Healthy Lifestyles for Drug Addiction Treatment

Dr. Purushothaman
September 1, 2013

Drug addiction treatment lasts only months, but recovery is a lifelong effort. The most successful drug addiction treatment programs are those which help patients make the necessary lifestyle changes for lasting sobriety. These changes can be difficult and even painful, but they are crucial for addicts to stay clean and lead full, rich lives. Here are some of the ways people must change their daily lives after drug addiction treatment.

Changing Daily Routines

Getting high becomes a regular part of addicts' lives during active use. They incorporate drugs into their routines alongside benign activities such as eating, cleaning, and getting dressed. Just as most daily activities require little to no thought, drug use becomes ingrained in addicts' minds.

To break these habits, many recovering addicts must alter their entire routines. Activities most people take for granted may trigger their addictions, so they must change the orders and ways in which they go about their daily routines. Such small changes may seem inconsequential, but they can make all the difference in some addicts' recoveries.

Building New Social Circles

Many addicts have friends and acquaintances who don't use drugs, but who congregate in compromising environments. While some people may be able to avoid drugs and excessive drinking when they go to bars or clubs, people who have recently emerged from drug addiction treatment must avoid these kinds of places. Doing so will often require making new friends and forming entirely different social networks.

Avoiding Negative People

One of the most painful aspects of recovery is cutting ties with negatively-influencing people. To avoid relapse, it is imperative that addicts cease communication with friends who still use drugs. They must also avoid stressful or highly emotional people as much as possible, as they are bound to produce high levels of stress - stress which can easily lead to unmanageable drug cravings.

Managing Daily Stress

Traumatic events are sometimes the cause of relapse, but they are also difficult to predict and avoid. The best way addicts can manage their stress levels and avoid cravings after rehab is to reduce the negativity in their daily lives. For some people, this may require finding new careers or relinquishing responsibilities at their current jobs. Others may need to go so far as to move to more peaceful neighborhoods or cities.

Maintaining Physical Fitness

A healthy body is the first line of defense against continued urges to use drugs. Addicts must therefore practice sound nutritional habits and exercise daily. In fact, even rehab patients who have never had problems with their bodyweight, cholesterol, or blood pressure need to make fitness a priority. A good diet and regular physical activity help addicts stay calm, alert, and in control of their mental states.
Engaging in Spiritual Practices

Meditation, prayer, and other spiritual practices help recovering addicts find meaning and purpose in their lives. Appealing to a higher power also allows them to shift their mental and emotional burdens away from themselves. Though these practices do not require organized religion, churches and other congregations can provide additional support for addicts enduring the pains of constant cravings and the symptoms of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

Making these changes isn't easy, but it is extremely rewarding - and in all likelihood life-saving. If you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, call a professional drug addiction treatment center now for a confidential, no-obligation consultation. Dedicated drug rehab specialists will carefully guide you through a substance abuse treatment program that will allow you to lead a fulfilling, successful life - for the rest of your life. Call now.

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