Have you considered Why we should all Pray?

Dr. Purushothaman
November 6, 2014

Why do we pray to God and why do you pray? The following Why Pray article will guide you on the objective and motivation to pray.

God is deeply longing for His beloved to seek His face, not His hands and to seek His ways, not His moves. From the foundation of the world, our Abba Father has opened His heart and poured out His love upon the entire world through His Son. God longs for an intimate and mutual love relationship with man. Time and again, He reminds us to come back to Him and spend time mesmerizing His beauty, meditating on His precepts, basking in His holiness, and knowing him as in Yada, the way a man knows a woman intimately.

Though God is the Supreme Being and divine ruler of the world and all the universes beyond, He is the God in three persons (Father, Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit) having a personality. Unlike a watchmaker leaving behind its invention once created, God is a spiritual being demanding and requiring in love a divine connection with us. As such, we ought to relate with Him spirit-to-Spirit through a two-way communication called Prayer. / Because of that, it is of utmost importance to develop a spiritual contact with Him through what we call Prayer. }It is derived from the word in Latin precare defined as "to entreat or beg"

Why do we pray to God? First and foremost, we pray because God Himself is the author of prayer commanding each one of us to pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13).

All throughout the Old Testament, men and women of God exemplified ways to pray and used prayer in all its forms. God moved in their behalf as they lifted up the praying hands. Abraham interceded for his relative Lot along with his family and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah before its destruction (Gen. 18:16-33) and the same way with Moses who stood in the gap for the Jewish people in the desert as they disobey and complain against God (Numbers 14:11-20).

By persistence, Hannah prayed and made a commitment to the Lord to receive a child (1 Samuel 1:1-2:11) and her child, Samuel prayed for Israel despite their rejection of God and His ways (1 Samuel 7:5-13). By praise and adoration, David composed and sang Psalms while Hezekiah prayed as he is concerned with the name and glory of God (1 Kings 19:14-20).

By fasting and prayer, Daniel obeyed and communed with God all his life (Daniel 9:3-19) and Nehemiah prayed and fasted for wisdom and success in his plans and decisions (Nehemiah 1:10)

In the New Testament, Jesus lived a lifestyle of fasting and prayer (e.g. 40 days in the wilderness, rose up early to pray, prayed all night, prayed in Gethsemane) and taught His disciples how to pray and what to pray for as in the Lord's Prayer.

Why Pray I pray, is it the right way? We should pray to God because even Jesus, the Son of God prayed to resist temptations, cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, proclaim the gospel, perform signs, wonders, and miracles, set the captives free, and bind up wounds. Countless sick and oppressed people desperately begged and prayed healing prayer to Jesus to touch, heal, and make them whole.

God even said that we need to ask, receive, seek, find, knock, abide in Him, remain in Him, close the door when we pray, and when two or three come together in His name, He will be there in their midst.

Why Pray Many times in the Scriptures, God's command to pray reverberates especially for those who will believe as whatever they ask for in prayer will happen and He will do whatever they ask in Jesus' name. God delights to grant petitions of the saints through their prayer, thanksgiving, intercession, and requests.

You may be asking yourself: I pray to God and why prayers aren't answered? Perhaps you have asked yourself these questions: Why prayers aren't answered even if I pray to God? How do I pray now? Can anyone pray for me?

Why Pray More than just merely changing situations, prayer can and will transform our hearts and revive our love-relationship with our Maker and our neighbors. The best prayer we can pray to God is not when we make requests to intercede for others, resolve problems, heal sicknesses, vindicate from enemies, protect from evil or even turn the world upside down, it is prayer when we just close our eyes, bend down our knees, silence our hearts, cry out to Him without any agenda except to hear His voice, see His face and know Him in spirit and in truth.

If you decide to be in this posture all the days of your life and practice how to pray to God, He will definitely reveal Himself to you, show you His heart and saturate you with His loving kindness and bring restoration to your soul more than your wildest dreams and imagination.
Why Pray With prayer, we can appreciate God and comprehend His ways then find complete satisfaction in Him alone.

For More Information on Why Pray visit our website at http://goo.gl/R7zbN
About the Author

Why pray and how do you pray? The succeeding Why Do We Pray To God article will bring enlightenment on the significance and purpose of prayer.

Article Source : http://goarticles.com/article/Have-you-considered-Why-we-should-all-Pray/6142974/

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