Competitive Examinations are those examinations that are conducted by various Government, semi-Government and sometimes private bodies to test your eligibility and aptitude for a particular cater or job. These examinations normally cover General Knowledge, a English Language Paper and one paper that is on area-specific to the career chosen.
The periodic increase through pay commissions and the growing stature of Government servants at all levels including our Defence personnel, technical personnel, and Statisticians combined with the high levels of job insecurity, equally high levels of stress, etc. in the Private sector meant that more and more people want to enter into Government service.
One should be quite careful and well prepared while preparing for these Competitive Exams.The questions paper of previous year should be solved rigorously. If you go through these question papers it would give you a great help when the real examination paper is in front of you. It is all because of recession that the competition to clear these exams is increasing every time. The questions that appear in these competitive exams are really knowledge oriented and mind boggling. So a proper preparation is a must to clear these exams.
The minds of the candidates going to sit for these exams is in full tension and their days go studying. The mind should be brought in calm state so as to perform 100% in the examinations. Top survive in the examination one should keep on entering these exams even if success is not achieved. This gives a good practice top the aspirant's mind who's going to enter these exams.
Some of competitive exams includes UPSC Exams for IAS and Defence related jobs, SSC Exams ( Staff Selection Commission) for staffing in various government offices, and Banking Examinations for bank PO or bank clerk jobs, Indian Council of Agriculture Research exams, Joint Entrance exam Councils.
A large number of students take part in these examinations. Some of them handle it cool heatedly but some remain under heavy stress until and unless exams get over.
There these exams should always be handled with a stable and cool mind. If prepared well these exams can really shape up your future brightly.