to your daily diet. It is also a great way to lose weight.
Don't Forget the Vegetables
Eating your daily requirement of vegetables will help in fighting off illness and disease. Juicing the vegetables is even better since it allows your body to absorb more of the nutrients. Other methods of preparing vegetables such as steaming can preserve nutrients also.
How Nutrition Benefits Our Immune System
Eating well gives us energy and bolsters our immune system. Our immune system is weakened as our cells age. How do you aid your cells in staying healthy? Eat right, keep a healthy weight, and exercise daily. Keeping a positive attitude is important, too.
Sometimes taking supplements is necessary. Even the person who eats nine or more servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day probably needs some supplements. After years of growing our food, the soil is so depleted of nutrients that the fruits and vegetables grown on it may fall far short of containing all the vitamins and minerals we need each day.
Balance is the Key to Good Health
It is important for everyone to eat a variety of healthy foods, balance the food they eat with regular physical activity, and choose a diet with the right nutrients. If you have health challenges or are overweight, chances are that you are not in balance at all.
Whatever diet you choose to live by, the food you eat has to provide your body with the nourishment to properly balance your body's chemistry. Eating healthy enables your cells to stay strong, improving your overall health and allowing you to lead a healthy life.
Eating healthy, combined with plenty of water and some exercise, is the key to a long life and a strong immune system. There's no way around it: If you want a healthy body, you have to feed it right.
About the Author
Dominique W. Brooks, MD offers articles, e-books, and courses on healthy living on{a href>.

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