Happiness in relationship is as essential as food to man. Its one of the greatest joys of life. Unfortunately, as we move through life with our relationship, we are faced with challenges and obstacles; we get so caught up in the day-to-day demands of life that we end up giving very little attention to our relationship.
Entering and maintaining a happy relationship is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it doesn't exist in a vacuum; it doesn't just happen overnight or just because a couple is in love. Building a happy relationship takes both partners believing in their union and making effort to make it work. Here's some good advice for living a happily married life.
Men and women are different; not only do men and women differ in body structure, they as well communicate, think, feel, perceive, react, love, respond, need, and appreciate differently. This is why most times, your partner seem to have different opinion, idea, and belief from yours. The ability for both of you to merge your differences and move on, go a long way to tell if both of you will have a happy or fulfilled relationship.
Communication is a vital tool in building a relationship; if not properly managed, it can destroy everything you have built or invested in your relationship. It has the power to make you laugh and as well the power to make you cry. If you really want to have a happy relationship, learn to use the right words and tone. Most relationships are destroyed today, not because of what both partners did, but the language and tone they used on each other.
Giving is an act of love; its also an expression of love. For love to be fully enjoyed and appreciated, partners must be committed to doing what each other likes. There is no other secret to having a blissful relationship than for each partner to take full responsibility to seeing that the other partner is happy and living a fulfilling life; this in turn go a long way to determine the level of fulfillment in their love life.
People in a healthy relationship understand the necessity of living without all the answers to life and without all problems totally resolved. No matter how hard we try, one way or the other, we will still find ourselves breaking each others rules. Nobody is perfect, and we must be able to live with the imperfect if we really want to have a blissful relationship.
No matter how you feel, never question whether or not your relationship would last, and never threaten to leave it. Never believe your relationship will not work or that it might end up in divorce. Have it at the back of your mind that divorce is not even a consideration. Focus on the level of achievement and fulfillment you want in your relationship not on your fear.
About the Author
Ogidiolu Michael is a motivational speaker and a prolific writer. His teachings and counseling on relationships are loaded with powerful, proven ideas and strategies that anyone can apply to get better result in their relationship. Current projects include A LETTER TO MY SISTER BEFORE YOU SAY YES and MAKE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WORK.
If you want to learn more about how you can make your relationship work, visit this link; evergreen love now to grab a free eBook titled: "MAKE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WORK"
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Article Source: http://goarticles.com/article/DISCOVER-TO-5-ATTRIBUTES-OF-A-HAPPY-RELATIONSHIP/7803899/