Good decision-making comes from critical thinking. We all think but do we think critically? So, what is critical thinking? It is the art of thinking about your thinking in order to make your thinking better, clearer, more accurate and more defensive. According to Cambridge dictionary, "Critical thinking is the process of thinking carefully about a subject or idea, without allowing feelings or opinions to affect you." There are a times we find ourselves in arguments. The outcome whether we solved the argument successfully is what matters. When you find yourself in an argument, you'll either think wisely or stupidly. However, it is always good to think wisely.
Think wisely by being rational. You should think in a critical way for you to form a constructive logical argument. Now you want to ask if there is a difference between thinking and critical thinking. Yes, there is a big difference. Thinking is said to be casual/informal while critical thinking does with evaluating the quality of thinking.
Today, I want us to cover on how you go about making good decisions through critical thinking whenever you find yourself in an argument. Of course, arguments are there, they're normal in life and as such there is nothing wrong with them but they need to be constructive. You're not going to argue just because people are arguing. No, that will be very wrong of you! If you just do that, you might end up making yourself a fool like what the book of Ecclesiastes says, "Ecclesiastes 10:12 Words spoken by the wise bring them favour, but the lips of fools consume them. 13 The words of their mouths begin in foolishness, and their talk ends in wicked madness;"
We argue because we differ in the interpretations of issues that are contentious. The way you perceive things is not the way I perceive them. Something could be good for you and you agree with it but for me that thing could be too bad and I will absolutely disagree with it. If an argument is not handled wisely, then it can lead to serious problems like damaging a relationship.
Six Ways to Think Critically
1.) Isolate Facts from Opinions: When you argue with people, you should isolate facts from opinions. Opinions from people or your own opinions may not be true. It is only facts that will lead you to critical thinking. This way, you'll make good decisions and create understanding in people you're arguing with.
2.) Having Assumptions: You ought to gather assumptions. The assumptions you gather will greatly assist you in solving the argument wisely by finding a decision that is good.
3.) Be a Good Listener: Listen carefully to what other people are saying. Be patient when someone is talking. You should avoid interruptions. From this talking, you'll gather a lot of information that assists you in critical thinking thus making good decisions.
4.) Avoid Making Abrupt Conclusions: Don't be tempted in making conclusions quickly. Give thorough revisions of the information that you have gained from the argument. If you rush to a conclusion, then the chances of making wrong decisions are very high.
5.) Do Away With Emotions: When you're in an argument, you may get emotional. However, all sorts of emotions should be done away with to allow critical thinking to take place. This way, you'll make decisions that are good.
6.) Knowing the Truth: From the information you have accumulated, it should be able to lead you in finding the truth. Don't perceive yourself to be right but rather let all the facts and assumptions reveal the truth. You'll make good decisions based on the truth.