Daily Success Habits are Critical to Long Term Success!
I first learned about the importance of having daily success habits from a terrific book called The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. Jeff Olson is one of the most successful mlm marketers of all time and a profound master of success habits - he practices what he preaches! In the book he talks about the fantastic results we can experience in our lives by the slight edge decisions we make on a daily basis. A good example is, do I eat a salad today or do I eat McDonalds. On the surface you may think that this is not a big deal, however if we compound the effects of doing that over 200 days in a few years. well it can be drastic. The magical thing about Jeff's book is how we can simplify our path to success through daily small disciplines.
Having a list of the smaller goals you have to accomplish each day to reach your vision is critical to success. Most of us unfortunately, wander hopelessly through life. We forget how to eat the elephant. one bite at a time. We then tend to make excuses. the elephant grew, the elephant changed color, the elephant did this, blah, blah, blah.
You may have a focusing problem like me. I used to have what I thought were daily success habits when I was building my business. However, I would come across frustrations that stopped me. Soon I was not performing the daily tasks and lost focus. I really did not develop good daily habits. More importantly, I did not realize the importance of monitoring and enforcing habits in my daily life.
Take Inventory Of Your Current Daily Success Habits
Do you find yourself frustrated? Are you trying to accomplish something but feel stuck with analysis paralysis or just too many ideas in your mind? I took inventory of myself and discovered all the above to be the case. My mind often raced too far ahead. I needed a stress free way of running my business and life. It was essential for me to stop, focus and accomplish DAILY goals.
Monitor Your Daily Success Habits like a Prized Possession
Once you have identified the daily success habits required to lead you to accomplishing your goals, you want to treat them with a high degree of importance. Yes, your goals or your vision may change. You may need to monitor and periodically adjust your goals and break them down into bite sized daily success steps. Through repetition, your daily tasks become habits, leading closer and closer to accomplishing your goals and vision.
Benefits of Having Daily Success Habits
There are countless benefits to having daily success habits. First and foremost, taking action becomes a routine which we cannot do without, therefore we almost unconsciously get things done. Secondly, knowing the simple steps you need to accomplish on a daily basis reduces stress, frustration and inactivity. Finally, success habits lead to creating a success mindset where you can accomplish great things in your entire life as well as your business.
Start Creating Daily Success Habits
My final note is for you to start making a simple slight edge decision on a daily basis to do something that relates to accomplishing your goals. The key is to force yourself to make the decision every day to do that task and allow yourself time (experts claim around 21 days) so that it becomes a habit you cannot do without!