Drug addiction is a major problem which plays havoc in the lives of not only the addicts but also their near and dear ones. It ruins personal lives and destroys families. Many die of drug abuse and alcoholism every year. More than that multitudes fall victims of despondency and despair, lacking hope and desire to live. Effective and accessible rehab programs are the only solution to this crisis. Rehab centers have come into prominence showing light to many grappling with the demons of addiction.
Finding the right rehab center can often be a challenging one. Drug addiction is a complex situation which demands proper treatment strategies and options for recovery. Various approaches to alcohol treatment and drug rehab are the bench mark of any good rehabilitation program. The most effective rehab program deals with not only the problem of addiction but also its causes. It helps the addicts to overcome addiction and lead a remarkable life in society.
Drug addiction is basically a disease and not a moral issue. It is not a matter of choice and therefore cannot be considered as a character flaw. Addiction works on two levels - the physical and the psychological. Therefore, successful drug and alcohol rehab program should address both the roots. Otherwise it would become a failure in the long run. Rehab programs which confront all the forms of addiction will bring forth lasting results.
In the physical realm, addiction works through chemical reactions in the human brain. Excessive use of drugs can change the chemical composition of the brain thereby the drug becoming an essential part of body's "normal" metabolic processes. There comes a stage that they can not survive without drugs. The psychological root of addiction is also troublesome. The way body depends on drug for viability, mind relies on drug for emotional stability. An addict looks towards drugs to face any sort of trouble. Individual will become suspended here due to the constant use of drugs.
Detoxification is the first round of rehabilitation. This is to get rid of the poisonous substances in the body accumulated due to addiction. Nutritional diet, counseling and fitness regime play their role in regaining strength after the detoxification process. The psychological problems faced by the patients are also fixed in the rehab process. Group therapy sessions and other interactive sessions enhance the level of confidence of the victims thereby helping them to come out of their shells. A new hope is instilled in the addicts who are in the process of recovery that they can be productive members of the society.
Though the road toward sobriety seems to be lengthy and cumbersome, the destination is worthy. Rather than wailing in the pit of despair, the world of caring human beings is beckoning the addicts ready to help. It all finally depends on the resolution and determination of the addicts and their loved ones whether to grab the extended hands or refuse them.