I was asked how to face a new challenge and this post is answer to that excellent question.
Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
~ Mark Twain.
When we're facing a new challenge there are some basic precepts that hold good whether the it's a new job, a new career, a health challenge, a new relationship whether that's a new partner or a new member of the family .
Imagine your new challenge is having a double ampuation. Yet Richard Whitehead didn't just learn to walk he became a marathon runner.
When facing a new challenge remember to be easy with yourself, don't 'should of' all over yourself if things have gone awry. If you could have done better you would have.
Look at what is causing you to face a new challenge with an objective view point. What did you do right? What mistakes did you make? What improvements could you make? For many of us we face the same challenge but in a different guise, maybe you have a similar pattern of destructive relationships with your significant other, or you're always employed by people who don't appreciate you. Ask what is the common denominator ? if it's you accept that. I know that isn't always easy, but don't lurch the other way; 'It's all my fault' either.
Having accepted some degree of culpability, make a list of all your skills, not just the ones that you think might apply to your new challenge. Even those skills that you think are common place. This simple activity which might only take 10 minutes will establish more self-worth in your eyes and open yourself up to other opportunities and or possibilities and you are then more agape to achieve more of your potentiality . There are Amazing Benefits in Being You, celebrate this.
Then catalogue the things that you enjoy doing. We all want more happiness in our lives and by doing things that make us happy, happiness becomes a certainty.
Docket the prospective benefits of the new challenge that you're facing. Also look at how success in this new challenge will move you away from something that you don't want. We run faster away from fire than we do towards a meal!
Outline a plan of action that will help encourage and inspire you to accomplish those benefits .
Once you have an inventory of your skills, what makes you happy, docketed the benefits and outlined a plan of action. The next and vital step is to take action, thinking and making lists and plans is no substitute for action.
Ensure that you get plenty of sleep, in the benefits of sleep expounds some little known wonders of sleep. If you suffer from insomnia take a look at Cures for insomnia. The 12 Benefits of Power Napping shows that napping isn't the refuge of the lazy but the precinct of the wise.
Exercise especially walking or swimming releases endorphins so we feel magnificent, and things always go better when we're feeling good.
When we're facing a new challenge, smile, 17 Reasons to Smile goes into detail of the benefits of smiling, for now you'll feel better and achieve more, easier .
The last piece of the picture when facing a new challenge is to allow, as The Art of Allowing says if we try and control everything we get stressed, enjoy life less and achieve less than if we do what we can and then allow things to unfold.
To summarise How to face a new challenge
Remember to be easy with yourself.
Look at what is causing you to face a new challenge with an objective view point.
Make a list of all your skills.
Catalogue the things that you enjoy doing.
Docket the prospective benefits of the new challenge that you're facing.
Outline a plan of action.
The next and vital step is to take action.
Ensure that you get plenty of sleep.
When we're facing a new challenge, smile.
Accept Challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. ~ George S. Patton
If you have friends who are facing a new challenge do them a favour; share this post.
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About the Author
Bruce Kidson 20 years ago had a life changing experience which got him thinking about the meaning of life and his purpose. Bruce spent over 30,000 hours and in excess of $150,000 in finding answers to these and other questions which he shares with you in his free mini course which you can have TODAY for Free . So you can live a life on purpose and with abundant wealth, great health and fulfilling relationships. Come and say hi
Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/How-To-Face-a-New-Challenge/5427056/