Archive by category Wellness & Wellbeing for All

Journey To Wellbeing

What are we really seeking in Life?

Illbeing or Well Being?

No Doubt!Well Being!!

Let’s understand that Well Being is an Ideal, Balanced state in Our Life,
where one is leading a Stress-free, Serene Life in Positive Health,
Harmony,Happiness,Love and Peace.

Experiencing Well Being is really a Journey in Life.

Please join Us in this journey!!


Why we are alarmed?

Dr. Purushothaman
June 6, 2021

The world around us is changing in all respects. The way people feel, behave and respond to the things that surround them has never been stable or fixed. But …

Why We Are Agitated?

Dr. Purushothaman
May 30, 2021

Agitation is usually associated with aggravation, annoyance and restlessness. It is normal to feel agitated from time to time given a hectic work schedule or …