Once a time was there, when food, shelter and clothing formed the basic needs of human beings. However, with the development in the industrial age another important factor that got added up to the list of basic needs was education. It is through education only that transmission of tradition and culture, running of politics and economy is made possible. study in France
At present, there are many traditional courses but engineering and medicine are still in high demand, yet in keeping with the changing trends at the national and global economic scenario, new educational programs are emerging fast, there by depicting the deviation from the older trend.Online education has become an important mode of education. Since the regular courses in India are getting very expensive and highly competitive, distance and online education is fast developing as an amazing option for the students, E-learning opportunities are immense in India.Recent trends and development in education highlight the vital and salient role of education in effects meeting the growing political and socio-economic challenges in the society.One of the major conflicting trends that can be noticed is the cost of education. As students can have an easy and cheap access to Internet with the help of Cyber Cafe and the various other cheap internet home connection schemes available these days.Another differing trend can be traced in the methodology of education, with lots of information to gather and more and more books to study, now students are found more burdened with studying learning and grasping the material and lectures on a contrasting note however, so much efforts are being put into making the learning process an enjoyable one. gnm
Roughly in every part of the country a problem that has been raised is that the type of education followed by the does always result in offering job to the graduate. Our education system does not provide the students with any assurance that they will get a job on completion of their education degree.A one of the strategies for building up of repetition, Internationalization will get more important. It may consist of international collaborations the faculty members and also the student for research tasks or offshore composer since many European Countries are anticipated to show their interest in India, so the collaboration will not only e restricted to America institution and universities only.
Quality of the education system in India has been lagging for quite some times now in comparison to the quantity. In the coming, too few changes are expected The educational incense in India would need to fulfill certain basic norms. The upcoming educational institutes are expected to be trend setters in adopting sector standards related to the quality of education.Education is the groundwork based on which any country can progress and develop.Without educated personnel, substance of a vibrant, economy is not possible some of the recent trends in education are quite apparent while others are still to make its presence felt some are yet to emerge and therefore subject to evolution and change. One way you can master the change is by spotting the trends and keeping flexible enough to get ready for the changes.